Surgiversary POLL Come on in!!

~ Stylz ~
on 3/2/07 2:57 am - North of Boston, MA
happy surgiversary (1 day late)
on 3/1/07 8:16 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Ok, I'm game. Here we go! Change in numbers... Starting weight-345 lbs Surgery weight-321 lbs current weight 188 lbs. In shock this week when I got below 190 WooHoo!! goal weight-realistically 170 lbs, but would love to hit 145-150 lbs. i think I can...I think I can..... Starting sizes-32/34 top, dress, coat etc. 28/30w pant Current sizes-XL, some L or even a 1X (but most are loose) tops/jackets, pants 16w, 14w for zip up fitted pants, pull on elastic, get this a FREAKIN size 10!!!!!!! ))))) Loss in inches-Haven't tracked that in awhile, but alot!!! Your biggest WOW moment? There have been so many. Let's see, biggest? Hmm... I think the glimpses I catch sometimes of myself, reflection in a mall window etc and think who is that person there then realizing it was me. I have to take a step back and look. But as I said, just so many, the things I can do that I never could before still amazes me this one year later, each and every time I do them like walking stairs no problem, running up stairs, crossing my legs, just walking with no problems. Its GREAT!! Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? I should stop worrying about the numbers, but I would really like to see 170, 169 would be better. Can you imagine? Being 160 some pounds? Mind blowing!!! Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? Walk more than short distances without hurting, being able to breath when walking, going up/ running up stairs, ride a bike, cross my legs, reach to my side and clip my work id on my pant pocket without dying trying to contort myself to reach to my side, bend my legs in all kinds of positions LOL, just stand long periods of times without back or feet hurting, have energy to do stuff and keep doing more. Sheesh the list could just go on and on! Reward when you reach your goal weight? I'm kind of spoiled and if I want something I get it, (at least Im honest lol) so planning rewards are kind of hard. I know my father in law has asked my husband what he was going to do for me, or buy me for my 1 year surgiversary. That he should recognize it in some way for me. So we shall see on that. I think everything I've experienced so far, each and every day is a reward in itself. I have found lately that I haven't taken any of it for granted, I still find myself almost daily being blown away by the normal daily things I can do and I love it! Do you have any regrets since your surgery? As you hear so often, only that I didn't do it sooner!!! What has been the easiest and hardest thing since surgery? Everyone experiences the surgery differently, some have complications some dont. I have been very blessed to not have had any, so I have had an easy time of it and pray that it continues that way. The hardest thing since surgery I would have to say is the current time, the past month or so. I have found that the desire for bad foods is stronger now, I can eat sugary things, which is not good, as a normal course of things weight comes off slower, so when you are not so good as you should be its even slllloooowwer in losing. The hardest thing is that now at 11 month, now starting the 12th month is that every day feels like a diet. I am a living breathing, walking talking diet. It will never end. I dont know that everyone realizes that, but having WLS does not mean you will never diet again, quite the opposite. WLS gave you a tool, a much needed tool to succeed in getting the weight off, but now you have to work each and every day to keep it off / to not gain the weight back. I mention this becasue I saw one day on the main message board someone mention that they had chose wls so that they would never have to diet again. OH HELLO, wake up!!! Quite the contrary. Any complications you've had? None Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? None Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? I don't think I have reverted to any, but formed new ones. As mentioned found I can eat sugary stuff. Sure I ate cake, cookies, donuts, etc in the past, but on occaison, I was fat from FOOD, too much food, fast food, etc. But now I find I would rather eat a brownie, a cookie and some coffee instead of food. And I have been having these things too often the past month. So obviously something I need to work on or Im in BIG trouble in time. Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? Never had that first piece of chocolate or cookie at christmas time. How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other? Hasn't changed my relationships any. They were good before surgery and just as good now. I know some say better, I wouldnt say better, just still good. My family and friends are very supportive. Favorite post op recipe (please share with us)-Not much of a cook. Just slab down some meat and a salad. LOL Cottage cheese, oatmeal. Sorry. If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? Organic instant oatmeal w/ flaxseed (optimum) not sure of the exact name.. I love it, have eaten it for like 3 months straight now for breakfast. AchievOne, protein powder, salad made with broccli THE BOMB! Vitamins, vitamins and more vitamins, and whey whey whey! Gotta have that good protein!!
on 3/1/07 8:18 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Misread this one.LOL Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? diabetes, bp, breathing/asthma type symptoms. No meds, no inhalers since I left the hospital last year!!!
