Stress, not eating much, what to do.........

on 1/17/07 12:02 am - Up North, MI
I will be the first to admit that I dont eat enough. Take yesterday for instance, all I had was 2 bites of potato and one little wing ding. I am just under alot of stress right now and its affecting my appetite. I have been up since 4 this morning and its going on 10:30 and I still have yet to eat. I know, I know, I have heard all of the preaching I know what I am supposed to be doing. I cant explain everything right now, but this is the general senario..........I am 33 years old, my husband is facing life in prison, the state of Michigan is trying to terminate my parental rights and take my children and put them in foster care due to his stupid actions, and I am now living in my parents' garage. (thank God for wireless internet because I am running off of theirs) Let's not forget to mention that I was also in a car accident (No major problems, but they cant figure out why I am getting headaches almost everyday) and I have not worked since November 1st and that the accident occured while I was on the time clock, yet they will not pay me comp. Its hard to believe I was making about $6,000 a month and had a perfect life back in September and now its sort of all went to hell. So if you are saying and prayers, I sure could use one. :angel: What am supposed to do in a situation like this? I called the surgeons office and they said that things will get back on track after these stressors are gone and to try and eat. I dont think the horror will ever end. The stressors could get better, but they could also get alot worse.
Darlene X
on 1/17/07 1:15 am - Maricopa, AZ
Wow... Im so sorry your having such a rough time! Hang in there girlie, things HAVE to start getting better soon!!! Honestly, I don't have much insight-- I wish I had that problem!!! How about at least trying to consume liquid calories? When you go anywhere, take a protein shake with you.... maybe something high calorie like muscle milk--- they have the already made, ready to drink shakes-- you could keep some in the fridge.... maybe force yourself to sit down at least once a day for a meal... Im sorry Im not of much help.
on 1/17/07 2:39 am - Up North, MI
I have tried some things, but things are on such a downhill spiral, that I have lost total control of everything in my life. For me, eating is something that I CAN control and when you think you are still fat, (and yes I still see myself as fat) eating is the last thing that I want to do. Before the surgery, I would sit and eat a whole box of Swiss cake rolls or any other whole package of something daily when I was stressed out over little things, such as a call from the principals office because my daughter was in trouble. (That's another 13 year old daughter is A.D.H.D, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and last but not least Schizoaffective Disorder) Oh what I wouldn't give to have the simple troubles again. My daughter had to be home schooled due to her disorders and inability to communicate effectively with others. You don't know how good you have it until you are hit with something like this. I will never take anything for granite again. I see families in the store and families are arguing and I think to myself, you don't know how lucky you are that no one is trying to take your kids. I want to tell these parents to not sweat the small stuff and just love each other and your children because you can have it ripped from you in a matter of a second. Guess the saying is true "you don't know what you have till its gone" I mean, all of my stuff is in a storage unit and everything I have is in this garage that I am living in until the state is through with their protective services case and then I am OUT OF HERE. I am moving where there are qualified child psychiatrists for my daughter. I live in a very small town and you have to drive 2 hours to see anyone worth a damn. She needs INTENSIVE treatment. Daily if necessary and then taper off as needed. It would be impossible for me to drive her to appointments everyday when they are 2 hours away. That's been the problem for the last 8 years. The doctors just keep passing the buck and putting their hands in the air because they are not qualified to do what they are doing in my opinion. She has been in therapy for the last 8 years. When she was 5, she was sexually abused by a 10 year old boy while she was on a visit with her bio-dad. Its be downhill from there. I have an 11 year old son too with severe ADHD, but he is a piece of cake to be around compared to her. I would gladly take 10 more of him. I am starting to ramble, so I will end it here. Thanks for responding.
on 1/17/07 3:02 am - Cincinnati, OH
I will send prayers your way. I am sorry you are going through so much. Try some protein bars--I like adkins advantage bars, I get them at GNC the choc fudge brownie is so good. High in carbs (17 but it also has 9 grms of fiber so the actual net carb amount is 8)the protein is about 12 grms. It is a nice snack. I agree with Darlene at least try drinking your meals using a protein supplement. If you like coffee try getting a decaf skim latte (fluids plus protein). Keep your faith that everything will work out for the better good and it will. Have faith in the almighty and he will take care of you. Good Luck and God Bless You! MJ
on 1/17/07 5:03 am - , NC
Oh goodness, that's some heavy stress. I'm so sorry that you're going through this mess. Just keep reminding yourself that his crime is not yours and fight to the end for what's best for your kids. Part of being able to do that is making your body's health a priority to be able to carry all of you through this. I think it would probably be easiest too to drink your protein. You'd only have to drink a couple a day and then the rest of what you eat is a bonus. I found a great one called Pure Whey Stack (in chocolate) by Champion Nutrition that doesn't smell like nasty whey and mixes hot or cold with a spoon. If you'd like to try some, let me know and I'll send you a couple of scoops. I can only imagine how overwhelming everything is right now. Please try to do your best for yourself.. your kids can only benefit from that. We're pulling for you! Lauren
on 1/17/07 9:12 am - Up North, MI
Thank you Lauren for the offer so send the powder, I actually have some but that was very sweet of you. I just need to get into the mode where I can care enough about myself to drink it. Thank you guys also for all of your supportive words.
on 1/17/07 12:35 pm - Up North, MI
Thank You for the offer, but I actually have some, but that is very sweet of you.
on 1/17/07 10:33 am - Great Bend, KS
Brat, I can understand why you are not eating. You have a lot of stressors in your life. Like LuLu said, you need to keep yourself healthy right now for your kid's sake as well as your own. When I find myself in stressful situations that affect my ability to eat I make a schedule and force myself to eat something at least 3 times a day. I write it down, portion out the food in advance, set an alarm, etc. Whatever it takes to make sure I am getting enough to eat and drink to sustain myself. I understand this might not work for you. It works for me because I am obessive compulsive. I find comfort in structure and routine. When my life seems out of control I want to focus on the things I know I can control. I wish I could put my arms around you and give you a hug right now! I will keep you in my prayers. Laura
on 1/17/07 10:53 am - Fort Bragg, NC
this may not be the best suggestion in the world...but even if you aren't eatting you have to be just try and make those drinks prtein rich sorry for all you are going through....i will for sure keep you in my thoughts. mimi
on 1/17/07 12:18 pm - Up North, MI
I am at least getting fluids in, it isnt protein drinks but at least its something. I am managing to get about three quarters to one cup of food a day. I know its not near enough, but I have to start somewhere.
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