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~ Stylz ~
on 8/2/07 1:19 am - North of Boston, MA
I remember you from the other post and glad you keep me company on it! ;) you've done so well and have been one motivated marcher!! i've always heard so much that muscle weighs more than fat, do you think that could be the issue? you're so determined, I know you can get down to onederland and when you do, we'll have to get together again and !!
on 7/31/07 10:53 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
Ok I am guilty i am a lurker too! It's been a crazy summer but almost over the kids back to school on the 10th. We are still working at getting to japan...they told us monday we have to start from scratch teh 5th person has gotten fired who is suppose to be working on our case.....some day i'll get there even if I have to pay my own way My consult weight was 315 ( not my highest weight ) day of surgery 278 today 155 ( low was 150) total weight loss 160 I was in 2X now I am wearing 8 and even some 6's my blues are actually different from you guys...before I had surgery I was the most out going and full of confidende girlfriend would tell everyone we'd go to a club and before we could get in the door I would be geting hit on...we actually went to a club one time a group of 5 girls 2 like 22, my self 30, robin 32 and Suzie was 33...I actually get hit on more then the 4 of them combined...The young girls were so mad at me ont he way home...anyway I haven't seen Robin in 2 years and she was here last week...we went out and she says...girl you need to get fat again we've not had 1 guy come to our for me i have having a hard time with people NOT noticing me...I'm like don't you have a clyue as to what I went through to look like this!...but they don't I came back to town AFTER i had lost the weight...most did not know me when I was big...but besides that I guess maybe it's because my husband and I actually have a relationship now rather then like room mates before surgery I don't have a need or want to impress guys...but kind of thrown by the fact it's not happening anyway. I guess I thought I would get more attention for my looks after haivng this where as before the attention was because of who I was...Oh well...i am fighting with food choices too not as much makes me sick any longer adn I can eat almost 2 slices of pizza...that worries me becasue it's not like I can shrink my tummy back...miss you all! Mimi
on 8/2/07 1:36 pm - Cottage Grove, OR
Hey Mimi I think you are subconciously putting off different "vibes" to men now, because you and Joey have been doing so well, and you two have a renewed relationship now. You get what I'm saying? You are in love with Joey and this is giving other men an "unavailable aura". Before, you didn't feel good about your appearance, and you were wanting attention. Now your hubby gives you all the love and attention you were craving
on 8/3/07 10:19 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
I am mostly on the Texas board b/c we are back to living in texas and I run around a bit with some of the gals off that board but I do come and lurk here now and then I started at 372 surg curretn 196 with a goal of 145 size 32 to size 10/12 tops and 14 bottoms shoes from 11 W to 9 reg LOl who knew how fat my feet were my current goal is 186 b/c that will put me at exactly half of my surg wieght I am still bike riding like crazy - averaging 100 miles a week - running/speed walking 60 mins 4-6 days a week, some yoga and pilates when I get to them LOL I am dealing with a stricture (I think at least that is what is up) right now so back to all liquids - not great but hey I droped 4 pounds yesterday - geez remember when that was not a shocking thing at the begining dealing with lots of crap - with the help of Hevenly Father, my wonderful hubby and wellbutrin - teen is in jail, house in AK not selling nor looking like it will and we can not swing house payment AND rent much longer but I am OK with me and that make a huge differance miss you all danni 372/196/145
Mary M.
on 8/4/07 9:47 am - Livonia, MI
HI all, I am still lurking, just not daily. I am working a lot since I have the energy and my knees don't hurt as much. I know the struggles people are talking about with mood issues. I tried an antidepressant but it just made me dizzy. I guess we just have to get used to the new "us". I still feel huge and have a hard time thinking of myself as anything but. Oh well, I will keep on working at it. If it was easy any could do it. Right! Darlene, if you ever feel like talking feel free to come to the board or email me at home. Whatever you need. You are not a burden. You are one smart girl! I started at 178 and am now 161. I would love to get to 145 and am still losing, but not fast but I am OK with that. I am just glad that I feel good. I feel really bad for those that have had medical problems since surgery. I am focusing on that positive. Have a great day and thanks for posting this thread. We needed to come out of the wood work!! Mary
on 8/5/07 3:56 pm - Western, KY
I hate to hear that so many of us are having issues with head issues, but I'm glad to know that I'm not abnormal! My main problem right now is that I feel like an imposter. I'm in someone else's body. It's so weird. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I weigh less than I've ever weighed as an adult. I'm below goal. But yet, I'm sad all of the time. I just want everyone to leave me alone! I've been on Lexapro, but forget to take it half the time. I guess it won't work unless I take it. I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, so I hurt a lot of the time. I was supposed to be more active and do more stuff once I lost weight. Now I spend more time in the house (if that's possible) and have a hard time motivating myself to do anything outside of the house, including work. OK, I'm gonna stop complaining now. Here's my stats: Before: 359 Now: 145 total loss: 214 BMI was 54.5 (Super Morbidly Obese) BMI now is 22 (normal) I was in a size 30 or more and a 4XL. I'm now in a size 10 (possibly a size 8, I haven't checked, but others on another message board told me that my jeans looked too big, and I thought they were just right!) and a Medium shirt (again, I'm assuming here, because I haven't bought any new shirts in a while and I'm still wearing my larges, but they are quite roomy.) Reading this, it seems like I should be really happy. Now if I could talk myself into believing that! Good luck to everyone. Hopefully we can beat these blues.
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