~ Stylz ~
on 4/21/07 6:43 am - North of Boston, MA
such a perfect day!! I had the pleasure of meeting Stephanie Smiles and Barbara today for lunch. We had a great time, it was so nice meeting Stephanie we have to get together again! small caramel coconut iced coffee x-lite 2 splenda 3 steak tips with a few mushrooms and 1/4 sweet potato medium coconut iced coffee x-lite 3 splenda 30 gram protein shake (iso fruit cantaloupe) going shopping at the galleria in Cambridge, Barbara put a bug in my ear about the Cheesecake Factory so thats where we're going. I love their poached chicken spinach salad, I'll have that for dinner vitamins - took my multi and b complex water - 32 oz so far exercise - walking plenty at the mall in between shopping hows your weekend going? hope its a nice one!
on 4/21/07 10:25 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Saturday: B-organic oatmeal w/ 2oz soy milk/ 5 almonds, cup of coffee Mid morn: Protein shake 30gms Lunch: Salad with a Morningstar Veggie burger broken into it, 2 tbs lf dressing, onion, mushrooms Mid afternoon: yogurt 60 cal. Small cup of coffee somewhere in the afternoon too. Dinner: Grilled chicken cesear salad/ then later when friends arrived had 3 chicken wings (not whole wings, just the flat part) and 2 onion rings from appetizer plate. We went to dinner and stayed for karaoke. We found this place last week. The people there are amazing, such good singers. It's like our own American Idol. They are actually having a contest ongoing right now for a prize of a cruise. Too bad DH or I can't sing. LOL Had about 2 bottles of water, not too good on that yesterday running around all day. We went to a park and went hiking. WooHoo!! It was cool. We walked these trails, up and down hills and I could do it like nothing. It was so beautiful yesterday. Today is to be the same if not better. We plan on going to a different park and walking somemore. Our dog loved it too!!! This Summer we're going to do the Tour of the Parks, that's what we're going to call it. LOL Last year we did the Tour of the Malls. When we wanted something to do, and wanted to get some walking in we would go to a different mall in the surround areas. We'd span out a bit to different counties near by and we hit them all! So this summer its the outdoors and hiking!!!
~ Stylz ~
on 4/22/07 7:50 am - North of Boston, MA
Tour of the Parks sounds like a great idea! We don't have a lot of trails in my area, but we do malls! I think if I did a tour of the malls I'd be bankrupt and wouldn't get enough walking in unless it was from the fitting room to the registers! keep us posted on your park tours, sounds like a lot of fun!
on 4/22/07 10:36 am - Pittsburgh, PA
It is a good thing we did the tour of the malls last year. I was at the beginning of my weightloss so it was more for the walking etc. I was losing too fast to buy anything expensive or regular price. So just window shopping and dreaming of what I would be able to wear some day was enough. Though Im sure I got something, somewhere each time we went. LOL ;) This year at the mall that often would be quite dangerous! LOL I did major damage last week to my JC Penney charge. I had no summer clothes, so got lots of things there and then the next day hit some stuff at K-mart. So I'm in pretty good shape now for warmer weather. We did go to another park today. It was so gorgeous out. We walked this one trail which was all uphill to start. Then it tapered off and was like an old road. Was a great walk. Then we had a small picnic lunch, brought some yogurt, strawberries and cheese. Stopped at a farmers market on the way home for some veggies. And then... I worked outside the rest of the day. I was like the energizer bunny today. I told hubby that we're going to have to go hiking every weekend morning if it's going to get me moving and doing this much! LOL Got my porch all cleaned, swept, washed the furniture, the porch windows, swept the sidewalks in the yard, the steps, we cleaned the outdoor table, got out the grill and had a healthy dinner. Grilled tofu, zucchini, baby potato/onions, portabello mushrooms and for dessert grilled strawberries, they were actually pretty good. I thought DH was strange when he suggested them, but I liked the warm strawberry, it actually got syrupy kind of. anyways its 8:35 and I'm sitting down for the first time (other than the drive in the car to and from the park/eating dinner) lol since about 9a.m. It's been a very busy day!! I think i got some sun on my face too, its feeling a bit warm. LOL Have a good evening! Oh and we are already planning which parks to go to next weekend. LOL Hope the weather is good!
