Exercise - not the results I want

on 7/5/07 12:49 am - Columbia, MD
Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July. We had a really nice day. I got rid of clutter in my house (three teenage girls that just do not pick up after themselves can really leave a big mess!!!). We went to a BBQ and enjoyed wonderful friends and food. I made "dirt cake" and it was delicious. I only had a couple bites because that stuff would definately make me sick if I ate too much. We dodged the rain a couple of times and our fireworks were cancelled due to the tornado watch in Howard County. Bummer because I love fireworks. We watched the ones on TV that they had in DC. Its just not the same. So on Tuesday I went to the gym to workout. It's been a month today since I started the circuit training. I have lost 2 lbs but I haven't lost any inches and I GAINED an inch in my thigh - the exact opposite of what i am trying to do. The gal at the gym said that was odd and that I should not have gained any inches. Staying the same was not unusual she said but the gain was not good. I am really disappointed. I feel like I am working for nothing. I know that exercise is good for me and I do have more energy when I am consistent with working out. But I am not seeing results that I would like to see and that is very disheartening. I will take my own measurements today to compare with the past years progress. I am sure it won't be any different though. I broke down crying in the middle of my circuit training on Tuesday. The workouts are tough and I just got so down because I work so hard for nothing. In fact I am bigger and that is sooo upsetting. I do NOT need to get bigger in my thighs! I am going to up the circuit rounds to two times at 1 min ea and I am going to do 3x a week instead of just two. Maybe that will help. I keep praying that I will have a plastics surgery date soon and I pray that it will help me get rid of some inches. Part of me wonders if that will even help though. I think I am just destined to have huge thighs and wide hips. That makes me very sad. I will get over it and move on. I will continue to workou****ching these thighs slap all over the place. Hopefully I will move on to acceptance of my fate soon. I am sorry to dump on y'all like this. I just don't really have anyone to talk to about things like this with. I will be working out at home this evening. I am by myself today so I have to stay chained to my desk for the most part. I have the phones for three of us and am covering 10 managers calendars calls/meetings, etc. so I will be quite busy today. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of this "short" week. I know I am looking forward to only having to be here for two more days! Hugs, Robin
Stephanie Smiles
on 7/5/07 1:27 am - My Town, NH
Hi Robin. Just wanted you to know that I can completely relate! I exercise fairly regularly (spinning, cardio and weight training) and am simply not seeing any results. Pounds nor inches. It's very frustrating! I have my plastic surgery consult on September 10th and we'll see what he says about me. Worse yet, I cannot even get close to 199! I hover between 207 and 212 depending on the day. People tell me I look great and I wonder how on earth someone can look great when they weigh 210 pounds or so! I'm still obese for crying out loud! Anyway, just wanted you to know that you aren't alone. Dump anytime you like! Hugs, Stephanie
on 7/5/07 5:25 am - Columbia, MD
Hi Stephanie. I am sorry you are struggling too. I would like to say that you do look great. I know how you feel though. When others compliment me, my first response is to wrinkle my nose and remind them of these hips and thighs. But I am working on accepting the compliment with a smile and a thank you. I hope you continue to stick with the exercise (as I am going to) and that we will both begin to see the fruits of our labors. As I said to Amy I, I am getting some results, albeit not what I am looking for but I'll take it. I always feel better physically and emotionally after working out and I am maintaining and not gaining. That has to count for something. I have never maintained any amount of weight loss for this amount of time. So we will keep encouraging each other to never quit and to keep fighting! Hugs, Robin
Amy I.
on 7/5/07 4:15 am - KS
Repeat after me! I WILL NOT GIVE UP! I WILL NOT GIVE UP! This is an old habit. Giving up when we don't see results right away. I know because I am coming off of it! I didn't give up, I kept going, but I didn't lose anything for 3 months and actually I gained 6 pounds during that time. I worked so hard. I went to the gym 3-5 times a week plus ran 10 miles a week and walked 10 miles a week and a zumba class on top of all of that. And NOTHING! But I did feel good. Seeing is not always believing. So don't give up, don't succumb to old failing habits, keep plugging away. I have noticed that my "fat" is redispersing it's self from one place to another. One week my legs would be bigger but my waist would be smaller. Then all of a sudden my legs would go down in measurements. ( walking fast! has helped my legs more than anything. not just a stroll but speed walking) You CAN do this! Don't give up just because you are not seeing results "right now!" You have come to far to give up now. And that is what everyone on the outside is expecting us to do. Give up and go back to the old "FAT" us! And I am going to fight the whole way! Fight with me! Amy I
on 7/5/07 5:15 am - Columbia, MD
I will not give up...I will not give up... Thanks Amy. I know that I must stick with it and that eventually I will reap the rewards. In a way, I am already reaping some rewards. I am not gaining any weight back, which is huge for me. I mean, I have held fairly steady now for nearly 4 months...that is a huge accomplishment in itself. I never maintained any weight loss for this long. And I really do FEEL so much better, not just physically but emotionally too. So I can't, and I WON'T, give up or quit. I'm fighting with you! Hugs, Robin
on 7/6/07 2:54 am - Inland Empire, CA
Were you measured by the same person? Maybe she just measured in a different spot so it came back different...? I'm so sorry, but please don't let this defeat you or make you work out less. Amy is very right, it could just take longer and if you give up now, it would be such a waste. You are doing SO much good for your long term health and longevity, and like you said, you have been successfully maintaining which in itself is HUGE. I know it's hard when we work our a$$ off and it feels like it's for nothing when we don't get the hoped for results--but it's NOT for nothing, you are setting yourself and your metabolism up for long term success! And that's really what this was all about. I hope you keep up the good work and see the changes you want soon. take care! Rebeka
