
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/27/06 10:56 pm - My Town, NH
Hi everyone. I'm struggling with something and I thought maybe you could help! I try to go to the gym at least four times per week. Everything I've ever read or heard indicates that regular exercise must be part of a successful weight loss and maintenance plan. It makes sense. However, my body apparently doesn't respond as well to exercise. I haven't been to the gym for at least two weeks due to finishing up two classes, work and the holidays. Something had to give, and the gym was that something. So today I am determined to get back on track and here I sit, at my computer, in my gym clothes and ready to go. Except that I'm not ready to go. When I exercise regularly, the scale moves more slowly than a snail. When I don't exercise, the pounds seem to melt away. I still have a lot of weight to lose. 61 pounds to be precise. I've lost four pounds in the last week and a half and the last time I saw weight loss like that I wasn't exercising due to traveling. I know that the exercising builds muscle and that muscle weighs more than fat. So in my brain, I understand why the scale may move more slowly when I am hitting the gym regularly. But the problem is that I don't want to lose weight slowly! I want to see positive reinforcement for exercising and making good food choices. But, I know that exercising is healthy and will make my body function optimally. Anyone have any suggestions for how I can resolve this dilemma in my head? I am five pounds away from losing 100 pounds since my surgery and 21.5 pounds away from ONEderland. I desperately want to reach both of these goals! Any advice is much appreciated! Yes, I am going to go the gym right now. If I don't go right this minute, I'll find something else to do and won't go at all! Thanks, Stephanie PS - New family picture posted in my photos on my profile. I know I'm biased, but my boys are handsome!
on 12/28/06 8:56 am - Western, KY
I don't know if I can help. But I can tell you something. I have not exercised since surgery and one of the reasons why is because I'm afraid my weight loss will stop. Yes, I feel that I'm being silly, but my weight loss has been so quick and for the most part consistent and I don't want that to stop. However, starting Monday (ya know, new years and a Monday...old dieter habits die hard) I am going to start walking. My loose skin is driving me crazy! And I know since I'm getting closer and closer to goal, I know its gonna get harder and harder to lose so I've got to step it up. I'm also really trying to get all of my water in, something that I haven't done for the most part. So sorry, no suggestions, but just know that you are not alone! Kim 359/197/150 162 lbs gone
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/28/06 9:44 am - My Town, NH
Thanks Kim. I don't think you're being silly at all. We want to do whatever we can to lose weight in the quickest manner possible. I'm right there with you. Good luck with your increased water intake and that New Year's exercise program! Thanks for your response. It's so nice to know that I'm not nuts!! (Well, at least not nuts where this particular topic is concerned! ) - Stephanie
on 12/28/06 9:01 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Stephanie, I'm not sure what to tell you to do, I don't know what to do either. I can totallly relate though. I have been very lapse on my exercise as of late with the holidays and working, I just have not been wanting to go. I keep making excuses not to. And just as you are experiencing, I'm losing more now that I'm not going than when I did. Kind of makes you wonder. But we are intelligent human beings and know that we need the exercise and that we need to do it! I'm not going to beat myself up over not going for the next few days. Just enjoy the holidays and then get myself back there next week. I've been making it to the gym probably just once a week the past 3 weeks. But overall I am much more active which helps and we did do a 4 mile walk on Christmas morning. You're doing great, just keep at it.
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/28/06 9:50 am - My Town, NH
Ruth Ann, I love your new avatar! Wowzers! You look gorgeous! Thanks for your response. My brain understands that exercise is important. And, I did feel good after I hit the gym this morning. I like the way that lifting weights defines my body. Of course there is only so much definition that can occur with all of this loose skin hanging everywhere! I'm glad you're not beating yourself up! I guess it is important to understand that food and exercise need to have places in our lives and that neither one is something to obsess about. Lately, I've been using the word "balance" to describe my life in general. Family, work, food, exercise, school, etc. all need to be incorporated into my life and somehow I need to find a nice balance. I, too, am definitely more active than I was before March of this year. Way to go on that four mile walk! - Stephanie
on 12/28/06 10:19 am - Cincinnati, OH
I say do what works best for you. Yes exercise is important but I am sure you are moving more then you did this time last year. I will admit I exercise 3-5x a week. I actually lose faster when I exercise?? Crazy. Your family picture is very nice. Look at you looking all skinny! Keep it up I am sure you will find some middle ground. Ms Ruth Ann I love your new picture too. Love your hair. MJ
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/28/06 9:20 pm - My Town, NH
Thanks MJ. I just wish I knew what worked best! Thanks for calling me skinny! - Stephanie
on 12/28/06 10:51 am - Melrose, MA
I don't seem to do much exercising...I know I should...I go to water aerobics once maybe twice a week...but I do notice that I lose more when I am not going...I have not gone to the class in three week because my bathing suit is tooooooo big and I cannot find one in my size...the brain is a stubborn thing it knows the facts but likes to play mental games...I saw your pictures and you are doing great...I know that I am definately moving better than I did at this time last year....maybe you should cut back the gym...not quit going totally but maybe shave a day or two off for a few weeks and see how that goes...I have lost 165lbs and that is with only going to the gym once or twice a week...but I still do a lot more activity laundry, vacuuming, dancing, walking to the park with my daughter...cleaning my yard and doing all kinds of stuff around the house...so you could be getting more exercise than you think...I hope this helps... Jannine 357/192/180
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/28/06 9:22 pm - My Town, NH
Jannine, you're definitely right. I move around so much more now than I did before surgery. It feels good to run up and down the stairs to move the laundry rather than letting it sit because I dread the trip back up the stairs! Thanks for your response! - Stephanie
on 12/28/06 10:55 am - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Stephanie, Love the family picture! So nice to be IN those now isn't it?! What an impossible situation! I don't blame you for wanting to skip the workouts. My only advice would be to put away the scale if you can and instead of focusing on the numbers, focus on the exercise. Easier said than done, I know; but remember, dieting will make you look good in clothes--but exercise makes you look good nekkid! I think in the long haul as you continue to tone you will be happy you kept up your exercise. If you stopped, you'll never know what could've been firmer, maybe less saggy down the road....? Also, maybe you could focus on cardio and not do weights for a while, that might help you burn more fat and get the scale moving vs building muscle and gaining lean mass. A friend who's a trainer told me recently that the best thing for continued weight loss is to change up your exercise routine every TWO weeks! ugh. I usually go every 6 weeks b/c I love my elliptical but good to know. I hope you find what works for you. This is a tough one! Either way I know you will continue to do great!
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