Carbohydrate Addicts......

Tamara L.
on 3/23/07 2:47 pm - Winston-Salem, NC
Hello All..... I have a friend that had RNY surgery and lost around 100 pounds in a year. Then she just kindof "stalled out" for the next 8-9 months. She was so frustrated because she wanted to lose at least 35 more lbs. Well.....she picked up a book at a yardsale called "The Carbohydrate Addict" which describes a unique way of eating. It states that the problem is that carbs throughout the day is metabolized differently than if they are consumed during one time span. Basically what she says she does is eat 4 or less carbs for breakfast and for lunch. Then for supper between 6 to 7 pm, she eats anything she wants during that one hour. (Of course, our little stomachs will only hold so much!!) She does not eat after 7pm. She does not snack, but drinks alot of coffee (habit!), and gets all her water in. She said an example of her day is: Breakfast: 2 eggs with lots of 2% shredded cheese Lunch: Provolone cheese as a "wrap" with 6 thin slices of turkey, chicken or roast beef and a couple sugar-free pickles Supper: Whatever she is craving Well, she started this in October 2006 and as of this week she has lost another 60 lbs. and is below her goal!! I think it's worth a try.....and thought some of you might like to try it, also. Let me know if any of you find it jump starts your weight loss! Tamara
~ Stylz ~
on 3/24/07 12:33 am - North of Boston, MA
Tamara! I've never heard of the book, but it sounds like its working great for her!! I read "you on a diet" book by Dr. Oz (I think hes on the discovery health channel). He has some interesting notes in the book (thinking of your body as a machine that needs nutrients like a car needs gas and oil to run) on your body, eating tips, why fat stores where it does, etc. interesting read tell your friend congratulations thats a great accomplishment! hope all is well with you
Stephanie Smiles
on 3/26/07 12:42 am - My Town, NH
Wow! That's amazing. 60 more pounds is great! All of these "diet" ideas are so confusing for me. My nutritionist says that I need a minimum of 100 grams of carbs per day for my brain to function well. I never know whether to believe her or not. Tons of people are low carbing it and I'm sure their brains function just fine. I try to eat complex carbs rather than simple carbs and just keep telling myself that as long as I am losing I won't worry too much about eating more carbs than most folks. We'll see how that turns out for me. I still have about 50 pounds to try to lose so I may play with those carbs before it is all over! Stephanie
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