Mirror Vs. Eyes
Anyone have this issue?
Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I'll look at a part of my body... and be like, wow my legs do look thin and good... I often stay a little longer at the mirror in work, or look at my reflection as I walk past a window... I often like what I see regarding my body (with clothes on)...
However, when I look down at my body--- glance down while walking, sitting etc.. all I can think is UGhhhh my thighs are so fat, I look so fat.
It's really weird....
I was at dinner, sitting down and my thighs looked so fat to me... then out of the blue my sister in law say's to me... wow your legs are looking so skinny....
Why is it, with my own eyes I can't see what other's do?
All that I can figure is that it's how we coped with getting so big in the first place. Maybe we trained ourselves not to see what was really looking back at us. I still can't tell that I've lost weight except that it's easier to move and my clothes are getting smaller. Looking in the mirror I think I look exactly the same like it's a bad joke.
I do exactly the same thing. In December we had this Christmas program that I was in. Well, before the show, I felt like I looked really good. Trim and pretty. Then I saw the pictures! Well, my thighs looked so huge. They were hanging over the edge of the stool that I was sitting on. I didn't realize that i looked so bad. (this is just one such instance.) But when I look at myself in the mirror I don't mind my thighs. I even let myself think that they are getting skinny.
I think that we may always struggle with what our eyes see. Some days I feel really thin and pretty, other days I feel huge and very self-conscious aout my weight, as if I were 275 again.
Hopefully it'll get better in time.
Hugs, Robin

I have often wondered if I was the only one that felt that way...I know what the scale says and that I am a long way away from the 288 lbs but I sometimes can't understand why people say that I am so thin...I sometimes don't believe them. I know that I am in much smaller clothes and such but I just can't believe that that is me wearing a size 5/6 jeans...I think they must be sized wrong!! I hope that I can see it one day like everyone else...It helps me to look at before pictures and recent pictures and compare.
when you figure it out let me know. I still do not see the weight loss. I had to fly last sunday to minneapolis and thought I needed a seatbelt extender. the flight attendent gave me this puzzled look and so did they next next to me. He figured out I was trying to use his side of the seatbelt and that is why it would not fit. When I go shopping now I feel like I am out of place in the misses section. I feel like everyone is saying what is that fat chick doing here???? I still see myself as this 361 plus pound person in a size 32/34 not a size 14. I hope my eyes and mind catch up soon.
take care
OMG I still do that!!! Regarding being in the normal size clothing section.. I get this weird feeling like everyone in the store is looking at me wondering what that really big girl is doing in regular sizes!! LOL A little freaky for sure. But at the same time, or should I say at other times, really recently when shopping it is soooooooooooo very cool to be able to walk into a regular size section up to a clearance rack and actually be able to look through stuff and get something!!!! You can get some great deals in regular sizes and so much more to choose from!!!!

I know I love the sales you can find. This past week I ws in Minneapolis for training. We were able to get in about an hour of shopping at the Mall of America. I fo7und a pair of 10 dollar jeans and a pair of 14 dollar cords at Macy's. If you hve never ben to the Mall of Am and you are a shopper I highly recommend it. I am going to go again sometime this summer. I was in haven and they have no sales tax on clothes or shoes.
ACK!!!!! This is my nightmare! I am a shopping aholic and I always feel like people are staring at me like why in the world would she think she can squueze in a 10...and of course I think the same thing and grab a few others bigger just to be on the safe side. I am not for sure when this whole body thing will work it self out nut I hope soon...I was so comfortable inmy fat skin I liked the way I looked and had tons of self confidence I did this for my health but man oh man now I feel like I should be wearing sweats to hide everything. go figure
I think it will take a while, and maybe never for us to think we look "smaller", "thin" etc. I don't as much anymore do the back and forth thing with one day thinking I look so fat and another day like wow, I am smaller. I am seeing the smaller me now more often. Just yesterday I got dressed for work, was looking in the full length mirror at how I looked and said to DH "I really am smaller now, Im like almost normal size" He's like Yea! Some days I can see it more than others. But the good thing is I dont see me as FAT as much. Now that doesnt mean I still dont feel sometimes when Im walking down the street or into a room that my mind gets that feeling that people are seeing me as how I was. I still have to remind myself sometimes that is now what they see now.
I do know that I run around alot more now saying "Oh, Im so fat".. I never did that at 350 lbs. but on those days I dont think I look as thin and smooth as I would like or think I want to be, I'll be making comment that I look or feel fat. How come I didnt feel fat at 350? LOL
You are young so not sure how your skin is handling the weightloss, but at 44, Ive got some wrinkly stuff going on. LOL My stomach surprisingly has done great, I am very pleased with it so far. What happens to it in the next 35 to 50 lbs, who knows, but I can live with it. The hanging arms and wrinkly thigh skin though Im going to have to deal with. I still dont think I'll do plastics, scares the sheet out of me, but right now I'm ok with how I look naked. If DH can live with it, I can. Clothed I look great dammit!! LOL
Good to hear things are going well with you on planning your meals. Thats one of the things I try to work with.. make a plan of what Im going to have and stick with it. Plan and stick to the plan!!
I do this for the daytime, breakfast, lunch,.. dinner is pretty much free for all.. but that just means I'll have protein and something.
Good luck and keep it up!!

OMG - we'll never get past this I believe. I've looked at myself for 48 years and saw a fat girl, now that I'm a size 7 jeans, I still look like a fat girl; I've been told that's its the "self image" that we've become accustomed to and it will probably take a long time to get over it. Strange, I thought I would be able to see it in pictures, but I still look just as fat. I totally understand people who are anorexic - they're just like us.