Help! Depressed!

Amy I.
on 2/7/07 11:52 pm - KS
Hello all! It has been awhile since I have posted.I have been in a low for awhile now. My weight loss has really slowed down to almost nothing. I know from reading the posts that I am not alone. However; I can not seem to get my head around the fact that I could be done, and that I could be done before reaching my goal or even my surgeons goal. I have been trying to do only protein and that doesn't seem to work either. As a matter of fact I can eat carbs or not and have the same turn out weight wise. My husband will be home next week on leave from Iraq and I so wanted to be closer to goal. But I am still 20 pounds away and have been for almost a month now. I am just frustrated! Thanks for listening to my plight! Amy I Really Stuck at 155
Stephanie Smiles
on 2/8/07 12:05 am - My Town, NH
Amy, big hugs for you! I'm so sorry that you are feeling low. Everything I have read says that the last 20 pounds are so, so difficult to lose. I know it's tough to focus on all that you have accomplished rather than the little bit that you have left to accomplish, but I think we need to try. I struggle with the same issue. I still have 60 pounds to lose and it's so hard to not focus on those 60 pounds rather than the 130 that are already gone. I suspect that your husband will be extremely happy to see you regardless of how close to goal you are. You are gorgeous AND thin! Yup, I said thin. More importantly, you are healthier than ever. I hope you are able to put away those thoughts of reaching your goal weight for a while and enjoy your husband! Keep your chin up! Hugs, Stephanie
on 2/8/07 12:34 am - Columbia, MD
Hi Amy, You are definitely not alone!! I am there with you. I haven't lost anything since Dec. 15th. I have 25 lbs to my goal. I am currently 169/170 depending on the scale I use. I too wonder if I am done. I pray that I can get a really good lower body/thigh lift done that will take about 15 lbs off of that area! As well as I have done I am still bigger on the bottom that the top. I would at least like to be in a size 12 jeans someday. I am barely into a size 16 jeans (14 slacks) and yet I can wear some mediums/12 tops! It's rather frustrating for me. Your husband is going to be thrilled no matter what! You look so amazing and he is gonna just be knocked over when he sees you. I know that it's tough to be so close and not moving along. But you will get there. It will take longer. It's hard to go from seeing 10-20 lbs a month to seeing 1-2 lbs in two months. That's just plain scary. But you will reach your goal. You are working at it and you just need to keep with it. You can do this!!! We both can. We all can!!! And we all will. We just need to be consistent and patient. That is not a word that I like very much but in my case it is very true. Right now I am very worried, to the point of near depression, over my dress for the Valentines dinner this weekend. I have a really nice, somewhat sexy dress for the occasion. I am very excited about it. This is my first sexy dress EVER. I am so scared that it won't fit me! I haven't gained any weight since I bough the dress. (haven't lost either but that's okay) And yet I am still ready to cry over worrying if the thing will still fit. In fact, I am plannig on leaving work today and going straight home to try it on just to make sure it fits. That's how worried I am. It's crazy but I know it comes from years of buying something special only to have it not fit when the time came to wear it...of course due to gaining weight. I am sure it'll be fine but until I try it on again I won't rest easy. I don't know why I didn't try it last night cuz I was really worried yesterday too. Anyway, hang in there Amy. Your husband is going to be amazed by you and so proud of you. Hugs, Robin
on 2/8/07 12:36 am - Nashua, NH
Stephanie said it all....BUT just think if you were like Stephanie and I and still had 40-50-60 pounds to go - or some of us MARCHer's that have even more than 60 lbs. to go. I agree with Stephanie that you look gorgeous and your hubby will be so glad to see you if you are just 20 pounds away or if you were the same person you were last February 2006 - before WLS....because he loves you! My surgeon says you can still be losing up to 18 months after surgery and they do say the last few pounds are the hardest to lose. But try not to get so frustrated - you are beautiful like you are and if you never lose any more - look at what you have accomplished. AND - they do say the excess skins weighs - so figure that into the equation. Now if you don't have any excess skin...them I am truly depressed for myself right now!!!!! (just kidding!). Hang in there military poster are doing great! Hugs to you...Barbara
on 2/8/07 1:44 am - Cottage Grove, OR
I think you are feeling more pressure than we are because your hubby will be home next week. Maybe you've had expectations and goals in mind for when he came home. I know you must have been counting down the days til next week, something you've anticipated for so long... and you want things to be a certain way. Try to appreciate your accomplishments and like the others said, don't let your disappointments creep into your time with hubby. That time is too precious! You are freaking GORGEOUS, you're an inspiration to most of us! I wish I could look like you with your pretty blond hair! When your hubby gets home, just VAMP HIM like a wicked city woman! (Thats my saying from I Love Lucy's Tennessee Ernie Ford, have you seen it?) Rebecca M.
(deactivated member)
on 2/8/07 1:56 am - PA
I think we are in the same boat. I am also about 23 pounds away from my doctor's goal. I've lost 5 pounds in the last 4 months, so my weight loss has definitely slowed down. He wanted me to lose 10 pounds by my 1 year anniversary. I don't think I am gonna get there. I am almost afraid to see him. Anyway, you are NOT alone. I too get depressed about it and sometimes even find myself giving into those old food demons. I also agree that hubby coming home may be putting some extra pressure on you. Just remember you look great and are 100% successful even if you don't lose another ounce! Look in the mirror! You are beautiful! Just keep on trucking. You will get there. Maybe planning a new hairdo, manicure, pedicure or even some sexy new undies for hubby's homecoming will make you feel better. Always works for me! Hugs, Kathy
Pat T.
on 2/8/07 7:49 am - Rome, NY
Hi Amy, I guess we are pretty much all in the same position. I have lost (on a good day) 5 pounds in the past 2 months. I have 20 more to go, and I am trying so hard to get there by Spring. I am trying right now to do the Plateau Buster diet, just for a change to see if that is what my body needs. I also plan on starting back to Curves on Monday, because I know that should make a difference as well. I feel your frustration, come on here and vent all you need to!
on 2/8/07 12:56 pm - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Amy, Well I have ZERO insight for you, but wanted to send you (((HUGS))) I felt just like this for the last two weeks. I feel like I'm totally done and will never reach goal. Worse, I have been struggling with appetite and snacking even though my carbs have been low and I haven't had hardly any hunger until now! So if I lose my "secret weapon" I'm SCREW#D!!! i'm really freaked out. I just try and keep doing everything right and pray for the best. I headed back to the gym and that improved my mood a little at least. I think Rebecca's right, it's just the pressure and self imposed high standards of your dh's return. But you have nothing to worry about, you look so wonderful! ((HUGS))
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