
on 4/7/07 10:27 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Does anyone dump now, or more now than they did in the past? I never really was a dumper. I had a few times I felt a little bit crappy but nothing major. The last week or so I seem to be dumping left and right, feeling like total crap! Yes, I know it is the things I am eating (a small cookie here, a cookie there, a pecan tassie) but Ive eaten these things before? Thankfully I am in control where I only eat one at a time, or on occaison two, but they didnt bother me before. But these past couple of times, they knock me for a loop. The other day I felt like I was drunk/drugged or whatever, the other times just felt bad, heart racing, head in outer space and had to go to bed, sometimes for hours. I'm guessing that im either eating this junk more? Or my body is saying hey, what are you doing and making me pay. I don't know. Just know that one cookie before did not bother me, but now it is. Oh, and it has seemed I was able to do sugar alcohols, or at least some finally. I seem to be able to eat one of the Sensible portions (100 cal) bars which have like 5 or 6 sa's I think. No problem. So I thought yesterday when shopping, hmmm , maybe finally sugar free chocolate pudding would work. So I bought some and guess what? Yup, I ate the 60 calorie/ sugar free / 9 sugar alcohol pudding and it killed me. That was two dumping episodes in one day. (I had 2 small cookies with coffee in the morning) So twice yesterday alone I was miserable. And the sad thing was, is after I start feeling better from the dump, and I feel back to normal my mind wanders off to having another sweet treat. Sick isn't it?? I was never this into cookies, etc pre-surgery. Sure I had them, but I was fat from BAD food, fast food, not making right choices and eating too much. Yes I had birthday cake at a birthday, but as a norm I did not buy cookies junk in the house. I still dont with the exception of the few cookies i got yesterday (1 doz) for Easter today for quests. They ar calling my name, but I dont want to dump again. so Im going to try to use the terrible feeling I get when I eat that stuff to try and stop myself, but as I said as soon as I feel better my mind is off to doing it again. UGH!! I wonder why though that I didint seem to dump before and now its kicking my butt! It's a good thing!!!! I just need to listen to it!!
Rick A.
on 4/8/07 12:13 am - Far Northern, CA
Hi Ruth Ann, I don't know if I really have ever had full blown dumping. I have had times I felt pretty crappy after eating something I shouldn't have. For me, I have a problem if I have something sweet when I have an empty stomach. If I have eaten some protein first then I don't have that reaction. There have been times though that one oreo cookie has made me feel awful. I guess we just have to learn how to adjust. I have a cousin that is 4 years post op and she has just started expierencing dumping. It really took her by surprise. I sometimes hate when our pouch is in charge, but I guess that is why we all made the decision we made. It's just a hard lesson to learn and harder to remember all of the time. Life is great, Rick
Happy to be in

on 4/8/07 12:43 am
You know it was wrong, right? I won't give tips on how to beat the system. The system is in place for a reason. As far as sugar alchols go. My first protein bar was an AdvantEdge when I was about 3 mos. out. I was fine with it. But it was too big for me eat one whole bar. Half of one did me fine. But at that time I needed more protein so I switched to America's Best Pure Protein Bar because it was a lot smaller and had 20 gr. Protein at a shot. Well they became addictive to me. I had to swear them off. I started getting into the habit of having one everyday. My protein level was too high. So I thought I would try an AdvantEdge bar again about 3 mos. ago. Bear in mind I've had them before they just were too big. Well they aren't too big now, but I dumped major league at work. My dumping isn't ing, mine is like going into a foggy drunken brain freeze. I could not wait to get home and lay down. Sugar Alcohols effect many people in different ways. It is like everything else we do now. A matter of trial and error. Tolerate today or not, maybe tomorrow or not, maybe next week or not. Best advice is to stay clear of the Sugar Alcohols when away from home. If you want to have it and you don't mind the effects only have it when at home and able to lay down. But as for the real sugars, . Don't let poor choices win you over. An addiction could be waiting in the wings. You don't want to start nibbling on things that could sabbatouge all your good work and efforts.
on 4/8/07 3:40 pm - Western, KY
I don't know if I truly dum*****t, but it seems I do. Not on sugar. Unfortunately I know because I've eaten too much candy (smarties, atomic fireballs, lemonheads, redhots...not proud by any means...trying to get it back under control). Now, add fat and sugar ****d sugar cookie) and I'm hunched over in bed with severe cramps wishing to die. I guess this is good, as right before surgery, my drug of choice was cakes, desserts, that type of thing. I know now if I eat more than a few bites and I'm a goner. I said something to my surgeon. He said that it can change at anytime, depending on if I start drinking with food, it could get into my system faster and make me dump. So, I don't know if he was trying to scare me into not trying things or what, but makes me think! Now if only straight sugar would make me dump so I could get over this candy thing.
