What would life bE IF......
well, What would life be if ppl stopped TALKING...BORING I SAY...life can be crazy...ppl talk about you or maybe make comments when your "Bigger" then you lose weight AND now they talk about how much weight you are losing and how bad thin you look... One thing about life and ppl is you can't Win for losing...I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT. I call it INTIMIDATION.
Hi La Shrondra. I think that people are people and that often they are fascinated by what they don't understand. Thinner people do not understand what it is like to be obese and obese people, as well as thin people, who have not had WLS don't really understand the journey. I actually do like to think that I am winning.
I'm healthier and happier regardless of how much people are discussing my weight and weight loss!
- Stephanie

boy wouldn't it be though!! That's ok no1 talked about me when I was big, heck did people even notice me? Now it seems like everyone knows me....all the time I have parents say wow you are looking great, how did you do it and I don't have a clue as to who they are...which means hmmmm they did notice me when I was big or how else would they know I lost weight? Anyway I don't know where I am going with this, it's just in our nature I think and some people are just nicer about it I think.