Busy day here, a few meetings with outside groups, fixing a few computers that are running at a turtles pace and leaving early for a support group meeting on a much needed wake up call.. vitamins I really need to start taking these faithfully, my labs come back and when they're good, i think of it as a gamble and I won instead of thinking, ok they were good, don't chance it, start taking them everyday i hope they scare the heck out of me today at the meeting and I get on track!
ok so heres my day
wake up - green lemonade
drive to work - protein shake isofruit pink lemonade
breakfast - blueberry protein muffin
lunch - chicken lo mein
dinner - stuffed zucchini
water - 2 bottles so far
vitamins - multi...
exercise - no time, tomorrow planning 2 walks in the morning before the rain
I have been lurking around this board since surgery. I have posted a few times. I really appreciate all the support that is shared. I am concerned about Darlene. The last post from her was a few weeks ago and she was very depressed. I tried to go onto her account and it tells me its either marked private or no longer valid account. I understand the depression and trying to get used to how everyone treats me different. I think all of us to one degree or another for that matter. If someone on the board has access to her account or a email could they drop her a line to let her know she is missed. Thanks.
today I ate ...
1/2 c cottage cheese
3 veggie bites
16 oz water
chicken salad
100 cal pack grasshopper cookies
1/2 low carb bagel w/sf jelly
16 oz water
Drive to work: 2 light babybel cheese pieces
Breakfast: multigrain bagel with peanut butter and sliced banana
Snack: lite applesauce cup and sf caramel pudding
Lunch: hamburger patty
Dinner: chef salad
Snack: NSA Fudgsicle and gave in to the leftover brownies - I ate half of one
Water: 90 ounces
Vitamins: all in
Exercise: spinning class
Hugs, Stephanie