6/4 Exercise

on 6/4/07 5:07 am - Columbia, MD
Hello Marchers! I did not do any "structured" exercise this weekend but I did get a lot accomplished. I came into the office and completed about 5 hours of filing! The manager I work for saves EVERYTHING! It was out of control. However, I have things back under control and hopefully I can stay on top of it. I hate filing so it is a chore I was putting off. He had a lot when I came here to work for him. But now it's all gone. Yes, there was a desk under all of those piles of paper. LOL I went to the gym today! Great way to start off the week. I did a total of 35 min of cardio, upper body strength training and an abs class. The abs class was hard, but I made it through. I am ready to see results...but I know I can't rush things. It takes time to see inches come off and muscle getting toned. I must be patient with my workouts and know that the results will be seen in time. It can be so hard to wait. I hope you are all doing well. We had some much needed rain this weekend. I love when it rains. Everything feels so fresh and clean. Have a blessed week. I'll check in again tomorrow! Hugs, Robin
~ Stylz ~
on 6/4/07 10:42 am - North of Boston, MA
today wasn't a good day with exercise for me. We're getting your rain today and boyyyyyyyyyy is it raining!!! People that came to the building that took a short walk from the other campus building were soaked so I stayed inside where it was dry. I had thoughts of going on the bike when I got home, but felt like a nice nap on a cold rainy day would be better so I did.......... now that I'm here typing I think your post has given me inspiration to do it. Hell's kitchen starts at 9, theres a tv infront of the bike so I've got no excuse in getting exercise in, so...... Put me down for 30 on the bike!
on 6/4/07 10:39 pm - Columbia, MD
Way to go! It is the toughest thing for me to get home, get relaxed and then exercise. I very rarely ever stay committed to working out once I am at home and have sat down. I don't have any excuses either since my bike in in front of the tv as well. Today is going to be hot and very "steamy" according to the weather man. I love the heat and would love to be outdoors but I hate to sweat so I will stick to the gym. I'll enjoy the weather this evening some instead. Have a great day!
on 6/4/07 10:51 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Robin, I've been keeping busy. Over the weekend we did more of our bike riding. Saturday morning and sundawy we were up bright and early and out about 7am. We did 8 miles sat, and 7 miles on sun. Last weeks 12 miles kicked my butt. I did not hurt, but my body just knew we did that and the 7 and 8 miles this week were more than enough. I was proud of myself that on Saturday I had other morning plans at about 10-11 a.m. That I had somewhere to be. That I was up and out the door to do my bike ride in the morning because it was something I wanted to do, needed to do and enjoy. I worked it in as "IMPORTANT". The whole day wa walk walk walk after that on Saturday, shopping for all the bridal shower stuff for friends wedding Im in, then for the bridesmaids shoes and jewelry. Then out to the movies that night. Sunday we got up and did the bike ride again. I LOVE it in the morning on the trails, the air is so crisp, fresh and really enjoyable. The route we took on Sunday was a bit tougher, going out it was a grade all the way for 4 miles but we did it. So coming back was a down most of the way and it felt fantastic! After that we went and did all our grocery etc shopping for the week, put that all away and then we decided to go ahead and put in our side walk we've held off for two years. We bought the stepping stones over 2 yrs ago and they've been sitting up against our house that long. So DH and I headed off to home depot got what we needed and we now have an adorable walk surrounded by stone. OH! that was amazing, I was able to help DH carry all these bags of sand and stone up the stairs from our car to the yard. I couldn't believe! I thought, I'll have to tell my dad I can come work on the roof with them now. LOL Dad and brothers have a roofing company and all work there. I was the girl, and fat and left out of that. But if I can carry those bags of stones I surely can carry a bundle of shingles right? LOL ;) Today I walked at lunch for a full hour, then after work went to the gym, did the treadmill for about 20 minutes, some rowing, the curves type machines, then I was done. But it was exercise on top of my walk. I have been slacking off on the gym and had promised myself I would get back to it this week. I've just been so busy and active living in general, working in the yard, walking the dog, biking that the gym just hasn't been fitting in, but I need the weight exercise for my upper body. Keep up the good work. Exercise is important if we are to continue to lose and to maintain once we are where we want to be. It just won't stay there.
on 6/4/07 10:36 pm - Columbia, MD
Ruth Ann, You are an exercise fiend! Oh my goodness. I don't think I could keep up with you and most of my friends and my family can't keep up with me anymore. Whew! I was exhausted just reading all that you did. Talk about the energizer bunny! I am so proud of you and happy for you. I know you must feel quite free and liberated being able to do all of that stuff and in one weekend! Enjoy that sidewalk! You are an inspiration to me. Hugs, Robin
Amy I.
on 6/5/07 5:33 am - KS
Okay so I didn't do much more than walking this weekend. We had a horse show, but I did park the truck and trailer at the other end of the stalls so it forced me to walk 50x times a day back and forth. So maybe 3 miles a day. Then yesterday I took my son to town to watch a ball game so I stayed and ran. I ran 3 miles! Plus that afternoon I had an appt w/ my trainer and did all weight training. My arms are getting so pumped! And I signed up for a 5K run on July 4th! Okay I am running (shuffling), but do I dare call myself a RUNNER? The motivation is the hardest part of running for me. But it is like everything else once you get there and get started it is easier. And I feel better! Amy I 290/145/135
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