Just had to share!
Yesterday was Makenzee's last cheerleading compeition for the year. I had a 5 minute conversation with a lady who I have known for 13 years-I see her every week- and yesterday she asked me twice..."when will your mom be here?" And I kept looking at her rather strange ( my mom lives in Texas) and I finally said to her "Mrs. Watts, it's ME!" she thought I was my daughter Brytnee. HAHAHAAAAAAA
Then...later i'm in the bathroom washing my hands when a lady using the sink next to me starts complaining about how flat her hair got...so I looked at her and said that I liked her hair and wished mine would curl like hers....
So then she says..."What cheerleading team to you cheer for!" HAHAHHAAAAAAAAAA
I was like um.."My two daughters cheer, one is 18 and the other is 6" She actually thought I WAS A CHEERLEADER. Now come on lady......HAHHAHA
She said I didn't look old enough to have a grown daughter. How cute is that????
Went to Friendly's after the compeition for lunch. Brytnee sat at the kid table with 4 other little cheerleaders. I left her in charge of ordering for them...and later she hollers over Mom, can I have something or other...forgot what she asked for..and the waitress makes a big fuss over the fact that i'm her mom. Is it weird for me to think it's weird that people have that reaction? I got the good looking younger gene from my mothers side of the family for sure, but to me...being old and looking young.....WEIRD!
It's weird when my sons friends tell him i'm cute, it's weird when a guy asked my husband if I was his daughter. (lol) had to laugh at that one, WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD!!!!
I'm shedding weight and shedding years off. YAY FOR ME!! no wrinkles yet...hope they dont arrive anytime soon. Grey hair...Nice N Easy takes care of that!!!
Just thought i'd share my chuckles of the day with you all. =)