What is everyone having for supper?
Last night I made some crabcakes from a Barefoot Countessa recipe. DH loved them. Tonight we're having Turkey Sausages w/saurkraut.

Ok, this won't help you... but Im so excited about dinner I have to post haha....
Tonight abour 25-30 of us from the AZ board are meeting for dinner at The Cheesecake Factory!!! Im so excited to meet a bunch from the message board. I know quite a few from our support group, but there are about 15 people Ive seen online but never met. Im pumped!!!! Plus Cheesecake Factory has some amazing looking salads!! mmmmmm
Why don't you just go out? hahah JK
Avoid the Chinese Chicken Salad! Hungrygirl says it might have 1600 calories!! I'm wary of any place that doesn't publish their nutritionals.
my new fav is toasted grain soup - takes about an hour but you could do it with hamberger or chicken or turkey or pork, can you tell I eat this a lot LOL
brown 1/8 cup brown rice and 1/8 cup barley (or all brown rice or what ever other WHOLE grains you have on hand) in a dry skillit stiring the whole time till brown and toasty smelling
in anothe rpot brown meat, onions, celery, mushrooms etc, add broth and browned veggies and then frozen carrots, okra, greeen beens, asaragus, squash
basically any veggies you have
simmer till the grains are tender - add garlic, salt and pepper to taste - curry powder or nutmeg taste good soemtimes too
I love this - you can make it higher protien by adding more meat and lower calorie and lower carb by limiting hte grains to 1/4 cup but adding TONS of veggies