I didnt post yesterday because I sat around beating myself up over bad, bad eating habits. I was so mad at myself yesterday for letting my mind act like the pre-op days that the rest of the night was only protein shakes. One of my pre-op eating issues was everything times two (2 servings of ice cream, 2 cookies, 2 servings of chips, 2 waffles, 2 slices of pizza, 2 orders of nuggets, 2 ... , 2... , 2.......... ) Yesterday we had a staff appreciation day at work, a pizza party with salad, pizza and ice cream. I purposly got to the party a little late so I wouldn't be around the food all day and put lots of salad on the plate with a slice of cheese pizza which filled me to content...
a co-worker and I stayed behind to make sure things were put away and while waiting for things to end, I had another slice of pizza, not because I was hungry, just because I felt like eating and mentally because I use to eat in 2's, so why not...
I left the party stuffed and angry with myself for doing that. There was no need to eat that second slice and it was a huge reality slap since I use to eat that way and this week I've felt I've gone back to my old ways (waffles at night, wendy's chicken nuggets and fries, 2 hot dogs now 2 slices of pizza). I feel like for the longest I've been making the right decisions, but why is it now I feel like its ok to eat what I use to? because I'm at my goal? because I can eat more? because I dont get sick like I use to when eating too much fat? its frustrating!
ok off my soapbox I go...
Tbsp of liquid calcium
drive to work - pink lemonade protein shake
medium coconut iced coffee, xmilk, 3 splenda
breakfast / lunch - 2 protein muffins (too busy at work getting ready for the semester)
drive home - isofruit cantaloupe protein shake
dinner - either chicken lo mein or another protein shake...
vitamins - taken all except my second calcium
water - 3 - 16oz bottles so far
exercise - walk the charles after work with bf!
hows everyone doing today? let us know!

Hang in there girl, it's normal to slip sometimes, it doesn't mean you're on the path to failure again...you're aware of the problem and can reign that behavior back in! I struggled with quantities too. I have a hard time saying no in social settings too!
I think shifting from Losing Mode to Maintenance Mode is a whole different animal and it's HARD.
I've been playing with the same d$%# 4 pounds for a month now. I'm up I'm down I'm up, I'm up..... SO annoying! I've been being good all day only to night snack...which was a big problem preop.
Thank Goodness I've just realized that the urge to snack happens mostly on nights I skip dinner--which I shouldn't be doing anyway, it's just an old pre-op starving myself habit. Now that I hit goal, I feel like I have to starve myself to stay there! Which is stupid b/c since I've been skipping dinner--and snacking, that's when the scale starting bouncing around. sigh.
anyway didn't mean to write a book, just comiserating with you.
not the best eating day...on the run all day.
B: protein coffee
S: 2oz cheese
Double espresso
L: protein shake
S: 1 oz cheese
1 NSA Dove Bar
1 toast
D: 1 cup Beef Stew
S: Edamame
Exer: 1 hour step class
vits done
water 100oz
ok well i never post so i own up to my bad habits today
breakfast 1/2 small micky d's coffe 1 cream 1 splenda
1/2 sausage biscuit
snack 1 diet caffine free sams cola
linch 1 diet caffine free coke
afternon snack 1/2 of a seedless watermelon...those ones the smaller then a soccer ball
dinner 1 slice of span and about 1/8 cup of baked beans
another diet caffine free sams soda
snack a handful of potatoe chips
I know so bad only a few sips of water here and there, a sip of koolaid after dinner to wa**** down and not enough food to amount to anything...but yet I am not loosing becasue I don't excersize.... I so need to get it together.