Surgiversary POLL Come on in!!

~ Stylz ~
on 2/28/07 9:44 pm - North of Boston, MA
WE MADE IT! It's the month of all us Marcher's surgiversary! Its been a while since we've given updates on BMI or weight loss in a bit, join in by answering the poll below! Lurkers join in too, we miss you all! Change in numbers... Starting weight, surgery weight, current weight, goal weight, starting sizes, current sizes, loss in inches? Your biggest WOW moment? Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? Reward when you reach your goal weight? Do you have any regrets since your surgery? What has been the easiest and hardest thing since surgery? Any complications you've had? Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other? Favorite post op recipe (please share with us) If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be? HAPPY SURGIVERSARY EVERYONE!!!
~ Stylz ~
on 2/28/07 9:49 pm - North of Boston, MA
Change in numbers... Starting weight, surgery weight, current weight, goal weight? Starting weight 261.2, Surgery 250.0, Current 141, Goal 135.2 Starting sizes: Shirt 26/28, Pants 22, Current sizes: Large Shirt, 8 Pants Your biggest WOW moment? Toss up between Not looking like a stuffed sausage when layering shirts and Shopping at Victoria Secret for more than lotions! Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? 135.2, adding more weight training and strengthening core muscles Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? Climb stairs and not be out of breath, fit comfortably in classroom desks, walk distances and not be tired, stand without my back hurting, shop in regular stores!!! Reward when you reach your goal weight? Trip to either South Beach or Vegas! Do you have any regrets since your surgery? Not a one!!! What has been the easiest and hardest thing since surgery? Easiest, not over eating! Hardest, still waiting to drink after meals... Any complications you've had? No complications, but have been checked for ulcer in my esophagus and kidney stones, both times results came back perfectly normal! Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? Thyroid level is normal! Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? Drinking caffeine, alcohol and also chew gum occasionally waiting for my time to be up so I can drink again after eating. Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? Exercise more in the beginning How has your weight loss affected your relationship with spouse or significant other? He LOVES it! At first there was a little jealousy when we would go out and he'd notice I was getting "looks", but now he feels good that they look because he knows he's got me Favorite post op recipe (please share with us) I'll have to say Peanut Butter Balls... Great snack to have on hand so I don't look for something bad to eat! 3/4 c. peanut butter (skippy low carb peanut butter) 3/4 cup powdered instant milk 1 T sugar free honey 1 cup instant oatmeal 6 tablespoons ho****er (- or +, consistency should be thick enough to roll into balls, but not crumbly thick) (1 scoop unflavored protein) - you could use chocolate protein if you want a peanut butter cup type recipe 2 T splenda Mix all ingredients above and roll into balls. Roll in toasted sesame seeds and chill in fridge for at least an hour! If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? 1. Wendy's Chili and Taco Bell Pintos and Cheese for pureed stage - lived on it!!!! 2. A mug warmer to get you through the first few months (keeps food warm instead of using the microwave and drying food out) 3. Sign up for an online food journal like to help keep you on track If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be? Invest in a digital diet scale to help keep portion sizes correct. Don't revert back to eating sugar too early post-op because you'll be able to tolerate more and more each month.
on 3/1/07 12:11 am - Melrose, MA
WE MADE IT! It's the month of all us Marcher's surgiversary! Its been a while since we've given updates on BMI or weight loss in a bit, join in by answering the poll below! Lurkers join in too, we miss you all! Change in numbers: BMI start = 57 Starting weight = 357 surgery weight = 336 current weight = 182 goal weight = 169 BMI Now = 28 starting sizes = 32-34 pants,30-32 or 3-5X shirts, bra 54DD, shoes 10WW current sizes = 14-16 pants, Med-LG shirts or 12-14, bra 38D, shoes 9 loss in inches = no sure did not measure inches Your biggest WOW moment? Was this past summer I was able to walk down a verrrry steep hill to the waterfront at my church was the first time I had been down to the waterfront in all the years I have been going there...I would always send my camera down with friends and family to take pictures of the events and goings on...I made it down with no problem and than went swimming for a few hours and then someone offered me a ride back up to the camp and my sister promptly (before I could answer) said NO Thank you she will walk back I knew the challenge was not done yet but I took my time and with my three supporters (my sister Sandy, daughter Lauren, and her friend Hanna) we all found walking sticks to help with the journey and we did was very refreshing and exciting to make it to the top without being winded.. Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? More exercise and to fit into a bra from Victoria Secret. Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? Walk more than five min without heavy breathing can walk pretty far now without any problems, chase my kids and play ball with th em, run, sit on an airplane without an extension seat belt, walk away from the computer, and actually d o stuff other than sitting on my backside in front of a screen, shop in regular stores, Reward when you reach your goal weight? New wardrobe going to take everything that is too big out and buy new clothes and then take a trip with hubby somewhere for the weekend where we can walk and somewhere near the ocean..probably Rockport, MA that is where we Honeymooned and it was great...and I was 150lbs heavier the last time I was there...there will be no stopping me once we are there...the car will get very little use.... Do you have any regrets since your surgery? No not at All! What has been the easiest and hardest thing since surgery? Easiest = feeding the the beginning I thought that I would drive myself crazy seeing them eat all of the food that I could not...but I put my mind straight and still fed them their usual food and then graduadly they started eating the foods that I could eat so now they eat better ..don't get me wrong they still eat fast food but truthfully I make better choices if I eat there with them and it is not as a frequent thing. Hardest: Family functions where I hosted I would be so busy trying to make sure that everything got done and being rushed...I would sit down to eat and eat too fast and end up getting I had to stop being the hostess and let other people do the craziness so that I was not all crazy and in a hurry and trying to multitask and eat at the same time it just did not work. Any complications you've had? No none at all...other than Iron being a little low...but we think that it was because I swiched vitamins and the new one did not have iron in it. Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? I no longer have sleep apena, high blood pressure, sugar levels are normal again, knees and ankles do not hurt anymore, back is not bothering me except in the areas where it got damaged in the car accident, no more hearburn,, breathing is a lot easier. Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? I tried a piece of chocolate and found out that I do not dump from it...I have kept it under tight rein...I also find myself bored at night and go looking in the fridge then I realize what I am doing and try to find something else to do. Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? Exercise more, and got in more protein in the beginning. How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other? Well I have noticed that some of my friends do not involve me in what use to be a social event we would get together at each others house and have dinner together and I have noticed now that I have lost a great deal of weight the invitations are fewer and fewer. I think it is because we would sit for hours eating talking and eating. Now it is them eating and talking and I am talking or up moving around not sitting still and it makes them uncomfortable I guess..they have not said anything but it is a feeling I get....My family have all been Nana use to tell me how if I lost some weight I would be so much better and happier and feel better and now that I have lost the weight she thinks I am too so I am going to just agree with spouse yeah baby things did definitely change....we have a much more active relationship..wink wink....and it is very exciting to both of us...we can do a lot more things together outside of the home too when we get the when we were in hubby and kids w ere tired after 3-4 hours of walking around Magic Kingdom and I was like what do you mean you want to go home now...I am not tired...lets keep was nice to have the shoe on the other foot having them be tired and trying to keep up with Favorite post op recipe (please share with us): Easiest Chicken 2 1 pk Chicken breast 6 halves marinated with Italian dressing (boneless & skinless) 2 cn Cream of mushroom soup 1 cn Cream of broccoli soup 8oz Sour cream Place in slow cooker. Mix together soups, and pour over chicken. Cook on low, all day. Remove chicken from sauce and shred with two forks. Add 8 oz of Sour Cream to sauce. Keep heating on low until rice is done cooking. Serve over hot rice. If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? Food scale...measure everything helps keep you safe from over eating, and not losing your meal and keeps you hones****ersensations- adding this to my water helps me get my required water in for the day....and AchievOne protein drinks....OMG they are yummy and help with that extra protein.... If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be? Listen to your surgeon do everything they say...there is no such thing as a dumb question if you have a question ask it or post it on the boards I am sure their will be someone out here in OH land that will have had the same experience and could help or make suggestions...Chew Chew Chew....all of the food once you get clearance from you surgeon to eat chew your food until it is liquidfied.
~ Stylz ~
on 3/2/07 2:53 am - North of Boston, MA
thanks for the recipe, can't wait to try it!
Darlene X
on 3/1/07 1:51 am - Maricopa, AZ
Your biggest WOW moment? *** Getting into my goal size jeans (Size 12) Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? *** I still want to see 170lbs on the scale, but Im good where I am. *** To get pregnant Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? *** Shop in regular stores *** Wear cute shoes *** Just blend in and fel normal Reward when you reach your goal weight? *** Just the satisfaction. Do you have any regrets since your surgery? *** None What has been the easiest and hardest thing since surgery? *** Easiest: Not drinking while eating. *** Hardest: Fighting off the food demons. Any complications you've had? *** None Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? *** When I get pregnant I'll tell ya... didn't really have health issues prior to. Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? *** Chocolate Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? *** Not really... How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other? *** Completely, and too much to write about here...LOL Favorite post op recipe (please share with us) *** I like too many recipes! If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? *** Hummus, Soy Crisps & Turkey Burgers If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be? *** It does get better, every day.. and it will all be worth it in the end.
