WDYET??? *** Friday ***

Darlene X
on 1/18/07 10:54 pm - Maricopa, AZ
YAY Its FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so happy for it to be the weekend... can you tell? Hubby is spending all day tomorrow in the desert with his Dad, which leaves me to the whole day alone!! I love my husband, and love to spend time with him... but sometimes alone time is very nice. I will get some cleaning done around home, and I have 2 cakes to decorate this weekend.... one is for my neices birthday, and she didn't give me an easy request so that will take some time! (I'll post pictures next week if anyone is interested). -------------------------------------- Breakfast: 1 Cup Kashi Strawberry Fields Cereal with about 1/4C 1% Milk (I don't drink the milk after eating cereal) --- 150 Calories -- This was actually too much, left me feeling uncomfortable, so I will lower it to 3/4C Next time. Snack: Yoplait Light Yogurt & a Banana (200 Calories) Lunch: 1/2 C White Chicken Chili with a little shredded cheese, and 1 tortilla chip crumbled on top. (198 Calories) Snack: A 2% String Cheese & A serving (7) of the Quaker Whole Grain Honey Graham rice snacks. (130 calories) Dinner: Omaha Steak Burger & a small side salad (Lettuce, snap peas, tomatoes & dressing) -- The burger is 4oz, and while I can eat a 4oz Turkey burger pattie ok, Im pretty sure 4oz of steak burger will be too much-- the meat is more dense, so I plan on trying to get 3oz in. (250 calories) Snack: 2 Dove SF Dark Chocolates (76 calories) That gives me about 1000 calories today. A little on the higher side, but right around where I want to be, my Nut says 1000-1200 Calories... personally I want to be 800-1000 calories. Im always higher in calories when I have a banana instead of an apple. Im still sticking to limiting my cheese to one serving well... I could have put a slice of cheese on my burger, but I won't... and the cheese on my chili is just a very tiny sprinkle.
on 1/19/07 3:04 am - Cincinnati, OH
today I m having I hate food day breakfast: protein drink snack: 3 oz. l.f yogurt with scoop of protein snack: gerbers graduates apple/banana puffs (tastey and only 25 cals and 1 g of sugar and 6 carbs) lunch:protein bar snack: 3 oz. yogurt with protein (the remainder of yogurt from this morning) dinner: french onion soup with an 2 oz. of cheese (4 oz soup) fit day has me around 659 cals I have enough protein in but my calories could be higher (yeah I know they should be higher) this is the only thing my doctor and nut get on me about--I donot eat enough food-ha when have I ever heard a doctor say that???? like never. I try but there are more days then not when I just do not want to eat food I'd rather drink my meals. Oh well what is a person to do? Have a good Friday everyone. Must get back to work
on 1/19/07 8:59 am - Great Bend, KS
I'd love to see pictures of the cakes! I just got back from the grocery store...bought everything to make your white chicken chili tomorrow. I can't wait! Breakfast: Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal with 3/4 c Hood Caorie Countdown Lunch: 3 meatballs and 1/2 c no salt added french green beans Snack: 1 oz reduced fat shredded cheddar cheese and 1/2 c grapes Dinner: leftover chicken cacciatore. So yummy! It gets better everyday. Snack: 1/2 c fat free cottage cheese with Splenda and cinnamon, 3 Quaker Whole grain honey graham cakes (I bought these bc of you Darlene! I hope I can control myself and not eat the entire bag!) Before bed: 8 oz. steamed Hood Calorie countdown with Davinci SF syrup 858 calories, 96 grams protein
on 1/19/07 9:23 am - Inland Empire, CA
I love to see cake pics too. I made your chicken chili last night. It's so good! B: protein coffee S: 2 string cheese, sml apple L: Chicken chili 1 cup S: 1 pork Bau (dumpling) D: ??? TBD maybe scallops water: 80 oz so far! exer: nope vits: yep
on 1/19/07 11:41 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
lets see i had crap crap and more crap it's a long story but basically the school tried to suspend my mentally disabled kinder because he would not move to another desk and when the principal tried to paddle him which she did not have permission to do he flopped around like a fish out of water knocking over a waste basket...so they wanted to suspend him until we get the school records from our old school and they could review them to see where they needed to place them....sad thing for them the superintendent of the school district is my dad's best friend...so need less to say when I walked in and said hey we have a problem he was all over them because what they tried to do was illegal and I knew it...anyway we have a meetting Monday at 8 to work something out and to see if I will press charges against the school or simply the principal..my dad's other best bud is a lawyer and his daughter adn I were best friends all through school so he is going to the meeting with me...anyway...that lead to me eatting a chocolate donut, hot fries, carrots, hot fries, popcorn, hotfries, carrotts and more hot fries...went through nearly a whole bag of them I had a half a pot of coffee 2 16 oz of watered down diet caffine free soda and about 8 oz of water...so VERY poor choices today...oh I did have a 1/2 of an individual pizza that had 3 meats on it...the only "meal" I had on a better note hubby graduated from his warrant officer course yesterday and started off today on the drive to dallas, where he will spend a week before heading to Tn to see us for 2 weeks
on 1/20/07 5:48 am - Pittsburgh, PA
I have to remember to do this the night of the day. LOL Now I have to think back. Breakfast: Im thinking oatmeal w/ almonds, soy milk. I ate 1/2 bag of a 100 calorie snack soy crisps w/ coffee at work. Mid morning: Protein shake 35 gm. Lunch: My salad made with broccli, cheese, onion. Low cal balsamic dressing. Mid afternoon: Finished the other half of the bag of soy crisps. Dinner: 1/4 of an italian sub DH bought for dinner and 1/2 cup of broccli cheese soup (campbells 98% fat free, used soy milk to make it with) And.... later we went out to Starbucks for coffee and i had 1/2 of the evil espresso brownie bar. Why oh why did I ever try any of it? I seem to be able to eat it with no problem. They are soooo good and soooo bad. I just got in from running around today and did the same thing all over again, but this time I ate the whole freakin brownie!!!!!!!!!! I know I shouldnt but I knew I could and it tasted so good.. I CANNOT DO THAT!!! Why isn't something so rich as this making me dump??????? I can't eat ice cream but rich chocolate like this??? I just have to say no, I just hope I do it before I'm 350 lbs again.
~ Stylz ~
on 1/20/07 7:38 am - North of Boston, MA
too late to post when I got home Fri, so heres my late entry.. breakfast 2 poached egg whites, 1/2 slice of wheat toast and 3 strips of bacon snack drinkable yogurt lunch 6 sushi rolls (ate half the rice around each roll) drive home drinkable yogurt went out with friends and bf, had piece of garlic toast with spinach artichoke dip 2 diet cranberry, vodka and lime drinks and (about 2oz) grilled chicken and a few bites of sweet potato
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