Ok, So... I was cleaning last night and found my gym's schedule of events. I saw that there was a reaction cycling class going on in about an hour, so I went. It was an awesome class, I burned a TON of calories, however, my tail and pelvic area are hurting so much today.. I can barely sit down.. and my knee is hurting so much that I dont want to walk!!! I'm gonna do some water aerobics this morning, hopefully it gives me back a small range of motion or something.
Has any body ever tried Kwando? It sounds like fun... I'm thinking of going to a class or two.
owie!! I tryed spin class a while back and it HURT me so I haven't been back. we did discover that b/c my hips were still fairly wide I had to put pedle extenders on my bike to aviod tweaking my knees. they helped soooooo much.
I am glad you are going to water arobics today
hey is hubby still out of town? we are doing a girls night either tonight or sat - movies, hena tatoos etc just having fun - you are welcome to join us- give me a call
it's those da## hard seats!!! Would it kill them to pad them a little!?! They hurt me too!
I love the calorie burn! They say it's one of the best workouts you can get for cal burning. Not to mention what it does for your butt and thighs! I always have to wait a day or two b/n workouts to let my butt recover
Be careful about that knee tho, unless it's from an old injury or something, it could be b/c the bike wasn't set up right for your height etc, check with the instructor next time to make sure!
my knee injury is an older one... but I dunno if I'm gonna be able to do that class. . The instructor made sure the seat was proper and stuff.
My knee feels like it has gravel in it when I extend it, and has for a long time.. I really should get it looked at, I'm glad my insurance kicks in next week!!!
It was interesting.... but the instructor.. WOW.. she must take speed before she comes in there though!!! There's a resistance lever.... and she had it so hard I could barely pedal at times... I kept taking mine back down a little bit.. cuz it was too hard.
It burns a ton of calories cuz its your leg muscles doing all the work, and they require lots of blood and oxygen. I learned science stuff when I was supposed to be working out..... I'm not supposed to learn on my days off.... didn't they get the memo?