Memories (CHECK THIS OUT!!!)

Darlene X
on 12/11/06 10:47 pm - Maricopa, AZ
A blast from the past.... Just figured I would go back and see how far along we have come, a quick look at our first few months (If you have the patience to go back to March, do it-- it's a fun read): ------------------ Original Post by Mama-of-3 In Philly at 8:32 PM PST on 03/04/2006 Well hellooo everyone. Trish here. This is my very first post so hello to everyone! I am both nervous and excited at the same time. I am so greatful that this site has such wonderful people on it. I have been lurking on the main message board for the last month and now that I have an official date, so here I am! I am looking forward to meeting all of my fellow "Marchers". May we all have a really great journey together. =) Email me anytime to chat. Trish --------------------- Original Post by Stephanie Smiles at 4:00 AM PST on 03/07/2006 Good morning MARCHers. It's that time for me. I'm off to the hospital this morning for my Lap RNY. I'm not too nervous yet. When they get ready to put in the IV, that's when it will set in. And hopefully, I won't have long to wait for the good drugs! Good luck to all those having surgery today and in the next few days. See everyone on the other side! -Stephanie ----------------- Original Post by Darlene and E J at 12:57 PM PST on 03/14/2006 I spent an hour last night crying uncontrollably (sp?)... I am so scared! I don't know if I can do this. 6 days.... ---------------- Original Post by Barbara In NH at 3:35 PM PST on 03/15/2006 Well, it is all over, I am home...and actually feeling pretty good. My surgery was at 4:00 p.m. on the 13th and I was back in my room by 8:00 that night. Did LOTS of walking at the hospital Tuesday and a bit more this morning before I left. My daughter came from DC and she and my wonderful husband stayed right by my side - for which I was so thankful. My stomach feels like to exercised too much with sit ups or push ups and the pain is very minimal. I am so HAPPY to be able to sit here and type this post to my March buddies...Hope everybody coming up has an easy time with it. Barbara -------------------- Original Post by Darlene and E J at 6:11 PM PST on 03/22/2006 We got home around 3pm this afternoon. This won't be a long update cause Im feeling very tired and lightheaded--- meds I assume. I feel like crap! LOL I cried the whole way down the hall, and while they prepped me for surgery in the OR..... Bob the anestesiologist (Sp?) told me "Night Night Sweetheart"..... Then I woke in recovery... seemed like I was only there 5 minutes, I don't remember much. The first thought that went through my head was "It doesnt hurt as bad as I thought" I slept a lot day 1, pain was ok-- dispite the morphine seemed to have no effect--- my machine kept screwing up. Day 2 sucked, I was fine till about 2pm when they took me for an upper GI--- my pain medication wasnt working, and I was down there an hour--- the most traumatic experience out of everything. I came back feeling so sick and drained and in a lot of pain. They took me off my IV and put me on liquid med's (lortab) which makes the world so much better, but makies me very sleepy. Im pretty sore and tired, feel very light headed and all I want to do is sleep... Im having a hard time getting water in which is scary..... I'll update again when Im a little more clear headed... ---------------- Original Post by Danni W at 2:03 PM PST on 03/26/2006 I am getting pretty bummed even with fantasic wieght loss b/c of having to pack my drain tube insion every day and it still has green yucky stuff. ----------------------- Original Post by Rick A at 7:46 PM PST on 03/26/2006 My surgery on the 20th was quite uneventful. Thank God. I had almost no pain and no complications. My sugery lasted and hour and 20 minutes. I was off pain meds by the 2nd day and walking 25 laps around the surgical ward four times a day. I was released on the third morning and walked four miles the next day. I can't tell you all how well I feel. I hope the best for everyone else that is still on this journey to a new you. If you are interested in the specifics you can check out my profile. Thank you one and all for the support I have received here. Rick :>) --------------------------- Original Post by Nancy in Cali at 10:44 AM PST on 03/28/2006 Hey guys I hate to panic but to my Doc's orders I have to do bowel prep today, well I just threw up the stuff, about 60% of it. I tried to hold it down but after 4 days of broth & jello my stomach said no way!! Is there anything else i can take?? I've left a message with my doc's office, but i'm afraid they won't call back till noon, isn't that kinda late to re-take that stuff if my surgery is at 7:30am?? Please help!!! Thanks so much for your help! ~Nancy -------------------------- Original Post by Mimi Turtlelover at 2:55 PM PST on 04/01/2006 well I am home again. Thursday I was admitted to the hospital, with sever dehydration and a tear in my abdominal wall. I was so bad that my kidney decided it did not want to work, after 24 hours of fluids and meds being pushed through my IV I then started to pass was a complete roller coaster ride for 3 days...but I am now home and doing better. My sister is flying in Moday to help me out until she thinks it is safe to go home since my hubby is still in AL. It looks like I've gained weight because of the 8 bags of fluid...but I know I haven't it's jus****er. I have my follow up next Friday and well have an official weight loss then. --------------------- Original Post by Felidae Jones at 6:11 AM PST on 04/05/2006 I must admit I was a bit concerned since I started eating solid foods. But...the losing trend continues! I weighed 194 this morning, down three pounds from last week. Tomorrow, I go to see the dietician. I'm dying for some salad. I wonder if she'll say I can eat it? Also, some cold cereal would be delicious. I'm