Hi All,
Stepping in, hope no one minds...
B: 2 slices salami
S: protein coffee
L: French Onion soup 1.5cup
S: 2oz string cheese
D: yum....TGIFriday's : 2 chicken potstickers, 3oz chicken breast, 1/2 cup broccoli, 2 bites dh's potato skins.
Now I have to stay OUT of the kitchen for the rest of the night b/c my cals are DONE for today
Hope you all had a great weekend.

Hey there. Well, I don't know if I'll get to post this all the time but I think I should start trying. I really need to keep better track of what I am eating.
b: 1 oz cheddar cheese, 1 oz ham
L: 1/2 serving of Chicken Anna Marie w/creamed spinach from Bertuccis. (very good)
s: 1 sq hershey's bar & 1/2 of an ice cream cone from McD's. (dumped badly so I won't be doing that again.
s: 1 oz cheese & small handfull of nuts (trying to counter act the dumping!!)
D: 2 oz chicken, 1 tablespoon peas, 1/4 cup sweet potatoe with butter, cinnamon & splenda
s: cherries & diet hot cocoa
I guess it wasn't a terrible day. But I can do much better
exercise: none
water: only 4 glasses
vits: only once today.