B-12 ?
I take suglingual dots (under the tounge) 500 mcg. My wife got them at
WalMart and they were less then $4 for 240 of them. When I had my blood
test at my one year followup, B12 was the one thing I was low on and the
doctor made sure that I would take a supplement. It is a very important
vitamin for your nervous system. I guess you don't know the effects it has
on your body until it is to late. It's a cheap easy to do solution to prevent a
major problem in the future. I hope you find something that works for you.
Life is great, Rick
I agree with Rick, it's extremely important. And cheap! If you happen to have a Trader Joe's near you, their sublinguals are fantastic and dissolve completely and quickly without any gritty ick. I usually pop one under my tongue first before I give the kids their vitamin and it's gone by the time I go to get my multi out of the bottle.