I don't drink caffine never have because I only have 1 kiddney...anyway tonight hubby was having a beer with my nephew so he made me a pot of coffee...I don't drink...anyway here it is 11 pm and I am bouncing off the freakin walls!!! Hubby didn't thnk to make a pot of decaf he used his coffee and I found this out after I drink 8 of
the 12 cups the pot makes (you know 4 actual coffe cups full) and I start feelling weird. I'll never get to bed tonight....probably better off since kids are up with fevers and puking anyway
Oh my. I hope you were able to get some rest. That much caffine would be good if you had a huge project that required a lot of energy. But I guess it would help with staying up with the kids too. Sorry they aren't feeling well. I don't know how caffine would affect me these days. I haven't had any since my surgery. I never really drank it much anyway.
If you still have energy to spare, I could sure use some help in my house...LOL