Hi everyone
how are we all today? I am wonderful. Yesterday I had a meeting for work I am a general manager for a restaurant (friendly's ice cream corp.) well this meeting took place with all the general managers in the region not just my district and some people from the corporate world. I am also a training general manager so I know these corporae people like my regional vice president etc. Well do you know that all last night I had people coming up to me and reading my name tag to introduce themselves to me and upon reading the name they couldn't believe that it was me not a new person with the same name some of these people knew I was out of work on a leave but didn't have any idea why. As happy as I was to know that these people that know me really did not recognize me I still can not get used to the people making such a big ordeal about it I feel very uncomfortable on the outside on the inside I am like wow can't believe that they don't know who I am. How weird is that I have known these people for 6 years and up until March have seen these people at least every 3 months for quarterly meeting and training sessions which I am one of the lead trainers wo ho could they not recognize me?
Well enough for now
have a great day
happy holidays and a healthy new year
Kerri, it certainly seems that others think I have changed more than I think I have. People who don't see me daily often react strongly to the changes in my appearance. I picked my stepson up from the airport last night. He hadn't seen me since May. He was shocked. I really didn't think I had changed that much since May. But, maybe I have.
Maybe someday we'll see what they see! That is a great WOW moment for you. Enjoy it!
Have a great day!
- Stephanie

I'm like that too. All (any) attention makes me a little uncomfortable. I mean, I appreciate the supportive people and comments. But all the focus on looks just gets my hackles up b/c society is so obssessed with looks! And it's like ok, I was fat, now I'm not--so what?!? I'm still ME.
I'm glad you had a great day though. Just try to take it as positive encouragement on how good you're doing.
Have a great day.