Christmas Card List has been re-sent
I sent the updated Christmas Card List to everyone I have email addresses for. If you didn't get a copy, it means you didn't email me with your email address
anyone who wants to be on the list or wants an updated list, email me [email protected]
If you click contact I wont get it in my email box, I wont get your email address and I wont be able to send you the update list (OH changed this when they did all their updates).
hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!!

I did get your messages on OH, but as I mentioned OH changed the format and messages arent sent to email like before (when it showed the email address). I do have your home address added to the list, but you haven't sent me your email address so I haven't been able to send you the list.
Email me your email address and I'll send you an attachment of the
[email protected]

I just looked in my address book and see Shari B, but no Cherie G.
Shoot me an email so I can send you the list
[email protected]