alive and not frozen in fairbanks
still no internet at the house but hopefully this week it will be up - I am at the libary LOL
we moved into out new house - it is wonderful and about 90% of the time I love it. I am missing everyone betweeen moving out in the bonnies and no internet
hubby managed to partially sever his wrist the first weekend on the property - the hand doc was on duty in the ER and was able to reatach the tendons - full recovery looks good but it is alful hard on him to chop wood right now - the boys and I are working on it
and several wonderful people have come over and helped us
my wieght loss stalled when we got out to the property - no matter how much outside work I do if I don't get my backside on the elpitical each day I do not lose - I was put on a new med for the bleeding ulcer which helps with that and put 5 pounds of water weight on me over night
so I am battling with that - medically I am not doing so great they found some "less than normal " spots on my liver while checkign my galbladder - I am just to weird - oh well we have good medical coverage and in a week or so I will have internet and be able to check in with all you wonderful people
we are doing well - I LOVE having our own house - I have closet rods to put up in the boys closets tonight and tomorrows constuction plans are for a series of shelves so the cats can climb up and down onto the plant shelf that is our bedroom wall - it is an 8 foot wall with a peeked 16 foot ceiling so the edges are solid and it is a flat topped triangle in the middle.
Tim is in a good unit - the kids and I are registared with an awsome homeschool group - hey the state PAYS you to homeschool up here - it is awsome
I miss all of you - I want to cry some morings b/c I miss you all when I get up and there sits the NON internet comected computer
love and hugs

glad you made it safely to Alaska. I have always wanted to visit there. to go whale watching. maybe I will do that soon--take a cruise. Maybe when I reach my goal weight I will do that. You have to take pictures of your new house. In the winter do you all have like 20 hours of sunlight? hope you hubby heals soon. I know I could not chop up firewood--you go girl! Creating a shelve for your cats??? We bought one of thos window shelf things for my cat. I never even thought to ask if they had a weight limit on them and they do--he broke the darn thing. Yep he is a porker. My vet does not want him gaining anymore weight but I think he has. As hard as I try not to I give him my left overs or food I do not eat off my plate. It is like one bit for me and two for him. Have fun decorating your new home.
Once you get back into a routine the weight will start to drop again. Make sure that you are eaing healthy, drinking your water and taking your vits.
Stay warm and god bless.
Danni, we miss you too! Thanks for updating us. It sounds like the move is a good one. I hope you are able to meet some great friends soon. They'll be lucky to have you! I also hope your liver issues turn out okay. Keep us posted and we'll still be here for you when your connection is installed!
Hugs, Stephanie

I was wondering what happened to you!
I'm glad you are liking your new house. Alaska is cold, so keep chopping that wood!
You have a wood burning stove, I gather?
I am also in your predicament, but not as bad
I'm moving to Oregon, and we have a wood burning stove, so always bringing wood in from outside...
I also am struggling for internet. I'm down in Calif. right now at my old house, but when I move the computer up, we wont have internet for a week or so, which will be a long time in my eyes
I'm glad to hear you will be reimbursed for home schooling. Great!
We look forward to hearing from you. Get connected to the internet soon!

Hi Danni,
It's so good to hear from you. Moving is never easy. I find that it takes 6-12 months to feel like a new place is home. Sadly that is followed in a short year or two with another move. I am so glad to not be looking at another move for a good long while. (hubby retired in July)
I am sorry you have had some medical problems. I sure hope you have a great hospital and PCP up there. OOO, hubby's hand accident sounds like it could have been very bad. What a blessing to have the hand doc on duty in the ER that day! I hope that you will feel fully healthy again soon and feel like you are getting back on track with losing. Just remind yourself that this is a stressful time and maintaining is pretty darn good in a time like this. You'll be losing again in no time!
I hope you can get internet connected soon. Maybe even be able to show us some great pics of where you are living now. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Hugs, Robin