on 6/23/07 4:08 am - Milwaukee, WI
It has been a while since i posted, its actually because i am so embarrased, everyone is doing so well and has reach there goal, i am not doing going at all I was weighing 431 I am down to 253, i am so greatful for my weight loss but i am just motivated any more , I have been at the same weight for about 3 months now. I can basically eat everything and anything without getting sick. i cant tell if i am full i am just a mess. i think about food all the time , i eat stuff that i know i shouldn't eat , i don't even know where to start to do right. I had a stricture awhile back and once that was fixed i was able to eat normally not like really small bites. i just really needs so support and guidance. I moved to a diffrent state i don't have a dr I dont have a nutristionist. I just don't know what to do someone please help me.
Rick A.
on 6/23/07 7:04 am - Far Northern, CA
Hi, Okay here comes a "little tough love". First I want to tell you that losing 178 pounds is terrific. I know it gets harder the farther out we get from the surgery. We have to trust our "tool" and use it to work for us. In the old days when I needed to get my head on straight, I would go on a three day fast. I don't recommend that now, but what you might consider is planning "a do over". Start by going one week on liquids and liquid protein then a week of pureed and then onto soft foods. It will be very difficult, but it will give you a chance to regroup and put your head in the right place. Also something to consider is if you want to be "bad" do it in a good way. If you must snack (and I know I shouldn't but I still do) have healthy snacks. There are great choices including sugar free puddings and nuts are always good in moderation. I enjoy a sugar free fudge bar almost daily. What I'm trying to say is you CAN do it, it just wont be easy. You have come so far, but your journey is not over. Come here for help when you are struggling, you wont get beat up and we will encourage you. We all have struggled. It is just part of the game. One more thing, if you believe in a "Higher Power" ask for help, it's not a weakness, just a sign that you are human. Here's a hug from me to you. Rick
on 6/26/07 12:40 am - Columbia, MD
Hi Sweety Pooh. You are not alone. I am struggling in a very similar way. You have lost a lot of weight & you should be very proud of that fact. Don't discount how far you have come. I think we all knew that at some point & time in this journey we would come to a place where we could eat "normally". I have found myself back in the habit of life being all about food. I recently thought about the first few months post-op and missed the days where I had to remind myself to eat because I didnt' get hungry or think of food for hours at a time. I have decided that I should plan my meals and in between them I do whatever it takes to not think about food. I get busy, eat a mint, something to not have my mind on food. I have also admitted to myself that I will always struggle with food. I will always have to watch what I eat and how much. If I don't I know I'll put the weight back on. I don't know if I will ever reach my personal goal weight. But I do know that I will NEVER go back. I refuse to allow myself to gain weight. So I will do whatever it takes, be that exercise, putting myself back on liquid protein drinks for a few days here and there, anything that I have to do to not gain any of my weight back. Only you can find that determination in yourself to continue this journey. You can do it. When you are ready to you will take the necessary steps to get back to losing. Until then, enjoy the success you have had and just don't allow yourself to go backwards, no matter what!!! You are worth the effort it will take to hang onto your weight loss. Hugs, Robin
on 6/26/07 1:27 am - Cottage Grove, OR
I ALSO moved to a different state, and didn't have a doctor or nutritionist for the last 7 months. It has been difficult, I've tried to find nearby support groups in this new area to establish myself. Have you looked for a support group in your new area? I agree with the previous posts about doing a liquid diet for a few days, then all protein for a few days, etc... to get yourself back in a "losing mode". I have been considering the same thing for myself. I also feel like I can eat more, and don't feel sick/nausious from sugars and fats as much anymore. Its like I'm returning to "normal", and its SCARY!! Because I'm realizing that I must use self control. I never had self control before, so where am I going to find it now? But... I DO KNOW... I REFUSE TO GO BACK!! I didn't come all this way and suffer through this surgery for nothing! Stay on these message boards and post whenever you can. Asking for support (like you did in this post) is a great way to fight against obesity. You recognized a problem and came forward with it, so I know you will be successful. 1) stay active on OH 2) find a nearby support group, and attend it 3) try going back to liquids/high protein 4) be proud of your weightloss and never go back to the old you!! *hugs*
~ Stylz ~
on 6/30/07 11:39 am - North of Boston, MA
hi Sweety Pooh, you shouldn't feel embarrased as you've lost and have kept it off thus far! you should be proud of that loss and try to remain focused to continue with losing! Everyone loses their motivation, but to keep losing, we have to find a way to get motivated again. Everyone here has posted great suggestions on how to get back on track! I find when I'm losing my motivation in weight loss I attend more support groups, it helps get me focused again. Theres also a few weight loss/bypass shows on cable that can be very inspirational if you're stuck in a rut. Another thing I've done to help keep me on track is read some bypass books. Theres a book called "Exodus from obesity" - A guide for long term success after weight loss surgery. Its a great book and was very helpful for me when I needed direction back to weight loss! good luck with your progress and by all means, become a frequent poster here with us on the Marchers board. We're all here for eachother as our own support group!
on 7/2/07 1:44 am - Dubuque, IA
Hi Sweety Pooh, Don't feel alone. I was doing great until about 3 weeks ago. Although my weight loss had slowed , and then almost stopped, I was able to eat what I wanted and maintain. Now, just like that, I gained 10 lbs. What an eye opener. I have to re-look at my eating habits. It does require a new start and the protien drink approach will make us appreciate the real foods we can eat and stay healthy. Good luck and keep trying. Wendy
on 7/8/07 9:32 am - Troutman, NC
I know its been awhile since you posted this, but when I read it, it was like omg that is exactly how I feel. I am not where I want to be and I havent even changed my picture or updated my info since I first had surgery. I struggle everyday looking at the loose fat just hanging knowing I can't afford surgery. I should be feeling great, but I know I don't eat right, Lord knows I start every day over giving it all I got. I went from 350+ to 235-240. I can get in a size 16 in stretch pants/shorts, but its a struggle trying to actually push and arrange the fat around to get them up and of course wearing a bathing suit, might as well forget it without all hanging out underneath! I am suppose to go on a cruise with my job on Jan. 14, my birthday, and I have opted not to go because Im to embarrassed by the loose skin.I don't even want to have sex with my man of 9 yrs because of it! GEEZZEE, if anyone hears of someway to get help with these surgerys, please let me know...Can't really offer any good words for ya but just know you are not struggling by yourself! I'll be saying a prayer for all of the strugglers because life is just as hard now for us wither its not losing more or having the skin hanging, then before.
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