on 7/6/07 3:01 am - Columbia, MD
Thanks Rebeka. I know that i can't give up. I refuse to go back up the scale so I am determined to keep going. And knowing that these hips/thighs love me so much they just don't want to leave ( ) I will just have to keep working and wait longer for the results I want. I know if I keep it up I will see those results. It's all about the long-term and lifestyle right?! Hugs, Robin
on 7/8/07 3:23 am - On the coast of somewhere beautiful
Hi Robin, I don't read the board regularly and I definitely don't post often, but your post made me want to share something with you. This past January, I began a 12 weeek boot camp style training program, which ended on March 30th. It was hard...3 days a week at 6 am for an hour doing boot camp style exercises complete with running, squats, push-ups...anything and everything that comprises armed forces basic training. The trainers at the gym all told me that this was the program where people dropped the most amount of weight...up to 35 pounds during the 12 week session. We got weighed and body fat measurements were taken on the first day. We were also tested on a one mile run, push-ups to exhaustion and sit-ups to exhaustion. I couldn't run the mile...I ended up with an 18 minute mile...the worst in the class. I could only do 5 push-ups and 11 sit-ups. The trainer assured me that all these would improve. I have to say that I was doubtful and felt ashamed. This class was beyond me and everyone was so much more fit than I was. He told me that I would see a greater improvement over anyone else in the class because of where I was coming from. During the first several weeks, I thought about quitting many times, especially since the scale wasn't moving and people in my class who didn't even need to drop weight were dropping weight fast. It was discouraging to say the least and I talked with the trainer about it and told him I wanted to quit. It was too hard and I wasn't seeing any results. He got in my face and told me..."Don't you dare quit. Everyone's body is different and I promise you that your body is changing although you don't see it on the scale. I will see you at the next class." Ok...I am a people-pleaser and I didn't want to disappoint him, so I showed up to the next class and the next and the next. At the six week mark we were weighed and tested again. I only lost 1.5 pounds and lost 4% body fat. Now I was able to complete the one mile "run" in 14 minutes. I could now do 21 push-ups and 45 sit-ups. It was exciting to see those measurable results even though it was definitely not showing on the scale. So, the next 6 weeks passed and the during that time, the class got progressively harder...one-handed pushups, 100 squats at a time, longer periods of running. During the last 6 weeks of the program, I made it my goal to complete the run in 12 minutes. I went to the gym on my off days and practiced my run. I told my trainer of my goal. He thought it was an aggressive goal and wasn't sure I could improve myself that much in so little time. He told me that shaving 2 minutes off a run time is hard to do, never mind in only 6 weeks. But he saw me there on my off-days and was there the entire time encouraging me. Each time I ran I was able to take a few more seconds off the time. We were tested again on our "graduation" day. I was just elated that I made it through the program. My run time: 11:50. Push-ups: 43. Sit ups:72. I only lost 6 pounds during the entire 12 weeks, but I lost 8% body fat. I was the most improved person on the team. My fitness level improved dramatically, although I wasn't the one that lost the most amount of weight. When I made my run time goal, you should have seen the proud look on my trainer's face. He had tears in his eyes and so did I. At my last doctor's check up, my resting heart rate was 61. My BP was 107/67. The doctor said I had the resting heart rate of a runner and that I was very physically fit on the inside, although you wouldn't know it on the outside ( I still have 35 pounds to goal). Remember also that even though it doesn't show on the outside, with exercise you are most likely losing visceral fat ( the fat around your organs) and that is a very good fat to lose. My boot camp instructor is now my personal trainer. Because of him I did not give up. He's amazed at what I have accomplished and I know that if it wasn't for him getting in my face and telling me I could do it, I would have quit. I have to say that completing that rigorous program was the greatest accomplishment of my life. I gained so much self-confidence from it and I did things that I never thought I could do. I also learned that a big part of this journey is mental. There was so many times when my body was at exhaustion and wanted to quit, but mentally I told myself I couldn't and pushed on. I didn't mean for this post to be a novel, but I just wanted to let you know that I know what you are experiencing and I know how you feel. But like my trainer said to me "Changes are happening in your body that you aren't even aware of." Why don't you measure yourself based on sit-ups, push-ups, etc? Or come up with some other personal goal that is based on fitness and not so much around weight? I promise you that looking at it this way will make you feel so much better about things and about yourself and you are working too hard now to give up. Don't give up! You are too strong to give up. You have come so far, so don't let this hurdle defeat you. If I could do it, you can too!!!! Joanne
Amy I.
on 7/12/07 10:58 pm - KS
Joanne, I just read your post! THANK YOU so much. When I read this I felt that you were speaking directly to me! I should measure in what I have accomplished and what I can do and not obsessing over the weight not lost. (15 more to go) I went to the Dr. the other day and the nurse took my heart rate and said you have a runners heart rate. I didn't connect it with anything until you said this in your post. (55 resting heart rate) Your right! That is an accomplishment! I should be proud! So today I am focusing on the good things that I am doing for my body. ( running, weights, walking, heck just moving!) Thank you for your inspiration Amy I
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