WDYET?? *** FRIDAY ***

~ Stylz ~
on 3/30/07 6:48 am - North of Boston, MA
busy day with workshops all day then I went for an oil change at the dealership this afternoon... here comes my vent.... Every oil change I've gotten on this car has been at the dealership, that being said they've seen me at my highest weight and now at 138 lbs... Today I went in, they asked if I had my mailer which gives you a free $10 dunkins gift card, I said no, they gave it to me anyway. They asked if I wanted a free complimentary car wash by hand (they always ask, but its an extra 45 minute wait). I said I didn't have the time today so they said well, we'll give you a ticket to the automatic car wash you can use in the future.. You're 15 minutes early (they said) so we'll get you in now to get you out sooner.. ok explain why this happens now and not at 261 lbs... dont get me wrong I'm happy to be treated differently and the free gift card and car wash are nice, but its sad that being obese and having the same personality I have now I wasn't treated the same way... Goes to show you how cosmetic this world really is! ok on ward and up ward.. heres my food day drive to work - 2 drinkable yogurts breakfast - 2 protein muffins lunch - cold sesame noodles drive to the dealership - drinkable yogurt dinner - going to a steak house for dinner, ordering steak tips with mushrooms, mashed potatoes and veggies probably have 3oz of steak mushrooms and a few bites of potatoes snack - movies tonight, bringing my low carb protein bites vitamins - forgot to take them exercise - walked to dunkins today (15 min walk) water - 60oz so far hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Happy to be in

on 3/30/07 7:57 am
Here is what has happened so far, dinner will update after I post it. http://www.fitday.com/WebFit/PublicJournals.html?Owner=MrsKaradas
~ Stylz ~
on 3/31/07 8:29 am - North of Boston, MA
I didn't know you could post your journal publically! pretty cool I found the tomato garlic mccormic marinade you told me about. I love it on grilled chicken!! adds great flavor espically over salad. thanks for the tip
on 3/30/07 10:05 am - Cincinnati, OH
do you mean a gift card to dunkin dounuts? someone on my office today bought in krispy cream. darn people kept trying to force a dounut on me today. I did not relent! b-protein shake with 1/4 banana s-string cheese with 1/4 of a tangelo l-turkey, cheese, ham roll up with 6 pretzles s-s/f pudding and 2 graham crackers d-sloppy joe, green beans and 6 baked ff-yep I ate bread--I used a dinner roll for my sloppy joe sandwich s-mixed frt with cool whip funny how it seems like we are treated differently now. sometimes it seems guys go out of their way to help me or do things for me now. people seem nicer in general. oh well maybe I am nicer. I know I smile more and make more eye contact. I have always tried to treat people the way I wanted to be treated. have a great weekend here is my vent:at my year check up in early march the only thing my doctor complained about was my lack of food intake--I have never been told o eat more food. Exactly how am I supposed to do that??? I am never hungry. Anyway he and my nut want me at 1000-1200 a day on a consistant basis--had to laugh cause if I get in 800 ls a day I am doing good . o.k. I am done venting now vits yep water-yep exercise-physical ther
~ Stylz ~
on 3/31/07 7:43 am - North of Boston, MA
yes, a gc for dunkin donuts! I'm ok with it because I'm still a coffee drinker and was never a fan of donuts at dunkins, but thos kreme filled donuts @ krispy kreme on the other hand....... I think I still dream about them from time to time!! I know what you mean about people trying to make you eat them, we've been having meeting at work and theres always all kinds of sugar filled pasteries that I pass on.. People try and bring me a piece at the table or when I'm standing there they'll say.. I dont know how you pass this stuff up.. I'm thinking in my head that was me going for seconds a year ago! --vent away girl!!-- My nutritionist gave up on telling me to get to 1200 calories. I'm normally under or at 1000 every day, she focuses more on my protein intake instead of calories, afterall, if you're still losing and getting in your protein that you need, why does your nutritionist want you to get in more? I've learned to do what I need to do to make my goal and if its staying under 1000 cals and getting in between 60 and 80grams of protein a day, thats what I'll do
Laura A.
on 3/30/07 1:40 pm - Manteca, CA
I'm baaack!!! I've been in a certification class for work all week and am so glad it over!!! I haven't had time for anything else seems like. I totally hear you on your vent today. The bagboy at the grocery store is always wanting to carry my groceries out to the car for me now. I usually tell him "no thanks" because I'm more than able to do it myself now......but where the heck was he 150 pounds ago when I really did need his help????? early morning: coffee with sweetner and SF french vanilla creamer breakfast: strawberry protein drink while driving to work early lunch: chicken with mushrooms and jack cheese 2nd lunch: 1/2C cottage cheese with 1/2C SF lemon jello late afternoon: bag of corn nuts dinner: 1/2C fiber one cold cereal with 1/2C Hood calorie countdown milk vitamins: all in exercise: 50 minute walk that included a BIG hill...I can get up that hill now without stopping and still able to talk with my walking partner!!! water: could be better....only about 48oz so far 3 of my children have birthdays this next week.....daughter #3 will be 16 on 4/2; son #2 will be 18 on 4/4 and daughter #2 will be 20 on 4/7. Have a great weekend everyone....should be nice weather here for Palm Sunday. Laura A.
~ Stylz ~
on 3/31/07 8:01 am - North of Boston, MA
Laura bag boy lol today i went to the hardware store for ceiling exhaust fans the guy wanted to carry the boxes to the car because he hadn't finsihed "talking" (trying to hit on me with my bf next to me).. I said no thanks I got it.. teach him ;) Its funny you said that about walking up the hill! we started a walking program at work and the hill we walk up is the same hill by the hospital where I had to go for all my pre-op appts. The hill I had to stop twice to get up so I didn't pass out from hyper ventelating!! Now we walk the hill without stopping and even continue up a street with more of an incline. Its a great feeling not being the one out of breath when we reach the top!! Enjoy all those birthdays!! you planned those well!
on 3/30/07 2:51 pm - Inland Empire, CA
Holy #### I can't believe you're down to 138! eeeek, you're my hero. A tiny hero, but still a hero Well I guess customer service at your dealer varies not by mileage, but by hotness, eh? I hear you about how sad and shallow society is! I haven't opened my own door anywhere for months now and while part of me appreciates it, it always kinda makes me sad too. B: protein coffee L: Salad w/chicken breast S: carrot stick w/ 1T ranch, 1oz jerky D: lean cuisine S: later...1/2 chicken thigh vits: done water 80oz exer: 30 min stair climber, jog 1 mile have a great wkend everyone!
~ Stylz ~
on 3/31/07 8:04 am - North of Boston, MA
thanks girl, you're a hottie too!!! its funny I'm at 138, but I still feel like I looked at 180. weird how you're mind plays tricks on you! do you do a lot of jogging? I find it kills my ankles and knees the next day so I still walk. maybe one day that will change? hope your weekends going well
on 3/31/07 8:31 am - Inland Empire, CA
I just started jogging/running on the treadmill at 5-5.5 mph. I have always HATED running even when I was thin. But I'm loving it now. Love the high! I do spurts. A trainer told me the best way to kick up your WL is to run for as long as you can (even just a few min. is good) then go back to walking, then run again, then walk. I guess bumping up your heart rate and then going back down is good for you...??? She said it will "bust thru fat!" And I don't know but I've felt a real difference tone wise in the last month i've been doing it! I feel tighter. Maybe your shoes aren't right...? Or you're not landing right on your feet. It doesn't hurt me at all. R
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