WDYET?? *** MONDAY ***
Lucky I practice yoga because I've been trying to keep inner peace all day! lol its been a ZOO here, the first full week of classes and oddly enough, professors need more help than the students! The day is almost over, only 4 days left and then its cruise time
BF is driving me nuts with his lazyness and being bent out of shape about missing New England sports, hopefully they'll show next weekends games in the sports bar and we can leave the 3 brothers to commiserate together
We shopped like crazy this weekend. I found a few dresses, a bathing suit (finally), couple pair of shorts and tops and the travel necessities (shampoo and all that kind of stuff).. Packing will commence at the end of the week
so heres my day, I've been hungry like crazy!
Drive to work - water, didn't have time to mix a shake
medium coconut iced coffee, xmilk, 3 splenda
breakfast - weight control oatmeal with smart milk
early lunch - 7 soy buffalo nuggets
snack - pear
drive home - protein shake
dinner - brown rice with msf burger and beans
snack - grapes
vitamins - took them, need to refill the chewable multi they're finally gone
water - so much I'm surprised I haven't floated away yet
exercise - 30 minutes on the bike when I get home, no time to leave the desk today
hows everyone doing?

It's crazy here too! I'll be sooooo glad when Saturday night's event is OVER!
Breakfast: great grains bagel with peanut butter and a banana
Lunch: cup of mushroom chowder and half of a turkey sandwich
Snack: lite applesauce cup and SF caramel pudding cup
Dinner: steak tips, peas
Snack: NSA Fudgsicle
Water: 64 ounces so far
Vitamins: all in
Exercise: Body for Life upper body workout
Is it 5:00 p.m. yet???
Hugs, Stephanie

mand I feel like a pig today
cup of coffee
susauge biscuit
diet caffine free coke
1 piece of catfish, a few french fries, a few bites of white beans, and part of a salad
16 oz water
diet caffine free coke
nature valley peanut butter cranola bar
for dinner...we are haivng lord knows what...we have boy scouts tonight...so will take a bottle of water with me
excersize went shopping with my mom and sister for 3 hours does that count?
B: protein coffee
S: more coffee, oooops
L: 1 med. chicken thigh
S: 4 sugar free chocolate covered cherries
1/4 c. Fage yogurt w/strawberries
later.....vodka, more vodka. ok, about 5oz. it's that kinda day.
D: 4oz beef tenderloin
3/4 c. stir fry veg
vits done
exer nope
water 60 so far, aiming for 80