WDYET??? *** Wednesday ***

Darlene X
on 1/3/07 3:04 am - Maricopa, AZ
GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I talked to my sister in law this morning, they are getting the heat turned on today, so they are moving out tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! They are moving like 1-2 minutes away, so the move may be progressive, boxes and stuff slowly moved over the next few weeks, but they are moving most out tonight whi*****ludes food!!!!! Once they are gone, I will sort through what we have left and ditch most stuff we shouldn't have. Bad side--- things didn't happen as planned last night (See my post at the end of yesterdays WDYET thread)... Im crazy hungry again today Blahhhhh. My calories are off the wall today, almost 1500 calories, I can't believe it--- I know most is because I had some OJ today. I got a 14 oz bottle of OJ (190 calories UGH) and mixed it with my water. Sometimes I buy the Light OJ, which is only 50 calories... but they don't carry that at the gas station. So I dilluted regular... Also I ate a granola bar, so there is another 180 calories I shouldn't have had. One step at a time! I e-mailed EJ and asked him to help support me in cleaning out the house of bad food--- I was mad because the other night I mentioned throwing out the fudge, and his response wasn't supportive. he is off track too... but I can only nag so much about food, it's his choice. ----------------------------------------------------- Breakfast: A small packet of strawberries & cream oatmeal & a small handful of light ruffels. (The Ruffels will be gone tonight, purge purge YAY!!!!) Snack: A peanut butter granola bar !! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. The good news is that there are none of those left either--- I buy the oat & honey ones for EJ and his Mom for lunches, but Im not a huge fan so I stay away from them. Lunch: A deli wrap. (A small whole wheat tortilla, filled with a slice of cheese, some pastrami, lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper, pepperonchini's & some sandwich dressing). Snack: 1 Pepper jack cheese stick & an apple. Dinner: I planned ahead already, because if I don't know what Im having when I get home Im more likely to make crap. Im going to brown some lean hamburger with onion, bell pepper, mushrooms & pasta sauce, and serve with a little pasta. I am going to eat mainly meat... and be good! I need to get back on track!
~ Stylz ~
on 1/3/07 3:13 am - North of Boston, MA
"ACCIDENTALLY" ship the fudge with the SIL ;) it sounds like thats a trigger food that if in the house, you'll eat so avoid temptation! he might get mad but hes not 4 years old, he'll get over it! today hasn't been a big eating day for me.. got tied up with things at work for a few hours and skipped meals.. drive to work.. drinkable yogurt drive to meeting.. drinkable yogurt lunch.. oatmeal ill have another drinkable yogurt driving from work to the chiropractor the other 1/2 small container of chowder when I get home and grilled chicken with shredded colby jack, salsa and guac for dinner
on 1/3/07 3:33 am - Inland Empire, CA
Cross your fingers for me, we're headed to Disneyland today. I'm packing a ton of protein snacks so I'm prepared. Last time we went i did ok, except for some popcorn as we left, but I didn't have the hungries and wasn't fighting off the "eat, eat, eat, eat" chant in my head then either...soooo...I'm hoping for the best. Plus I'm motivated b/c I'm finally down the FOUR stinking pounds that had popped back on since Xmas and I'm finally back down to 170! Phew! So my plan for the day is: B: HB egg and 3oz cheese S: nuts, dried apricots L: either a meat kabob or a 1/2 soup and turkey sand. D: a salad Have a great Wed!
Darlene X
on 1/3/07 7:11 am - Maricopa, AZ
Let us know how you did at Disneyland!!!
on 1/4/07 12:14 pm - Inland Empire, CA
Did pretty good had the munchies all day (theme parks and fairs do that to me!) But I had packed all my snacks so I ate those. And I'm down one more pound today! Which is like a miracle for me, b/c I so rarely lose. Yay. Into the 160's! Hallelujah! Thanks for asking.
(deactivated member)
on 1/3/07 3:39 am - PA
I've been ok so far...for me anyway...I eat lots compared to you guys. Bfast: 2 eggs w/ salsa and a small banana Snack: protien bar Lunch: 4 oz. turkey chili w/ cheese and some SF choco pudding Snack 2: 1 oz. cheese and lite FF yogurt Dinner: baked chicken and green beans again... Then I'll probably have a protien shake before bed. I had to have one last night because I was so hungry right before bed. But I felt better in the morning than I have in a while. AND I already exercised today! woo hoo! Kathy
on 1/3/07 6:02 am - sw burbs, MN
I am still off track but getting closer I think! breakfast - cottage cheese snack - 1/2 snack bag of peanuts and 2 m&ms cheese stick lunch - meatloaf, some potatoes and green beans snack - cheese stick and sugar free vanilla pudding 8 more m&m's dinner????? 16oz milk 28 oz coffee 36 oz water
on 1/3/07 6:23 am - Lancaster, CA
RNY on 03/27/06 with
Hey everyone! I thought I would join in to keep myself back on track too Breakfast- 1/2 a whole wheat bagel with a lil cream chese Snack- about a half a handful of mixed nuts Lunch- A leftover baked potatoe from dinner last night had grilled chicken and Lots of veggies in it...it was about 1/3 of a potatoe Snack- Im fixin to have my hot protein shake-yum! Dinner- I don't know for sure... I know we will be out-and that is where I have been making some bad choices.. I dont know what we will have or where we will go... But I plan on being good. No water today... ugh that is where I've had the most trouble.... my husband is so cute he fills up a water container before he goes to work and tells me to drink it while he is at work then he refills it when he get home.... But when I drink water I get so COLD I cant stand it! I did take all my vitimians today And I did work out at curves today... Thanks for your post Darlene! Jeani
Stephanie Smiles
on 1/3/07 6:59 am - My Town, NH
Hang in there Darlene. You'll soon be able to rid your house of all evil!!! Breakfast: 1 package regular instant oatmeal and one sliced banana Snack: 6 crackers (I was so hungry that I ate these for a snack instead of lunch) Lunch: 4 ounces of deli ham and 1/2 cup of sweet potato salad (yummy and had only good stuff for me in it) Dinner: 4 ounce hamburger patty with slice of cheese and probably 2 cups of salad Snack: 1 NSA Fudgsicle unless I succumb to the key lime cheesecake in the fridge! I won't succumb, I won't succumb, I won't... 60 ounces of water so far and all my vitamins - Stephanie
Darlene X
on 1/3/07 7:04 am - Maricopa, AZ
Ohhh did you buy the sweet potato salad or is there a recipe to share?
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