Back on Track
I think the last time I posted, things were VERY rough, but I just wanted you all to know that life is back on track. I dont have time to write a long post right now, I am in Florida until April having the time of my life. My kids were a little upset on the way down though. With having this surgery, I think we saved on gas with all of the gas I had on the way down. I probably could have blown us all here!!! Anyway, I promise to get back in touch with you guys when I get back to Michigan and let you know how everything turned out. I hope my BMI will return to about 19 or so, I think its at 17.8, so I need to eat more. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. I am just not ever hungry. This is probably the only time I will be on-line until I get back home. See you all again in April. Thanks for being there.
glad to hear things are moving in the right direction....even if you aren't eatting a lot you could add liquid yogurt, or a protein milk boost your calorie intake...make even some ensure or boost...that way you are getting vitamins, protein and calories...not just empty calories. Be sure to get let us know when you get back how you are doing!