I did something interesting yesterday...

on 6/30/07 8:54 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
On Saturday my work had it's annual family picnic. It's held at a local amusement park. DH and I went. As we are walking through the park we pass the guy who guesses your height and gosh forbid, *in a whisper* your weight! GASP!!! DH says why don't you have him guess your weight. My first reaction was nah, and then stopped and thought, hey yes, I will do that. When in my life have I ever been able to even phathom the idea of getting on the scale in a public place in front of thousands of people and not just die. So I walked up, handed the guy my $2, and he says 177. I think ugh, he got me, my home scale says 174. (He gets to be within 3lbs for him to win). So onto the scale I go and dang their scale says I weigh somewhere around 10lbs more than what my home scales says. (But of course I believe my scale and docs scale which match LOL) DH said the guy before us was walking away saying same thing that the scale was off. So that is good! LOL Anyways, if you haven't guessed yet, I won because it was off by more than 3 lbs. Guess he just lost on two people, he might want to check that scale for accuracy.LOL It was kind of a wow moment. I never would have in my life gotten on one of those scales to do this. But yesterday I was confident enough, and proud enough to be able to. I have to thank my surgeon and then myself. I worked for it and I earned it. I love the things I find almost every day that I can do that I never could or would. So, I'm giving myself a big woohoo today for that!! Hope everyone's weekend has been good and that you get out there and move!! Enjoy this gorgeous weather!
on 6/30/07 9:09 pm - Nashua, NH
Woo hoo Ruth Ann - hope you won alot!!!! That is a great story and thanks for sharing. I am still about 50 pounds away from walking that walk...but maybe next summer!!!! You have done a great job and look wonderful! Hugs to you, Barbara
Rick A.
on 7/1/07 7:39 am - Far Northern, CA
Ruth Ann, That was really brave of you. I think I might do the same thing given the opportunity. One of my issues is not seeing the weight loss I have achieved. So if someone else was to guess my weight and be in the ballpark it would mean that I really do appear to weigh what the scale says I weigh. Along the same lines, I occasionally ask my wife if I was as big as someone we might see on the street or at the pool. I just have lost my perspective. I have always felt like I have always just been me. I don't have a sense of my physical size. Oh well, life is interesting. Rick
on 7/1/07 8:23 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Rick, I think we all have a hard time with perspective. I don't have a problem seeing how big I was when I look back at pictures. I'm actually appauled and can't imagine how I ever got there and not knew it. But I do the asking DH thing all the time now trying to figure out what I look like. I have days I look in the mirror and think wow, look thin, good and all that good stuff. Then another day I walk around all day saying how fat I am. I never did that at 350 lbs. LOL I really can't figure out exactly how I look now. I know what I weigh, I can see the numbers, but I dont ever recall weighing this, so what does this look like? LOL Hope you give the guess your weight thing a try!!! Hope you have had a great weekend.
~ Stylz ~
on 7/1/07 9:55 am - North of Boston, MA
that sounds like so much fun and to you and your new found confidence!! Even though his scale was wrong, just getting on it in public is a huge WOW moment! I would have cringed being post op and even hearing that there was someone trying to guess my weight. Probably would have RAN to the other side of the amusement park too! lol but now, it sounds exciting! A few months ago I went to the GAP and the guy "guessed my size" of course I looked at him like he was crazy when he did because it was much smaller than I would have picked, but he was right! maybe I should go back and give him $2 for being right on the guess glad you had a good day!
Stephanie Smiles
on 7/2/07 2:58 am - My Town, NH
Ruth Ann, can you imagine doing that even a year ago?!? I know I wouldn't have even walked near that blasted scale! That's a definite woohoo for you! Hugs, Stephanie
on 7/3/07 12:39 am - Cottage Grove, OR
Dang girl, you got some guts!
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