WDYET????? ***Tuesday ***

Darlene X
on 1/2/07 4:05 am - Maricopa, AZ
######## I need MAJOR help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, Ive seen a few requests we start this again because after the holidays a few of us need to get back on track.... I didn't start it because in all honesty I am ashamed of the way I have been eating lately. I feel like a HUGE failure, and Im out of control. Ever since Katie & Mead moved in with us, and started bringing in some bad foods and habits I had been fine... but with them, and the holidays we have been eating horribly. They were supposed to move out Saturday, but couldn't get heat set up until this week, so won't be out until Thursday. I need my pantry and fridge back, I need to purge all the bad food or Im gonna be going crazy! I love them to death but can't wait for them to leave. I don't dump and am having major sugar issues right now... Im off track so Im fighting the cravings. I did go grocery shopping Saturday and stock up on some good veggies and good foods. About 3 weeks ago I had this massive increase in appetite, I feel like I can eat way too much and I want to eat ALL the time!!! (I was hoping it may be a sign of me being pregnant, but nope). this is REALLY freaking me out. I can eat too much, and all I can think about is food, all the time. Am I alone? Is there anyone else out there who is having such a hard time like me??? Im trying to get back on track... and so with this post I'll be completely honest. -------------------------------------------------------- Breakfast: 1 small peice of chocolate fudge (See!!), and about 1/2 egg with onion, muchroom, bell pepper, ham & cheese. Snack: 1 Light Yogurt Lunch: About 10-12oz of soup-- I made it this weekend, it's a mexican tortilla type soup, beans, green chillies, tomatoes, and Emerils Habenero Green chillie turkey/chicken sausage. Topped with some crushed tortilla chips & light sour cream. The volume freaked me out, but it was soup and it isn't a very dense meaty soup... so I know why I could eat so much. Snack: 1 Pepper Jack Cheese Stick, and an apple Snack 2: One Sugar Free Pecan Delight. Dinner: To be determined. I need to figure out something good. I have lots of salad fixings. Im so afraid of going home, and eating constantly all night. I'll eat and 5 minutes later be going through the pantry again..... Im failing and I feel like crap. I feel like I did before surgery. I will throw out all the fudge in our fridge the minute I get home! How is this post for a downer?????? I need MAJOR help!!!
on 1/2/07 5:37 am - sw burbs, MN
I am right there with you! I can't seem to stay away from the sugar and snacking - it's like someone threw a switch in my brain! I have been very naughty and need to get back on track. I am done beating myself up - the scale is moving back and forth with the same 4lbs and i know its my eating habits. I say I'm going to be good - then I need something crunchy - low fat wheat thins - carbs seem to trigger the need for sweets - cookies - m&m's - candy and I'm really good at justifying it! I would have eating a whole candy bar before not just a bite size blah blah blah - I think i need to try some raw veges for crunch and stick with the sugar free pudding or 100 calorie cookies for snacks - any other thoughts are welcome! breakfast - 1/2-3/4 cup cottage cheese snack - wheat thins homemade turtle - the nuts have protein right?? I know I know roast beef and mashed tators pop corn and 8 m&m's yes at the same time dinner - not sure but I'm going to try to stay away from the grazing!
Darlene X
on 1/2/07 5:54 am - Maricopa, AZ
Ali, Im so glad to know Im not alone! Im feeling the same way!!! We need to do something.. get on track! You sound exactly like I have been lately! Darlene
on 1/2/07 6:55 am - sw burbs, MN
I know that others have either gone through it or will go through it - guess the surgery wasn't on our heads after all. I don't understand why the cravings are stronger than I can be - maybe a trip back to the basics or a week of liquids is in order - okay maybe not the liquids..LOL I am glad I'm not the only one - I know i've been hiding out because I'm embarrassed!