(deactivated member)
on 4/8/07 10:07 pm - PA
I think it depends onthe day, what I've had, etc. I hardly ever dump, but it is because I usually will eat something dense and high in protien before I have those couple of bites of sugar. So I guess that slows down the digestion process and keeps me from dumping. HOWEVER, I decided on Easter morning to have a blueberry muffin WITH my coffee (fat + sugar +drinking while eating) and I wanted to DIE!! It pretty much ruined my whole day. I spent almost all day yesterday in pain and then sleeping. Bad bad girl! My hubby just shook his head because he says he knew exactly what was gonna happen when he saw me. He couldn't say anything to me because I will usually snap at him when he points out I'm doing something wrong. Lets just say, I have issues and am trying to work through them... Kathy
Stephanie Smiles
on 4/8/07 10:35 pm - My Town, NH
Hiya Ruth Ann. It's so funny that I wake up this morning and read your post. Last night I threw up for the first time since surgery. It's been 13 months and NOW I dump? Weird. I have dumped before, but never like that. I usually just feel sick and go to bed. Last night I puked! I know exactly what I ate that I shouldn't have. Frankly, I'm happy I had the experience. It's the best behavior modification for me! I'm sorry that you were so miserable. Hugs, Stephanie
on 4/8/07 11:01 pm - Nashua, NH
Hi Ruth Ann, I got the foamies a couple of weeks ago and was the first time in a long time. It was because I didn't CHEW, and eat SLOWLY....which is a terrible habbit of mine! I don't like food when it gets cold and I seem to be in a rush to get it in while it is still warm. At home I could stick it in the microwave, but in a restaurant - that doesn't happen. I don't think eating too much has been a problem because that sick feeling happens to me shortly after I take the first few big bites too quickly. But I can wait a few minutes, I start belching, burping (yuk) and it seems to go on down. I think dumping is probably a good thing to keep us honest???? I have only puked about 3 times since surgery and nothing in 5 or 6 months...and only the foamies a few weeks ago...but the feeling like I am gonna die, have a heart attack does happen when I eat too fast and don't chew. You are right - we have to listen to the signs! Barbara
Laura A.
on 4/9/07 1:49 am - Manteca, CA
Hi Ruth Ann, I think I'm like others here on the board....I haven't dumped until lately....BUT I think it's because I was always extreamly careful to not eat anything that would make it possible to dump. Now that I'm a year + out I'm trying more new things and in these new adventures I have been sorry. I just posted the other day about eating some ice cream and making myself sooo sick.....and although I knew in my head what "could" happen....I ate it anyway and as I was curled up in pain, laying on the couch with my eyes closed, I'm asking myself "why did you eat that, you silly girl???!!!" Will this make me not ever do that again....I guess I can only hope so. This whole journey will always be about making choices for the rest of our lives. And I really want to make "good choices"....if the human side of me doesn't get in the way!! hahaha Laura A.
Tamara L.
on 4/9/07 4:41 am - Winston-Salem, NC
Hey Ruth Ann, I'm glad you posted this.....It's been the strangest thing for me, too the past couple weeks. For the past several months, I could eat almost anything. But for the past week and a half--my body has been telling me different! Yesterday, I took two bites of a honey-baked spiral ham and my stomach felt like somebody had hit me with a baseball bat! A few nights ago, the same thing happened when I ate some french fries--I've been trying to break that habit. I haven't wanted any since then. Not worth the feeling! It must be something with the timeframe of our surgeries--something like our "second-wind" reminder! Let's just keep on keeping on. Thanks for sharing--so we all know we're as normal as the next person! Tamara
on 4/10/07 5:45 am - Columbia, MD
Hi Ruth Ann, Boy the board has been busy. I haven't been here in awhile since I took some time off from work. I don't get on the internet at home. Anyway... I wanted to chime in here. I dump. I have ever since surgery. But not puking or diarreha but really bad nausea, sweats, dizzy spells, shakes and over all feeling really crappy. It's weird what does it for me. If I don't have sweets for awhile and then eat something it doesn't take much. But if I am pushing myself and eating sweets several times a day for several days in a row then I seem to be able to eat a larger quantity. Still not a lot but more than just one cookie. I also dump on fatty foods or high carb foods, such as anything fried, chips, crackers, etc. I see my dumping as a major blessing. My sister had bypass in August. She doesn't dump at all. She is here visiting for Spring Break and she can eat ice cream, cookies, cake, etc. She limits the amount and does really well with that. But the food doesn't make her sick. Well, since I am a glutton when it comes to certain foods, the dumping keeps me from gorging myself. Personally I hope to always get a reaction so that I will be able to "behave" myself. I can have one cookie or two bites of something and that is good enough for me. I want it to always be that way. I hope you are okay. I have heard of wls patients getting hypoglycemia (sp) after surgery. Might be something to talk to your dr about since this seems to be a new or rather more extreme thing than in the past. It's great to see you on the board. Hugs, Robin
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