on 4/22/07 8:56 pm - Nashua, NH
Hey Ruth Ann - were your ears burning Saturday? When STYLZ, Stephanie Smiles and myself were having a great visit during lunch, we started talking about exercise. I had to admit I haven't been doing a great job with exercise and said I was more motivated when Ruth Ann was posting every day!!!! Hopefully since warm weather has finally made itself know to New England, my walking will pick up substantially. As STYLZ said, we don't have alot of parks here, but there are still plenty of places to walk. So having said all that....I am WALKING at lunch today! Take care....Barb
on 4/22/07 4:54 am - Inland Empire, CA
I'm so jealous you got to meet some Marchers! How fun. I love Cheesecake Factory too, my favorite is their Chicken Lettuce Wrap appetizer!... but ever since I found out their Chinese Chicken Salad has around 2000 calories in it--I'm AFRAID of their food!!! I mean for pete's sake WHAT can you do to a SALAD to make it that high in cals?!?!? Sat: B: WC oatmeal protein coffee S: 1oz cheese L: homemade veg beef stew, 1/2 PB & J sandwich S: banana 1 cup strawberries w/cool whip D: 4oz cajun pork chop w/bean, corn bell pepper topping water 80oz exer nope, i'm slacking vits yes
~ Stylz ~
on 4/22/07 7:46 am - North of Boston, MA
I haven't tried the chicken lettuce wraps yet, I'll have to add that to my list of things to try. Have you tried their low carb cheesecake? Its very good, but I heard a slice is PACKED with calories as well. 2000 calories for a salad, thats insane!! Do they have the nutrition info at the restaurant? I'll have to check that out next time I'm there we had a great time at lunch and you were mentioned! we all agreed that we would love to meet you! youre such a sweet person if I'm ever in your area we'll have to get together (or if by chance you're ever in new england, be sure to let us know and we'll get the group together )
on 4/22/07 2:28 pm - Inland Empire, CA
Awww! definitely! would love the chance to meet any and all of you! I've always wanted to see New England! Sounds/seems so romantic and beautiful! Get this--this is the kicker with C.F., which is why they are on mine and many health conscious people's #### list...they refuse to give out nutritional info for their menu. It's a known fact that despite years of requests for it, they refuse. I've read on many websites that people who've emailed requests to their Corporate Headquarters for specific nutritional info--go ignored or get flat out refused. I don't know how they can do that in this day and age when EVERY restaurant provides that info! Makes me think twice everytime i want to eat there--but they're SO good, and we have one right across the street now! i haven't tried their LC cheesecake yet, for that very reason, heard it was a boatload of cals! I got the info about the salad from hungrygirl.com.
Happy to be in

on 4/22/07 5:39 am
Everyone! Good News I hope! The carotid doppler study was clear. I think I need to see an allergist. I will be calling back the Opthalmologist on Wednesday, and my Primary. The headache stopped last night and took the blurry vision with it. They go together in unison. I once had an allergy to scents, and when I smelled something overpowering it would make my brain swell and cause me to get nausea. The allergist who is since dead told me that the allergy was causing my brain to swell so much that it was pounding up against my skull. As it turned out the allergy was to roses, perfumes, floral soaps, etc. I haven't come in contact with those things lately so I am wondering if there is another culprit that is making my brain swell and putting pressure on the eye. Bought all new clothes (20's) via mailorder and sent them all back, too big They fit like a tent. Waiting for 16's and a 14, guess I'll be naked till then. Scale still shows minus 175#. I've noticed some major shifting in my proportions. The calves and thighs are starting to pucker. Thank God. Couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life as a skeleton from the waist up and a sumo wrestler from the waist down. Everyone in my family is very heavy below the waist. The link will update throughout the day. http://www.fitday.com/WebFit/PublicJournals.html?Owner=MrsKaradas
~ Stylz ~
on 4/22/07 7:52 am - North of Boston, MA
glad your headaches stopped and the sizes are going down!
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