(deactivated member)
on 1/2/07 6:04 am - PA
Me too! Me too! I tried so hard yesterday to get back on track and made it nearly all day. But then I gorged on some cheezits and a bowl of sugary cereal...alot of it...right before bed. I found out recently that it takes a lot of real sugar to make me dump now. Sugar alcohols make me sicker than real sugar! Over the holidays I have had cookies, some chocolate and lots of fried foods. Not as much as I would have before, but still more than I thought I would be able to get in at this stage. Today I am better, but probably only because I am back at work. I was actually just thinking of what I was going to eat when I got home BEFORE I started cooking dinner. Ugh. I am out of control. Here is what I have had today. Bfast: 2 poached eggs with salsa Snack: protien bar Lunch: 1 c. turkey chili w. cheese (my doc still wants me to only be having 4 ounces still!) Snack: Protien bar Dinner: Planning on baked chicken and green beans I am starving right now. I know it is becasue of all the carbs I had over the past few weeks. I got to get those out of my system and get back on track. I am going to try to stick to protien shakes when I get hungry like this and want something fast. I know my calorie intake is going to be high until I can shake this carb monkey, but I'm doing what I can! I've only lost 5 pounds in the last three months and I see my surgeon for my nine month on Friday. He is not going to be happy. I am trying to make more conscious decisions about what goes into my body. If I am hungry and am going to eat, it has to have some nutritional value before I put it in my mouth. Bye bye sugar free cookies and candy - you do nothing for my health. Boy this got long! I feel like I just got out of confession! We can do this together. I do not want to go back to the old me. Kathy
Darlene X
on 1/2/07 6:32 am - Maricopa, AZ
YAY!! Someone else I can relate to... everything you said mirrors me.... I know that until I get the carb monkey under control it's gonna be hard... thats probably why Ive been wanting to eat constantly. Im better when Im at work, but with the house guests, home hasn't been so great either.... just a few more days!!! I find that hot liquid fills me up... so at work, if I start feeling the need to munch I make a SF hot chocolate-- it fills me up a ton and keeps the munchies away.
on 1/2/07 7:21 am - Milwaukee, WI
NO you are not alone i am doing and feeling the same way, I am scared that i am going back to my old eating habits. I ate a twinkie the other day. I am really out of control I need help at that time of the month too its really bad. But i am going to pray that I can get back to where i need to be.
Darlene X
on 1/2/07 7:28 am - Maricopa, AZ
Join us and re-commit... it looks like there are quite a few of us that didn't do so well over the holidays... your not alone in this.
on 1/2/07 7:29 am - Cincinnati, OH
I have discovered pouch likes lightly salted crackers with cream cheese (I add two table spoons of splenda brown sugar to the cream cheese). One of the few carb things grouch likes the rest make me real gassy and that is not a good thing. Oh yeah I found myself eating some Gerber baby cookies. They have like 30 cals and 2grms of sugar for two. I can not remember which ones they are because I threw the bag away because I kept reaching in the pantry to get one. One good thing is I have gotten in like 80 oz of water/liquid already today. Breakfast: .25 of small banana Double Protein Body Fortress 3 oz made with hood cal countdown choc milk Snack: Double Protein Body Fortress 1 scoop with 3 oz of Light/low carb yogurt Lunch: King Hawaiian Wheat Roll -with 1.5 oz turkey breast .5 oz of super hot pepper cheese with teaspoon of horseradish and 1 oz pear Snack: s/f hot choc dinner: I thought I was having fish tonight but we are out so the only thing that does not need to be defrosted is bacon (turkey) so I will have about 2 slices and 1 scrambled egg with cheese---come to think about it I might not do an egg that does not sound to good now so I might have 3 slices of bacon now I might have another snack tonight not sure it depends on grouch the pouch. I was going to go swimming but now I can't I started today--no wonder I want crackers do not feel like going walking. I will go tomorrow and work out. Darlene please post your soup recipe it sounds yummy. MJ
~ Stylz ~
on 1/3/07 3:04 am - North of Boston, MA
dont crackers feel so good in your stomach?? no matter how upset my stomach is a couple oyster crackers and i'm back in business! unfortunately I can't keep them in the house because a couple will turn into a lot more than that! splenda brown sugar and cream cheese? never heard of that combination, but after reading what you're going thru with it, I'll stay away!!
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