~ Stylz ~
on 3/2/07 3:05 am - North of Boston, MA
Congrats to you on getting rid of your health risks! you're picture looks great we should see it on the boards more often
on 3/1/07 10:54 am - Fort Bragg, NC
Change in numbers... Starting weight 315, surgery weight 278, current weight 161, goal weight 167, starting sizes 22/24 2x/3x, current sizes 8/10, loss in inches not sure haven't done them in a while but a 40 to 33 in my bust for sure and 40 to 30 in my waist? Your biggest WOW moment? hmmm not sure but I got carded today and I just turned 34 2 weeks ago! Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? 1 pound until I reach my doctor's goal of 160...all my clothes be single digit Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? go on a 6 mile hike in the mountains in 90 minutes Reward when you reach your goal weight? UMM??? haven't done anything per say Do you have any regrets since your surgery? not doing it sooner What has been the easiest and hardest thing since surgery? not eatting sugar makes me sick...trying sugar it makes me sick Any complications you've had? had kidney failure 2 weeks post op nothing since Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? snacking after dinner Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? more water!!! more protein my excersize How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other? with my husband it made things better, my family since we've never lived close no change...some friends are excited some have not been supportive Favorite post op recipe (please share with us) don't have one was a meat eater before and still am If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? ISO pure liquid protein, OH and selfesteam If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be? do what is right for YOUR body if at 3 weeks you need more solid food eat them...if you can do liquids for 4 weeks do it.....if you crave banans eat's your body telling you, you need more potassium, listen to your body it knows what it needs.
~ Stylz ~
on 3/2/07 3:08 am - North of Boston, MA
funny you mention bananas and to eat them if your body craves them! I've never been a fan of bananas pre or post op then last week I couldn't stop thinking about having them! I think over the past week I've had 4 of them! I guess my own self is telling me it wants potassium. never looked at it that way!!
on 3/1/07 11:03 am - Western, KY
Change in numbers... Starting weight, surgery weight, current weight, goal weight, starting sizes, current sizes, loss in inches? Starting weight: 359 Now: 176 Goal Wt.: 150 Starting pant size: 28/30 Now: 12/14 or Large Goal Size: who knows Didn't measure inches...wish I had of! Your biggest WOW moment? Wow, there is so many! I guess getting told that I didn't look like I needed to lose anymore weight. Who'd a thunk I'd ever hear those words! Oh, and when I finally reached a weight where I had lost more weight than I currently weighed!!! Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? My goal weight Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? Cross my legs, wear cute clothes, have pride in my appearance, run (a little) Reward when you reach your goal weight? new wardrobe and possibly plastic surgery (unless it takes that to reach goal!!) Do you have any regrets since your surgery? That I didn't exercise sooner. What has been the easiest and hardest thing since surgery? losing weight has never been so easy! DH hates it that I say that, but this truly has been the easiest "diet" I've been least through the honeymoon phase. It's getting harder now. The hardest thing is making the correct choices. Any complications you've had? One week after surgery, I had an infection and had to be readmitted to the hospital to treat it and for dehydration. Also, during the first six months I had extremely low potassium and had to take horrible supplements. Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? I didn't really have any co-morbidities. I'm sure I was probably on the verge of being diabetic. And sometimes my blood pressure was a little high. Now it seems every time I go to the doctor my blood pressure is low (low for me, like 100/68). Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? I've tested sugar too much. I know sugar doesn't bother me, but add fat and I feel horrible. It started at valentines day and I've eaten too much candy!!! Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? Started exercising. I still don't exercise and I feel like I'm gonna need ps to get over all of my body issues. Also, I've had more aches and pains, and I think I've had some transfer additions to prescription pain killers that I'm trying to get over. Four months on Lortab is not a good thing! I'm trying to make light of it as I'm going through some withdrawal right now! How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other? I think some of my friends are jealous because they were once the thinnest in the group and now I am. My relationship with her is suffering, but I knew before surgery that she wouldn't be supportive, so I'm not really surprised. (This is the person who, after I told her about the surgery, said "can't you just pretend you've had surgery and eat like that??? WTF?) I have other friends that are just jealous (not in a bad way, maybe envious!!) because they wish they could lose weight. My relationship with my family is great. My relationship with DH is better than ever. He loves me more than ever and he's taken care of me more than I ever thought he would, so I love him even more. Favorite post op recipe (please share with us) - grilled chicken from Backyard burger...I don't cook! If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? Unjury Vanilla protein mixed with peach Fruit 2 0...tastes like homemade peach ice cream, well, at least that's what I tell myself!, pumpkin fluff recipe (love that stuff!) and Diet Nestea Peach Green Tea. If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be? Exercise from the beginning and drink, drink, drink! Wow, I've written a book...this is what happens when you tell the lurkers to join in too!!! Congratulations Marchers!! We've all done great!!! Kim 359/176/150 183 pounds gone!!!
~ Stylz ~
on 3/2/07 2:55 am - North of Boston, MA
wow look at your update picture!!! lookin great girl!
Rick A.
on 3/1/07 12:15 pm - Far Northern, CA
Hello all, Thanks for the poll. Change in numbers... Starting weight, surgery weight, current weight, goal weight, starting sizes, current sizes, loss in inches? Starting weight, 339, surgery weight 300, current weight 186, goal weight, 186, shirt sizes from 5X to medium, pants from a tight 46 to a loose 36. loss in inches - 89.25. bmi 50.5 to 28.3. Your biggest WOW moment? Riding a rollercoaster, fitting comfortably in an airplae seat, riding a bicycle, going down the water slides. rideing a jet ski. Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? feel more self confident about myself and my appearance. Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? Tie my shoes (always had velcro), cut my toenails easily, wipe by bottom easily (TMI). climb stairs without being breathless, walking 4 miles without my feet hurting. on and on and on Reward when you reach your goal weight? new clothes Do you have any regrets since your surgery? That I didn't do it sooner. What has been the easiest and hardest thing since surgery? easiest - walking, hardest - portion control and not drinking with meals. Any complications you've had? Not a one. Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? No more sleep apnea, no more high blood pressure. Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? Snacking especially in the evenings. Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? Starting toning excercises earlier. How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other? Most have been very supportive. My wife is having a bit of a time now because I weigh less then her. It doesn't matter to me, but it is driving her crazy. Favorite post op recipe (please share with us) I don't cook, but my wife makes a dessert thing with cottage cheese, low fat coolwhip, sugar free jello and the fruit of your choice (strawberries or mandarin orange work great) If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? Cottage cheese, low fat yogurt, cheese sticks (pretty boring) If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be? Walk as soon and as much as you can. This has been the ride of my life and probably has saved my life. Learn as much as you can and stick with the program until you reach your goal. I said I would give it a year. I can't believe the results this tool as allowed me to achieve. Life is great, Rick
~ Stylz ~
on 3/2/07 3:11 am - North of Boston, MA
glad you enjoyed posting in the poll! Its a great way for us Marchers to keep track of how everyone is doing or how they've done over the past year! I can't believe its been a year for us all!!! Reading everyones answers is so inspiring!! Weight loss, WOW moments, getting rid of medications, ups and downs of our rollercoaster.. So great to hear from everyone!
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