Breakfast: two scrambled eggs and a piece of toast
Lunch: 1/3 of a Chili's Quesedilla Explosion salad
Dinner: 1 cup of ham and peas casserole (new recipe I tried - it was okay but not earth shattering

Snack: 1 NSA Fudgsicle
Water: Ugh. Only 50 ounces
Vitamins: Calcium in but forgot the others

Exercise: My trainer killed me for 45 minutes!

Breakfast: 1 egg omelet with vegetables and one piece of toast
Lunch: 1 cup of leftover casserole
Dinner: will be asian porkchop and corn and bean salad (another new recipe)
Snack: 1 NSA Fudgsicle
Water: 50 ounces in so far, more as the day progresses
Vitamins: will get them all in!
Exercise: 20 minutes on the elipitical and 30 minutes on the treadmill
Did I mention it's snowing?