Not Dumping... ARghhhh

Darlene X
on 12/26/06 2:47 am - Maricopa, AZ
Ok, I wanna vent a little... hopefully there are some who can relate.... I don't dump, not the slightest bit... I HATE it!!!!!!! I can eat a ton of high high sugar or fat and not feel the slightest bit sick... I know I can, which makes it all the harder... grrr.... I have fudge up the wazoo in my house--- Im trying to give it all away tonight, but it still calls my name... I don't dump on anything, I could sit and eat peices of fudge, chocolate, candies etc with no issues.... Anyone else out there? It's like I never had surgery... On the good side... my Sister in law & her hubby found a house to rent-- they move out this weekend... I can purge all the bad stuff they eat from my house... Ive hated all the crap they bring in the house.... they have a lot of sugar, crackers & chips all the time... I can claim my home back... if I don't buy it, I don't eat it.... Christmas, road trips and vacations have not been good to me this year, Im suprised I havent gained 10lbs! Darlene 338/192/170
on 12/26/06 5:26 am - Philadelphia area, PA
I can totally relate! I dont dump either. I dont pu**** with the sugar but I have eaten alot of cookies the last few days and today I threw them all away! LOL I dont eat too much fried stuff but when I do all I get is a bit dizzy but I dont vomit or anything. Life is good though, everything in moderation. =)
Darlene X
on 12/26/06 5:49 am - Maricopa, AZ
Yup but for the last week or so for me, with vacation and Christmas, moderation hasn't existed! UGHHH Katie & Mead move out, and we are starting a new year... purge time! Back on track... I seriously just can't wait to clean out my pantry... On the good side, we are going to deliver a bunch of fudge tonight, to get it out of the house!
on 12/26/06 7:21 am - Cincinnati, OH
sorry you do not dump. I can have up to 12 grms of sugar any thing over makes me ill. I can do s/f stuff but or some reason I get sicker on less grams??? go figure oh boy and the gas I get from s/f it is horrible. lol glad you made it home safely
on 12/26/06 9:46 am - Inland Empire, CA
Not just you! ****** me off too. I was counting on more behavior modification than I've gotten from this surgery so far, but oh well, i'll take what i can get i guess. I've never dumped, not even close, but then again, i've never pushed it either. One time I did eat a "normal" size piece of cake and was totally fine, but other than that it's been one cookie or 1/2 piece of pie here and there. So I still hang onto the hope that I could dump on larger quantities A girl can hope. The one thing I realized these last two days is that not eating "right" does make me feel like sh##. THANK GOD. I ate too many carbs and while I didn't pig out, I didn't eat "clean" food either. And i was bloated, crampy, gassy and headachy for the last two days. So I'm thankful I at least have something. Good for you for getting rid of all the "bad" food and getting right back on track. Here's to the Holidays soon being over!
on 12/26/06 10:08 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Darlene, I have found the same thing. I did partake of a few chocolates and some cookies over the holidays, carefully of course, I didn't have more than one or two at a time, cookies were tiny. But I found that none of them bothered me either. I was glad that I could have some, it would have been very tough not too, but I do not like that I felt nothing. ie: that allowed me to think it was ok to nibble on two pieces of chocolate at work yesterday which I don't need to be doing. Holiday is one thing but on a regular basis it is not ok to do. High fats do bother me. I will feel pretty crappy if I eat something too high. I've still not had dumping in the sense of what I hear some people say happens, but I do feel something in that sense. I said to DH yesterday, hmm if I can eat some chocolate and a cookie, then maybe I can eat ice cream now. He said NO! I was like no also, but it crept into my head. I still have fear which is good or else I would have eaten 5 cookies, 10 cookies, or lots of pieces of chocolate. But I wish I couldnt eat what I can. Glad to hear you will have your house back food wise. We have to live in the world with people who eat what they want, and we can live around it, but it is hard when its in your house. I am glad DH doesnst bring anything in that I wouldnt want to eat. He can get it at work or elsewhere. SOunds like you had a great holiday trip. Now get that fudge outta your house girl and show us some 180 numbers!! you are close! p.s. I hit the 199.6 weight again today. I was a bit more thrilled this time than last. Im still not getting officially excited and thinking I weigh less than 200. I saw under 200 one day and then I was back to bouncing from 200 to 202. I dont know how in the heck I got under 200 with it just being over the holiday but I did. When I see 198 I'll be back to hoot and holler official like. L OL
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/27/06 10:30 pm - My Town, NH
Ugh! It's so hard when stuff that isn't good for you is hanging around the house. I did so much baking and cooking this year for the holidays. Fortunately, most of it was consumed by my stepson and/or I gave it away. It sounds like you're soon reclaiming your space and that must feel great. I only dump if I really, really over do it. You're doing so well, Darlene...dumping or not. And, I know you'll continue to succeed! Here's to the holidays being wonderful, and being gone! - Stephanie
on 1/1/07 9:05 pm - Milwaukee, WI
I am in the same boat as you, I dont dump. That is what the dr stressed to me is that I would dump with any sugar. Does not happen, I can eat any and everything. I have had sugar up the wazoo and still will not dumped in anyway shape or form. The only thing that makes me feel light headed is 2% milk that is it. Other than that I can eat a twinkie no problem and sweet potato pie, i MEAN JUST ANYTHING WILL NOT DUMP. I guess it is on me now. I know that I don't want to be 431 pounds again, so I know that I have to do this. I would like to get to my next goal of 250 Pounds by 3/2007. I don't think it is going to happen but I am going to pray for the strength. I don't like protein shakes but I try to get as much protein in as I can a day. Peanut butter, cheese, eggs , chicken and hamburger patties. So you are not in the boat alone. Sherry 431/273/180 Total loss 158 Pounds
on 1/2/07 4:34 am - Columbia, MD
Hi Darlene, I am late responding to this post, I took several days off and with company in the house and the usualy Holiday gatherings I didn't take time to get on the net. Anyway, I read your post and the others. I hear you. I do dump but not every time and not always on the same foods. It's really weird. But what frustrates me is that I can consume much more than I would like to be able to do. I had a real awakening this past week that I am going to have to work really hard to eat right, make right choices and get my exercise in. I am going to have to work at the behavior modification and will power more than I had hoped. You are on the right path to everlasting success by knowing your weaknesses and putting a plan of action in place to overcome them. That's what I am doing. If its not in the house, I don't eat it. So yesterday I tossed out all of the sweet leftovers so that I won't be tempted to eat them. We do have to "LIVE" with our weightloss and part of that is learning how to readjust when we blow it and get back on track quickly so we don't put the weight back on. If we stay focused on that we should survive! Happy New Year! Hugs, Robin
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