6/12 & 6/13 Workout

on 6/12/07 10:08 pm - Columbia, MD
I didn't skip out yesterday. I just didn't get to work out until last night. But I did work out!!! I did 20 min of cardio and I did my circuit training. This time I added a round of 30sec for each exercise. It was tough! But I am determined to give this all I've got to make a difference and shrink these hips/thighs! I hope everyone is doing well. It will be a really nice quiet day for me at work today. Both of my guys are out of the office today and my co-workers managers are also out. I plan on taking extra time at the gym for at least 45 min of cardio today, plus my abs class. I do sometimes wonder if it is all worth it. I guess I need to just hang on to the knowledge that even if my body doesn't change in appearance, it is healthier on the inside. I feel better physically and emotionally when I work out so I can't give it up. Although I am sure I'll see results...how can I not, right?! Have a wonderful day and whatever happens, don't give up!! Hugs, Robin
~ Stylz ~
on 6/13/07 2:28 am - North of Boston, MA
hey Robin! I decided to skip the carb o buffet at the conference so I've got all kinds of time to catch up now! Yesterday I got some walking in during the day and then went home started reading a book on the couch and around 7:30 I saw it was still light out so I went for a second walk. today its a little rainy out so I'll put the walk off til tomorrow and go on the bike instead when I get home. glad you're still here and focused Robin! do you have a ps date scheduled? i'm sooooooooo jealous!!!
on 6/13/07 10:08 pm - Columbia, MD
Well, I managed 40 min of cardio & the abs class yesterday. It was tough. I chose the hills for the bike and thought that after the first cascade I would get brave and put the level to 9...yeah right!!! I could not keep up at that level so I backed it down to 5 (I start out at 7) and then after I caught my breath I went back up to 7 to finish. I was proud of myself though because it's been a few days since I challenged myself with cardio and did more than 30 min. I probably won't have plastics until September. I called on Monday to get a date and the gal that schedules surgeries said that I likely won't get a date in August because she has a lot of surgeries to schedule. She said it should be in early Sept. I am a bit bummed but I figure thats more time for my workouts to get off hopefully a full inch and these last 15 lbs. It's a real struggle. I really have to cut back on my eating...but I am in the habit of eating every 3-4 hours so I am having a hard time cutting out the snacks. And then last night I blew it, I had a brownie and a few bbq chips. Although I only had salad for dinner but still, those calories have to go somewhere. I have got to cut back to no more than 1200 cal a day in order to lose the weight and I am having a hard time doing that. You look amazing! Trust me, if you could see these saddle bags you would understand why I need and want plastics so badly! I still can't get into a 14 pants and I am in a medium top...that's a huge proportion difference. So not fun. I wish I looked half as good as you do. Hugs, Robin
~ Stylz ~
on 6/14/07 1:52 am - North of Boston, MA
clothing does wonders girl!!! skin around my stomach, arms and thighs need some serious lifting!! lol I'm just the opposite when it comes to sizes, I'm in a size 6 pants and a large shirt or a 12 suit jacket.... frustrating! have you gone through insurance for this? how much are they covering for plastics? I was told my insurance will cover a panni after 18 months post-op, but I haven't confirmed that yet. One of our support group meetings hosted a ps doctor, she showed a lot of abdominoplasty pictures and the work was amazing! I just re-read your post and had to tell you, I'm glad you're posting for exercise its very motivating to read what you're doing. The days I dont feel like doing anything, I read your post and am ready to go! hope all is well
on 6/14/07 2:25 am - Columbia, MD
Thanks. I am staying motivated by writing all of this too. It really helps me when I am accountable. My insurance (tricare) is paying for the plastic surgery, but only this one. Anything else I want done has to be paid out of pocket for me. Ins won't cover anything else. I can get the surgeries done cheaper through the military hospitals, but I will make sure their surgeons are good at what they are doing before going ahead. My doc for this one surgery has been in plastics for almost 20 years. He and the other doctor are board certified so that makes me feel better. Not all military docs are certified so I feel lucky to have them. If they are still working at Walter Reed when I am able to do the other surgeries then I will have them again. But one at a time. Tricare typically will only cover the panni surgery (tummy tuck) on WLS patients. I have two friends who went civilian for their plastics. One had the lower body lift with inner thigh lift and breast reduction and lift, all at one time. Her surgery we $13K+ and thats with the doc not charging her for the inner thigh lift. Another friend is recovering from the first of two surgeries for a total body lift. Hers is costing her $39K+. I am thankful that my doc wants to do the lower body lift, even though it won't include a complete thigh lift. He won't do the inner thighs at the same time, says it's too much blood loss potential and too much to recover from. Have a great day!
Amy I.
on 6/14/07 4:58 am - KS
6/12.... I did weights and crunches at home probably about 45 mins worth 6/13..... I did ZUMBA class and weight machines total time was 1.5 hours Amy I
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