WDYET??? *** Thursday ***

Darlene X
on 1/24/07 10:55 pm - Maricopa, AZ
WOW... quiet day yesterday--- where is everyone???? There were barely any posts on the WDYET thread, and barely any posts in general? What is everyone up to? ------------------------------------------- Breakfast: 1 egg scrambled with diced green bell pepper, potatoes, a little cheese & low carb ketchup (167 calories) Snack: 1oz pepperjack cheesestick & a medium banana (200 calories) Lunch: Approx 3/4C Mexican Spinach Hamburger Casserole (229 Calories) Snack: Lite Yogurt & a serving of Quaker whole grain rice snacks (160 calories) Dinner: Teryaki Chicken Stir-fry (Approx 2oz chicken & 3/4C of veggies--- I found this Teryaki Stir-fry veggie mix at the store, its 45 calories for 1 & 1/3 C!! Thats awesome, and I wouldnt be able to eat that much veggies! A wonderful low calorie meal) --- 105 calories Gives me approx 870 Calories for the day
on 1/24/07 11:16 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
I can't believe you know what you are going to eat for the entire day already...wish i could do that....no i don't too much structure for me LOL so far today I've had 2 cups of protein coffee have no clue what i'll have breakfast or lunch dinner I think I'll make some kind of chicken...have some chicken breast in the freezer my kids will be home for 5 days schools are closed here because of the flu throws a big kink in my daily plans. Mimi
Darlene X
on 1/24/07 11:59 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Like I said below, it's easy for me.. I eat breakfast-- then have to pack my snacks & lunch to take to work, and I plan ahead a day for dinner, otherwise I go home and will eat crap-- I have to know what im eating for dinner-- or we will buy junk, or eat crap like Mac N Cheese. Its much easier because of work. So I know exactly what im eating... I just start the thread early when I work out my calories online... you don't have to post until the end of the day when you know.
on 1/24/07 11:39 pm - Philadelphia area, PA
I cant believe you figure out what you are going to have and stick with it. I change my mind a million times before I figure out what I'm going to have. So far I had weight control oatmeal. My usual breakfast...LOL
Darlene X
on 1/24/07 11:50 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Well it's easy for me... I eat breakfast, then pack my lunch and snacks cause I work all day.... can't eat anything more than I pack-- I don't go anywhere near the caferteria at work, and don't carry cash-- so can't attack the vending machines LOL... so thats why I know what Im eating so early. I decide on dinner the night before, otherwise I will go home and eat something crappy... so I plan dinner in my head and get stuff out so I know exactly what im having for dinner when I get home.
on 1/25/07 12:08 am - Fort Bragg, NC
see this is why I must go back to work...since I have moved here I have had so much to do with the schools and the doctors and blah blah blah that I am eatting CRAP!!! I think it is great what you do...I should do something simliar even on days I know I'll be running the street I should pack my lunch this way I'll be sure to eat which I normally don't and I'll eat something good for me.
on 1/25/07 12:56 am - auburn, CA
Mostly I lurk but wanted you to know I went to Mycaloriecounter.com on your link, checked it out signed up for 6 mo premium and I LOVE it. thanks for the recommendation Best $10 I've spent recently!
Darlene X
on 1/25/07 1:13 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hey Sandra I pay for the premium membership too--- I just loved all the additional features, and they have so much more foods, and brand name stuff in their data base unlike free sites like fitday.com.... for me it's totally worth paying for the website.
on 1/25/07 1:09 am - Melrose, MA
breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with milk and taco cheese & 1 cup of decaf coffee Lunch: have not eaten as of yet but probably gonna be either turkey or roast beef rolls with provolone cheese on romaine lettuce no carb monkeys today so far...yeah... Dinner: have some bbq marinated chicken breast in the crock pot probably gonna shread it and make sandwiches with it... other than that...not much... gonna take one vitamin now and one later no water so far....unless you count decaf coffee Jannine
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/07 2:42 am - PA
SO far... Bfast: 2 eggs w/ salsa Snack: decaf coffee Lunch: 1 c. turkey chili Snack: probably nothing Dinner: Don't know yet, saving some calories because I am meeting a friend out and I'd like to have a drink or two. Vitamins: 1/2 in. Water: great (finally!) Exercise: Gonna TRY to get in 45 mins. of cardio tonight
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