~ Stylz ~
on 3/2/07 3:18 am - North of Boston, MA
aren't cute shoes the best!!! can't wait for the spring to go shoe shopping again! come on, you have to have a favorite recipe! your mexican dishes all sound delish!!
on 3/1/07 2:43 am - Cincinnati, OH
Change in numbers... Starting weight 362 , current weight 184 , goal weight 150 , starting sizes 30/32 pants 4x-5x top shoe size 12ww , current sizes, 14 pants large top 10m or 10w shoe Your biggest WOW moment? Being called tiney/skinney a few weeks ago by a guy I work with who said there is no way I need to lose 30 plus pounds Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? Walk the flying pig marathon Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? Walk, garden, live life Reward when you reach your goal weight? New clothes Do you have any regrets since your surgery? Yep what has been the easiest and hardest thing since surgery? Easiest thing since surgery-exercise; hardest eat (I no longer enjoy food) Any complications you've had? Back issues--just popped up out of the blue Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? All-no high blood sugar, blood pressure, asthma, or cholesterol Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? None Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? Tried different foods in the beginning How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other? Yep-nicer person Favorite post op recipe (please share with us)-none-don't cook If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? Quaker mini choc covered rice cakes , Gerber arrow root cookies and bumble bee tuna pack--lemon pepper If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be? Chew, don't by a scale and listen to your doctor and nut
~ Stylz ~
on 3/1/07 3:26 am - North of Boston, MA
MJ I was just going make a lost persons post looking for you lady! how did the MRI go? feeling better?
~ Stylz ~
on 3/2/07 2:54 am - North of Boston, MA
happy surgiversary
on 3/1/07 3:10 am - Dundee, FL
Change in numbers: BMI start = 47 Starting weight = 281 surgery weight = 277 current weight = 151 goal weight = 150 BMI Now = 23.3 starting sizes = 26/28 pants, 26/28 3X shirts, bra 46D, shoes 10W current sizes = 10/12 pants, Med-LG shirts or 12, bra 38C, shoes 9 Your biggest WOW moment? I had to go to California last summer (August) for a Water Ski tournament. When I got on the plane, I put the seatbelt on and had about 12 inches to spare. I have NEVER been on a plane without having to ask for a seat belt extender. I was so excited. I took a picture with my camera phone and e-mailed it to my husband!! Goals you haven't reached yet, BUT WILL!?!?!?!? To get in enough excercise!! I will meet that goal. Things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago? Shop Victoria Secret. I went in last month and bought ten pairs of panties, only because I could, but I hated them when I got home and gave them to my neice! Reward when you reach your goal weight? My mother is taking me and my sisters to NYC in May for five days to see the city. It is going to be so much fun. Then in September I am going on a cruise to Jamaica and Grand Cayman. I have been on eight cruises but this will be the first time I have been that I will be able to participate in the activities! I can't wait to climb the falls at Jamaica!! Do you have any regrets since your surgery? That I didn't do this sooner! Any complications you've had? Not one!! Medical issues that have resolved since surgery? I didn't have any prior to the surgery other than aches and pains from the weight. Don't have those anymore. Oh yeah...I don't snore anymore!! Bad habit you've reverted back to since surgery? I can eat chocolate in moderation so I have to watch myself. Any thing you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey? Exercise more, and got in more protein in the beginning!! Also, I wish I would have lifted weights. I have very bony shoulders now. Almost sickly looking! How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other? Everyone is so supportive of me. Thank God!! I know people who have lost friends after the surgery but that hasn't happened with me. And my DH is awesome. Although sometimes he says I am too skinny. NOT!! Favorite post op recipe (please share with us): 1 box of Instant Sugar Free Pudding 1 Container of Free Cool Whip 3 Scoops of Whey Protein Powder (Vanilla) Prepare Pudding according to box using Skim Milk and mix protein powder at the same time. Stir in the Cool Whip. For a varriation, mix in Chopped nuts, Sugar Free Chocolate Chips, or Diced Bananas. Makes six servings and is awesome!! Great dessert or snack and packed with protein!! If you could only recommend 3 things, products, foods, etc. That you have found since starting your "Journey," What would they be? First I would recommend the IDS New Whey Liquid Protein. There is 40 grams of protein in 3 ounces of liquid! They are great!! Second, I would recommend the Revival Soy Chips. They are very healthy, have seven grams of protein and are a great snack for when you just don't know what you want but you want something, situations!! They come in several flavors and are awesome. Third I would recommend the web site. They have so many awesome things for post-op patients! Sugar free items, Protein items and much more!! It has definately gotten me through the post op stage. If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be? Follow through with everything that you are supposed to do. Take your vitamins, get in your protein, and excercise faithfully!! God Bless!!
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