Who still follows the drinking rule?

(deactivated member)
on 1/4/07 2:25 am - PA
I still do...sorta... I will drink right up until I eat, but then wait 30 mintues until after I eat to drink again. Problem is, I just had my lunch and I am NOT satisfied...not full...not really hungry, I just want MORE. I know if I drank some water it would go away, but it hasn't been 30 minutes yet. SOOO frustrating. I have been so hungry lately...especially for carbs. I totally BLEW it yesterday. I ate a candy bar on the way home from the grocery store because of POOR planning and it was the fastest thing for me to get at the checkout. A WHOLE candy bar. Of course, I didn't dump. I don't dump anymore. I wish I never found that out. I think part of the reason is I got my period 2 1/2 weeks early yesterday. So that explains alot. Someone come over here and KILL this carb monkey and get this pouch under control for me. SCrape off my tastebuds or something. I am at the point that I am depending almost 100% on willpower. That got me NO WHERE before. Today is a new day and I am forgiving myself for yesterday and I have done well. Already been to the gym and have made smart food choices. Well, look at that...with all my ranting..my 30 minutes is up...I can drink some water now. Kathy
~ Stylz ~
on 1/4/07 2:39 am - North of Boston, MA
be happy its 30 min! barbara and I have to wait an hour before drinking anything its the most grueling 60 minutes after every meal (I think thats why I still do drinkable yogurts and protein shakes, so I dont have to wait forever to drink)!! I envy you right now, I'm eating chicken salad, probably wont be done for another 15 minutes which means I wont be drinking until around 3 when people ask me what the hardest and easiest part of surgery are my answers are... easiest.. surgery hardest.. waiting 60 min for a drink after meals! Our rule is 15min before meals 1 hour after, I do drink right up until I'm about to eat a meal, but wait 60 to drink again.. I've gotten in an awful habbit of chewing gum on the days when I really cant wait to drink.. it helps! I told the nutritionist i do it, she said be cautious, but its ok.. enjoy your water!!
on 1/4/07 2:45 am - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Kathy, I do what you do. drink up until I eat but then not for 30 afterward. I've been so hungry too. since I let the carbs in again. But you can do it! Don't think it's all over 's not!!! You're just suffering from Holiday Derailment. We all are I think. We're only at 10 months. It's just a matter of getting those carbs out of your system! YOU CAN DO IT! You're already off to a great start today! just keep it up and stay away from those candy bars PS. Whenever I go thru those periods of not feeling full, I eat baby carrots w/ranch. for some reason they sit heavy in my pouch and fill me up. Or i will drink a protein shake after dinner and that seems to help satisfy me. Take care, you can do this, in a month you won't even remember this was a tough month!
on 1/4/07 10:00 am - Cincinnati, OH
I follow it. I was waiting 30/30 but my doctor said I can do 20 min before and 20 min after now. for some reason I usually still wait my 30 min.
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/4/07 10:51 am - My Town, NH
I'll just hang my head now. I have never been able to follow the drinking rule much. I just get too thirsty. I try not to drink with my meals, but seldom last the 30 mintues after eating before drinking water. I've just accepted that this is one area where I will not often succeed. Kudos to those of you who are able to follow this rule! I'm impressed! - Stephanie
Darlene X
on 1/4/07 10:53 am - Maricopa, AZ
I always follow this rule... I feel sick if I drink before 30 minutes after... I normally dont feel like drinking for 60 minutes+. I do however wait only about 10-15 minutes beforehand... I figure that is plenty of time.
on 1/4/07 8:07 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
I still follow it. I probably do 30 an 30 mins. Sometimes a little longer after eating if I can. I never was a big liquid drinker so having to drink 64 oz was a big worry for me. I still dont quite make it, but I do pretty good. Now a coke or pepsi I used to be able to drink lots of, just never liked water much. LOL
Amy I.
on 1/5/07 2:04 am - KS
My pouch rules say, and I do follow this one! No drinking 60-90 mins after eating or no drinking 30mins before hand. So I am good on that one but........ I have found Russell Stovers SF choc. It doesn't help that the nearest factory is 4 miles from my house! But you know come to think about it there is an adult book store across the highway from Russell Stovers and I don't go there... so what gives? Choc. is better than sex Amy I 290/STUCK @ 160/135
Shari B.
on 1/5/07 5:28 am - Roseville, MI
Hi Kathy, I followed it up until about a month ago. I actually received my Dr.'s blessing to drink small amounts with meals if necessary. Reason being is I know I don't get in the amount of fluids I shoud throughout the day and he said if it would help me take in more fluids to go for it. When I can, I don't drink while eating and try to wait 30 minutes after eating to drink. I do drin****il right before I eat though. Shari
on 1/5/07 5:49 am - Columbia, MD
Hi Kathy, I drink up until my meal as well. And like you I too still wait 30 minutes (sometimes longer) to start drinking again. I noticed over the holidays that at several of our family meals I was sipping during my meal. That allowed me to eat A LOT more than I should have. So I have to make sure I don't go back to sipping during meals. I hear you about the carbs...I have been carving them as well. Chocolate really bad but lately my stomach has fits with any kind of sweets (something new, I ususally dump if I eat too much be lately one bite and my tummy is all upset). And crackers, like Cheese Nips or wheat thins. I can't seem to get enough of them. I try to get just one serving and put the box away. I don't want to get back in the habit of eating straight from the box and eating several servings before i realize it. I guess we will always have to remind ourselves about our "pouch rules". You are right to forgive yourself and move forward! Hey at least you went to the gym today, I didn't make it. There's always tomorrow!!! Hugs, Robin
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