probably being a little premature in my requests, but we'll see. I noticed that my pants are getting too long. Must be because there's not as much belly to hold them up! ------------------------------ Original Post by Ruth Ann at 1:05 PM PST on 04/06/2006 Warning: Long! LOL Hi back from the surgeons office today. Everything looks good and I can move to soft foods and on from there. Weightloss today is 26lbs down since surgery on 3/24, and the 24lbs lost prior to surgery, so that a total of 50 lbs!! Clothes have been getting loser and I did by a few 3 x's shopping the past few weeks. I had been in 5x, lost some weight was in 4's. Well today getting ready for my docs appt I thought.. Hmm I'm going to try the 3's and guess what? Yes! That's right, they FIT!! So I was out and about today in my first 3x. Also tried a size smaller pant I had in the drawer and it fit perfectly. After I left the docs office went and bought a few things I'd need for next phase. After I got settled at home made a little scrambled egg beaters. It went down fine, took tiny tiny bites and chewed. Was worried the whole time.LOL That was about an hour ago. Nothing happening yet. So hope all will be well. I had burped, then another little one after having had a few bites, so decided I think that means to stop. So I did. Will have to be sure to supplement with protein shakes for sure at this point. The measurements went something like this. *1/4 c. egg beater mixture from the container = 6 gm protein *Once in skillet and cooked put into a 2 oz. little container I had on my digital scale. I did 0 it out then added the eggs. *This weighed in at 1-1/4 oz. (Told I am to eat 4 oz at a meal) I know it will take time to build up to that. *I ate about 1/2 of what was in the container. So how the heck do I know exactly how much protein I got? LOL On my way to the docs office today I was thinking about how things have been the past two weeks since surgery. Here is a list I came up with in my mind as I was driving. 1)My boobs fit in my bra. I'm not bulging up or out to the sides or back. Yes its still a BIG bra, but I'm in it! LOL 2)I'm wearing smaller clothes. My Winter coat hangs on me like I'm a little kid and I can wrap it pretty good across my body. Just a month ago the buttons just fit and I worried if they'd pop when I sit. LOL 3) My socks don't leave sock marks around my now tiny ankles. Well, they look pretty tiny from here. 4) I have a jawbone and a neck. One you can actually see the tendons?? or whatever they are there. But I do have a little chicken little hangy doodle that is freaking me out a bit. I'm hoping as I lose more goes and it balances out somewhere along the way. But its not too bad. 5) My skin feels so soft and smooth. I noticed it, but Dave even mentioned it this morning. I'm guessing from all the water and the junk not going into my body. 6) I actually want to go walking, or to the gym. I'm not released to go to the gym yet, or at least I cant do anything but light hand weights and the treadmill. So I've just been walking and using my weights at homme for that. There's probably more. Just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure you can all relate, those who've had the surgery already. But we newbies have to share!! So those are kind of my wow moments for the past two weeks. Thanks for everything!! ----------------------- Salisbury steak is EVIL!!! Original Post by Danni W at 7:18 PM PST on 04/09/2006 OK I got all kinds of frozen never seved in my house stuff to feed the guys while I was recovering - one was a family thing of salsbury steak - I baked it today with some frozen 2x baked potatoes I had made and froze, then I thought ok steak right - I can have a small peice, chew well till mush the whole 9 yards - I ate maybe 2 oz of maybe that much! the rest of my evening has NOT been happy. Then Tim comes home for dinner from CQ and tells me I can't believe you ate this its sweet (I had not really had any gravy scraped it off mine) and not only that its like meatloaf - has bread fillers in it - DUH!! how was I suppose to know??? while now after 3 hours of feeling I know so learn from me LOL do not eat salsbury steak thinking nice super tender easy to chew meat Danni -------------------- Original Post by Mimi Turtlelover at 1:00 PM PST on 04/13/2006 I am 1 month out today and I gave in and bought a new scale, I just couldn't wait until my 6 week check up. 3 weeks out I lost was nice but a bummmer because I had lost 25 at 2 I weighed and I have lost 36# WOO HOO...this is a big deal because....... I weigh 242!!!! This means I weigh under 250!! I have reached my 1st goal!!! The last time I weighed less then 250 was when I got pregnant with my 1st son Zachary in 1997 ----------------------- Original Post by Jeani Wells at 9:58 AM PST on 04/19/2006 I just wanted to say hello to everyone, Ive never really posted on anything so this is new for me. My name is Jeani, I had my surgery on March 27th. So I'm about 3 1/2 weeks along. I was 405 when I started, lost 30 before my surgery and 26 so far after. My BMI was 69.5 when I started and is now 60 so thats exciting. Im excited about getting to talk with everyone! Bye for now! Jeani
on 12/11/06 10:53 pm - , NC
Wow, that is so surreal. Seems like a lifetime ago! Look how far we've come and we've got our whole lives ahead of us! What a gift we've received.
on 12/12/06 12:04 am - Fort Bragg, NC
OMG!!!! Thank you for sure puts things in perspective...hard to believe a few months ago I was jumping for joy because I was at 250.....makes me wonder what I was thinking when I hit 250 going up. HUGS! Mimi
Stephanie Smiles
on 12/12/06 3:51 am - My Town, NH
Darlene, what a great synopsis! Thank you so much. It will be worth going back in time so that we can appreciate how far we've come. We've both shrunk AND grown! Hugs, Stephanie
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