Lisa M.
on 2/16/07 9:59 pm - LaGrange, NC
I am a lurker here mostly. Just wanted to post, but afraid to really on this matter. I know that we are almost a year out now, but at times I feel like I can eat more than I should. When I go out to eat (THIS IS RARE), it is very hard to measure my food. I usually eat off hubby's plate or get a child portion (which I do not eat all of). Last night, we went to IHOP and I got the kids silver dollar pancake platter. I ordered NO egg (can't stand the taste after surgery), but an extra strip of bacon for protein. Before anyone says anything about the pancakes, this is the first time in 11 months that I have had them. It was just a different taste that I wanted. Anyway, I ended up eating 3 strips of bacon and 3 silver dollar pancakes. Now, I realize that these pancakes are small, but I stopped and left the last 2 and still was NOT full feeling. I felt guilty all night long...or should I say afraid I was going to regain weight. Other times this week, hubby got me buffalo chicken bites from Bojangles. THey are grilled and not fried (good for me). I ate on them 3 different times and then threw the rest away. Sometimes I can fix a bowl of soup, or beans and eat the entire thing. Is it the TYPE of food I'm eating that allows me to eat more at times or am I overeating. I'm sure it's hard for you to tell from what I'm telling you without seeing my bowl (it is a small plastic container used for storing leftovers of SMALL proportions. No more than a cup) I am 11 months out (or will be in a week) and have lost 148 lbs. I walk a mile and a half to to 2 miles per day. I haven't lost anything in 2 weeks. I keep going up and down 2 lbs. I am 3 lbs from joining the century club and can't lose them. DOES ANYONE THINK IT MIGHT BE THAT I AM EATING TOO MUCH? OR AM I JUST AT A REGULAR, TYPICAL STANDSTILL???? SORRY for the long post. Lisa
on 2/17/07 1:46 am - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Lisa, WHAT ARE YOU DOING EATING PANCAKES?!!? I'm totally kidding! Welcome to the board. I've been asking myself the same questions as far as portions and control. I'm also having the same issues in that I'm eating the same amount as i have been eating--and I'm not feeling full anymore!!! So I KNOW I can eat more now. It really doesn't sound (to me) like you are eating too much. At least in comparison to me. I haven't tested it, but I feel like I can almost finish a "regular" adult portion, which sucks. I always have to stop myself from overeating. If you are still sticking to around a cup of food, i think you are doing great. I do notice I can eat more of certain (soft) foods, esp. lettuce or soups, so I think you're right on that count. You sound like you are doing great. Until yday, I hadn't lost weight in five stinkin weeks! Grrrr. It's hard knowing a year is right around the corner and this is how it's probably going to be from now on. But you sound like you're on track. What I'm going to keep doing is measuring my food so that my portion sizes don't sneak back up on me. Continued luck to you! Rebeka 284/261/162/150
on 2/17/07 2:32 am - Fort Bragg, NC
Girl no gripping from me on pancakes I make mine with added protein powder and use sugar free syrup...granted I have only eaten them 3 times since surgery but sometimes you just have to eat real food...I think sounds liek you are right on track foods that do not sit heavy on the stomach such a soups, sea food, beans I can eat what seems like a normal portion....but meats like steak, or chicken or pasta sit heavy and I can still only eat a small amount. I do have days that I panic I eat way too much then other days I eat like a bird...I have noticed the longer I take to eat the more i can get my mother and I went to a buffet we sat there for an hour and half eatting and talking...I had a serving of crawdads and after about 30 minutes or so I had a serving of shrimp...My mom could not believe I got it all in...neither could I...granted I had to peel them both so it probably looked like I ate more then what I really did...but you'd think after 30 minutes I'd still be full. however at about this time our weight loss according to my doc will basically stop...maybe last up to 18 months If I swap up my diet and excersize.
~ Stylz ~
on 2/17/07 8:56 am - North of Boston, MA
Lisa! I don't think it sounds like a lot! We're all almost a year out and have come a long way... Eating a few silver dollar pancakes is much better than the few (or more) large pancakes we use to eat before surgery right? Grilled buffalo chicken bites?? mmmmm you're gettin me hungry girl and we don't have a bojangles! I admit to stopping at Wendy's a couple times for 5 piece nuggets (probably 2 or 3 times in the past few months). I can only eat 3 nuggets, probably because of the breading, but I do (and the chicken is protein, not the best protein choice, but its protein)! We're all human, we all eat out from time to time, we'll all make choices some we might not make, but its not half as bad as the choices we made before surgery! Dont beat yourself up over choices as long as you keep it in control and don't start eating pancakes, pizza, fried chicken, cookies, cake, candy, fried dough and wa**** all down with a 6 pack of beer (all or some of the above ) all week, you're fine!! some of us post our menus in the what did you eat today post (WDYET), I know it keeps me honest and at times helps get me back on track by re-reading it. maybe it will help you? good luck with your choices
Lisa M.
on 2/17/07 9:12 am - LaGrange, NC
Thanks guys for the reassurance. I realize that we can eat more now and being out at a restaurant without my handy dandy little bowl that measures out my food easily makes it harder to tell how much I'm eating. I do have a WOW...I ended up weighing after posting this today. I AM NOW 199!!! AFTER ALL THE WORRY...I MADE MY PERSONAL GOAL (ALTHOUGH I AM STILL CONSIDERED OBESE). I weighed...........everybody ready......199!!!! That is a weightloss of 151 lbs!!!!! A LONG way from 350 lbs. I still find that it is so easy to graze. I am a teacher and received 8 boxes of chocolate on valentines day. I gave away all but 2 and haven't even opened one of those and only eat one truffle a day out of the other. I think that is better than keeping it all. I also told my hubby....NO chocolate this year. He got me 2 manicures...just what I wanted and NOT FATTENING. I think you're right Stylz. I probably should admit what I eat, but on days I graze you all would probably whip me into shape quick....just what I need right? I really am trying (although I graze too much by eating 3 snacks a day rather than 2. I get up at 4:30 every morning (never used to do that) to walk like I stated earlier. That has to be a positive. Thanks again Lisa
~ Stylz ~
on 2/19/07 4:49 am - North of Boston, MA
Lisa Mimi just pointed out your wow moment in another post Congratulations to you for making it to onderland!! i found myself binging for a bit and posting my menu really helped me see I was doing it, so come on in and lets all work together to stay on track
on 2/20/07 2:49 am - Columbia, MD
Hi Lisa, Well, I can't add much more than the others but I just wanted to share that I know how you feel. I felt like I ate ALL weekend. I mean, everytime I turned around I was looking for or eating something. I think that every once in awhile I go through this and that after a few days I get control back. I am not making the best food choices when I do this but I know that I am still controlling portions. We can all eat so much more than we used to be able to. It's a scary feeling. Sometimes I feel like the food is taking control again. Other times I just know that I am in a phase and will bounce back. I am so much more aware of what I am eating and doing that I feel as if I am able to keep from gaining any weight back. Just keep plugging away at this lifestyle change. The old habits die very hard! I just keep pushing myself to stick to the new and better habits, every day, sometimes just one meal at a time. Hang in there. You are doing great. 148 lbs is awesome! Hugs, Robin 272/166/145
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