need the Christmas card list agian - PLEASE
yes and no - we are still unpackign a few boxes at the time - I am getting used to life in the hills and loving it but still slightly unsettled at how much time everything takes me - the generators don't like my microwave so I am cooking with out it and it is 30 mins to town - add in keeping the wood stove going and doing dishes by hand (not compaining about either-they just take up time.
missing you guys lots
yep this is our 6th year homeschooling and still loving it - my 4yo started "school" this year - at his insitance not ours LOL I would have been happy to wait another year or even two but he begged so we started and he is learning to read and write
wood stoves are common up here - bigger houses have 2 sometimes - I am even learning to cook stews and stuff on it - I baked cookies the other day on it and bisquits too - they had to be turned over now I know I need to cover things that bake
anyhow it is a blast!!!!