Howdy all! Happy Surgeversaries! (did I spell that right? LOL)

on 3/27/07 12:21 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Congratulations to everyone! It's been a year and we've all done FANTASTIC! You all look and sound great. Sorry I haven't been around much. I do pop on here every few days, once a week or so. Just been busy and not much desire to be online. Even less now with the nice weather. But I am here still kicking and screaming. It's been a year, and what a year for sure. My little update would be, start weight 345, currently 187. I was slacking off in January and most of February at the gym but have recommitted and have been back at it several times a week now and adding some extra walking during the day during my lunch and after work, weekends. I'm so looking forward to the nice weather to bike ride, I want to go hiking, having plans for another 5k, the outdoor venture festival is coming soon. Ok, so what did you do with Ruth Ann? LOL A year ago and before that no one would have ever heard those words from my mouth. Losing weight is tougher lately, tougher actually the past few months. The pounds are coming off slower and slower. I think we are all experiencing that. Im trying to make some changes. I dont think I eat bad, not by any means of "normal", but Im not normal, are we? LOL So I think a few minor adjustments might help kick things up, seems to have already the past few days. Trying to concentrate on more protein and water. My new job is going great. Still loving it and hope that doesn't change. Had to take a trip to Philly last week for some training. That was a different experience. Never traveled on my own, but I did it, made it back safe and soung. I had a WOW moment while there. I was referred to as thin. Yes me, thin. LOL The trainer was going behind the chairs in my row and he commented that it was a good thing we were all thin and he could get through. Wow, me thin. Still shaking my head. Its the same thing, some days I see it, some I dont. On the opposite note, DH and I were at a store a few weeks ago and they had a hammock there, he sat on it, laid on it, then I went to give it a try. I was lowering myself very very slowly into the hammock fearful that it would break. I said "I hope it holds my weight'. DUH!! Hello? my DH says, you are 60 lbs lighter than me and it held me. You aren't fat anymore!! I was like, oh I forgot.. LOL (But between you and me, Im still fat, just not as fat ) lol But all those years of worrying if somethig will hold you or break, just doesnt go away I guess. Maybe never huh? Life is good, can't complain much. Some days though it feels like I'm living a diet. That I am a living diet. I feel that 24/7 I have to work at it, worry about what Im going to put in my mouth whether it will make me gain weight or not, or can I have that treat and move on from there. So its like im always planning and dieting, having to feel deprived. I dont feel I can just say, so what and eat whatever anymore. If I wnat to stay where I am, if i want to lose more then I have to be sure to make the right choices. Hope everyone is well. I do pop in when Im on and read, just have felt distant / removed for some reason and just havent known what to say. But it looks like I've said alot here, so Im all caught up. LOL Take care and I'll try to speak up more often. Keep up all the great work, we've done so great, Continued success to everyone. XOXO
Rick A.
on 3/27/07 12:33 pm - Far Northern, CA
Ruth Ann, You have been missed. I can so relate to many of the observations you have made. It has been quite a year for all of us. I still can't get my head around all of it. I'm glad you like your job. It means a lot to look forward to going to work. I'm glad you are back to the gym. You have always been an inspiration to us "Marchers". Good luck in the year ahead. Life is great, Rick
Stephanie Smiles
on 3/27/07 10:46 pm - My Town, NH
Ruth Ann, congratulations on a great year! I'm so proud of all that you have accomplished. We've certainly missed your inspiring words lately. I hope that you are able to check in now and then. That battle between what we should eat and what we want to eat is so difficult! Ugh!!!! I'm with you. I feel as if I will have that battle to fight forever. Lately, I've been trying to put it in perspective. I can walk. I can support myself financially. I have my eyesight, full hearing and use of all of my limbs. I guess if my biggest cross to bear is that I have to watch what I eat all of the time, it's really not that bad. Congratulations again on all of your success! Celebrate and enjoy! - Stephanie
Mary M.
on 3/30/07 9:39 am - Livonia, MI
Ruth Ann You look fantastic! I hear you about the slow loss but as long as its a loss I will take it! You sound happy and healthy, Keep up the great work, Mary
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