WDYET????? ***Tuesday ***
do not try it. it is too good. yummy. love oyster crackers too. here inc cincy we have a chili place called skyline chili, you either like it or not (they put nutmeg and cinammon in it--sopunds weird but it is o.k.) anyway they have the best hot sauce. I will bite open an oyster cracker and put the hot sauce in the bottom part that acts like a cup, it is so good.
o.k. enough about crackers..I want some now
Sorry MJ, I normally just "create" I don't often follow recipes.... so if your like that, here was the basis of the soup...
Into the crock pot went...
Approx 2 cans of vegetable broth.
1 can of pinto beans
A packet (4 sausages) of Emerils Habenero & Green chilli chicken/turkey sausage (Diced into bite size peices)
1/3 can of diced green chillies
1 can of diced tomatoes
1/2 an onion diced
Some diced red & green bell pepper
Salt & pepper to tase.
I let it all cook on low, and added a little corn starch near the end to thicken slightly-- I like my soups to have a thicker texture, but you could leave it soupy/more watery if you wanted.
To serve we topped it with a little grated cheddar cheese, a spoon of light sour cream and a few crushed tortilla chips. YUMMY

You are not alone Darlene. I have noticedf an increase in appetite lately also or at least the thought that I want to eat all the time. Thankfully with the exception of a few days we don't buy or have junk in the house. Some things we bought for holidays etc. I did have a few cookies and some chocolate over the past two weeks but as of today anything left or brought home from my moms from new years so that she couldn't eat it was sent off to work with DH so he could fatten everyone there up. LOL
I feel like you do, I don't know what is going on, but I think alot lately about food, just wanting to eat all the time. And sometimes I do give in, munch munch munch. But I try to eat nuts, jerky, we have this shrimp wonton soup which isn't bad. I feel control needs to be taken or things could get bad. It is a good thing you recognize it, now just do something about it. That is what we need to do! My plan is to plan. I've been doing that the past month or so when I feel getting off track. I plan and follow the plan. What I set out to have for meals is what I eat and tell myself nothing more. And it seems to work, that pound or two I would gain would seem to drop right back off plus one. That is why I yo-yo'd it seems so much trying to get under 200. I got under it, went from bam! 199 to 196, kept dropping a pound a day it seemed. I stayed good over the holiday (new years) but this morning it caught up to me and the scale was at 199. I was like, IM NOT GOING BACK OVER! So I stuck to the plan today. Ok, well almost!! Here is what I have had.
Breakfast: 1 packet of organic oatmeal with 5 crushed nuts and some soy milk, put about a tbs of protein powder in it.
Mid morning: Protein shake 35 gms with about 10 almonds
Lunch: Salad made with broccli/cauliflower, green pepper, mushroom, onion, and cheese with lo cal dressing
Dinner: I backed out of going to the gym I just haven't wanted to go, Instead of heading home and fixing a healthier dinner we met up and had some chinese. Ate mostly protein, about a tbs rice at most. Not the best choice but ate a controlled portion. (so that is where plan veered a bit, but not too bad)
The plan for the rest of the evening is NO SNACKING no matter what. Only my protein shake which I'll have in about an hour.
I did ok so far on water, got one bottle to go. All vitamins in.
It will be better for you when you have your pantry back and stocked ONLY the way you and DH want it. You need the temptation out. We are only human and can only take so much. All that bad food is good, and it's ok to have a little at times. But those t imes (meaning the holidays) are OVER, so no reason to be partaking of them for awhile.,
I do not feel guilty for having a few cookies and some chocolate. I did in moderation, I enjoyed it but I don't plan on having it as a regular thing.
You have done so well and can do this! As you said throw the fudge out. Step away from the fudge! LOL How you didnt dump on fudge of all things.. that sounds to me like PURE sugar! I'd be afraid!!
Plan to plan and stick to the plan, you can do it!!
Love ya! Hope your holidays were the best!!!

this is what we all need! posting the good and bad will get us back on track, honesty is the key!! we can do it marchers!!
heres my day
drive to work . protein shake (still not hungry enough to eat all my protein)
snack drinkable yogurt
lunch about 1/2 chicken rice soup (wasn't good) with 4 crackers and drinkable yogurt
drive home from work drinkable yogurt
dinner clam chowder with oyster crackers from a seafood restaurant
lots and lots of water(over 80oz)! had 4 glasses of iced tea today. i drink WAY too much caffeine
one of my goals is to change that this year

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy.....So glad to hear I'm in the midst of good company in the middle of my frustrations! I declared Dove Chocolates to be evil and yet I consumed 7 of those little mini bites today! I did fairly well otherwise. I have started journaling my food again and saw that I'm getting too many carbs! It is going to be tough weaning myself down to a reasonable amount because they seem to be the easiest to digest! But I am determined to do it!!!! I walked 3 miles, got in 80 oz of water and 72 grams of protein today.
Thanks, Darlene for keeping us going on the WDYET avenue. If I have to put down what I eat for all you guys....perhaps I'll keep that in the back of my mind and it will fight my head and carb hunger!!
Is there room for me on the boat?
Carbs SUCK. I know it's the carbs. I have been hungrier these last 2 weeks than I have the past 10 months!
I was doing pretty o****il Xmas eve--we "splurged" had chinese food. CARBS. Xmas day--had a little more CARBS. I threw out all the bad stuff the next day, too late, the cravings were back, then came the head hunger, the snacking--followed by the dreaded *night* snacking which has always been a monkey on my back! Grrrrr. I was doing so well so far too!
Well that's what Jan. is for I guess.
I'm back on track these last 2 days and committed to getting and feeling back in control!
Here's my day:
B: Protein coffee
S: nuts
L: 4oz pork chop w/apples & onions
D: snack attack: way too much cheese
water: ok about 70oz
exer: sigh--nope
vits: yep
Hang in there Marchers! We can do it! here's to NOT starting the New Year off already TEN pounds heavier this year!

I was so proud of myself over the holidays. My mom makes the most wonderful, creamy, delicious fudge. She was cooking 3 or 4 batches a day the week before, and leading up to Christmas. I resisted temptation and didn't touch the stuff.
Then I had surgery last week....nothing went as planned. I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic before surgery, my gallstones were so large they had to put a 4 in*****ision in my abdomen in order to get them out and my nurses in the hospital were horrible! I am really having a hard time recovering from this surgery (a lot worse then my WLS).
Last Friday, when I was still really nauseous and not able to eat much of anything, my mom brought a box of club crackers into the house. I nibbled on one and my stomach felt better. That evening I had a few more....then Saturday a few more...well I think you know where I am going with this. Those crackers are evil!
To make matters worse, I cannot really cook for myself and I eat whatever people bring me. My mom has brought me baked potato twice...oh god they taste so good. I had forgotten how comforting a baked potato can be.
I see no end in sight to this problem. Yesterday I found out I have developed pneumonia in the lower lobes of my lungs. I also have a nasty infection in the 4 in*****ision. I narrowly avoided being readmitted to the hospital!
Hopefully once I have fully recovered I will be able to get right back on track. But for now I just don't feel good enough to really care.
Oh Laura! I'm sorry that you are having to go thru all of this!! I feel the nurse getting ready to come out in me..........That pneumonia can creep up on a post-op when nobody's looking.
Be sure to rotate your position in the chair, on the couch, in the bed--from side to side at least every 1 to 2 hours. Also take in very deep breaths and fully exhale intermittently. Drink LOTS of fluids and soups to keep those secretions moving out instead of staying in.
Hugs & prayers for you during this trial in your life. We'll save a spot for you in the boat when you feel better!