Post Your Thanksgiving WOWs

Darlene X
on 11/23/06 10:38 pm - Maricopa, AZ
So come on everyone, I know you have them!!!!!!!!! How many of you met with family or friends that you haven't seen in a long time???? Post some WOW's.... For me... I had a couple.... My sister in law from Idaho called us (She hasn't seen me since January-- we will be visiting her just before Christmas for the first time since surgery), anyway she said she was talking to my Father in law on the phone, and he told her that I looked like a model!!! TOO FUNNY!!!!! Now Im not sure whether to laugh or cry about this one... it's somewhat flattering that EJ's Dad said I look like a model... but then you also have to know him... and he would be the first person to call me fat behind my back if I gained a lb back.... EJ's Dad is a little psycho hahaha... but I'll take the flattery--- a model! LOL EJ out of the blue told me how much he loved me and how beautiful he thought I was and how lucky he was to have me...... and last night I was lying on Katie's (EJ's sister) bed with her watching TV and out of the blue she told me how beautiful she thought I was getting.... and how pretty my face is now (Not that I wasn't pretty before-- but you know). We also got lots of compliments at lunch from EJ's Aunts & Uncles... some who haven't seen me since surgery.... some made jokes about someone telling them when EJ & Darlene got to lunch-- cause we werent them! hehe Anyway I want to hear everyones WOW moments!!!!!!!!!!
on 11/24/06 6:49 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Congratulations Darlene, those are some great wows. And they are so true! You are beautiful. Hmmm... might want to go on America's next top model next year. BTW, saw the cakes on the other post, you guys are so good at that. Love the turkey cake. Keep it up!!! One day you're going to be getting a pretty penny for making cakes. Funny you should post about this subject!!! Here are mine: I have been having lots of wow moments this weekend. My first was on Wednesday night. Dave and I went and stayed overnight at my moms house. They've just moved in their new house last Thursday, she ended up in the hospital the next day, was having bad pain in her knee, ends up its some type of a cyst. She got home Monday night and was taken straight upstairs, so no cooking for her. So we went early to get a start on stuff and do the cooking. Anyways... lol Dave and I slept in a double bed. We were getting ready for bed and the old thoughts came to mind of .. Oh, are we both going to fit in the bed, its just a double, I told him he'd be sleeping on the floor. He's like, no don't think so. LOL Well we got into bed and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it, no problem at all. We had so much room. Room between us and room on both sides. I just kept going on about it. LOL I was so broad chest and shoulder wise before that a double just didnt' cut it, so when we bought a bed last we got a King. Dave was like, dang, we could have bought a double and saved a few hundred dollars. I'm like, no, we needed a king then and I like a king. I like my own zip code in bed. LOL But that was a great wow for me!! Today we went and did a little shopping. In Penneys they had some clearance racks that were final clearance for $1.97. I can't wear them yet, but picked up 2 pair of capri style pants in white and khaki for Spring. With the weightloss being much slower now I figure it will be a bit before I'm ready for them. And... if not, if Im past that size then no biggy, ,2 pair only cost me less than $4. LOL That was the wow, I've never been able to have the option to buy off clearance racks like that for those prices on pants! They are nice dress ones too, not casual capri style. Thanksgiving was nice. I was at it all day and had energy to spare. We got up in the morning early and took the puppy for a walk to a convenience store for some coffee. It's like 6 or 8 blocks, not too far, but a bit over a mile I think we calculated. I thought about how cool it is to not think of these things, to want to do these things, just get up and go walk and be ABLE to!!! After dinner, after working all day, cooking prep, cleaning up, as I stood there doing the dishes I said to Dave. Last year, any years prior to this I wouldn't or couldn't do this. I'd do it, but its be a long, hard, slow day. But I had worked all day long and stood there doing the dishes without a pain. No hip or back pain. Not being tired and unable to stand to clean up without sitting for a rest. I think we truly are different people!!! Isn't it great!! I had a little taste of everything, everything that I like that is. But just a tbs of this, tbs of that. All was prepared as normal, didn't make any special things. I even had about a 1/4 I'd say of a piece of cheesecake and sliver of pumpkin pie. Do you know that a piece of cheesecake has over 400 calories, probably almost 500??? Plus TONS of sugar!! What were we ever thinking when we ate that stuff without tought???? I wanted to try some, so I sliced off a very thin portion which came out to about a 1/4 slice of it and allowed myself that. I was taking a chance eating it, hoped I wouldn't dump and I didn't. But that does not worry me. What does Danni say? Everything in moderation. I don't think we are to never eat any of that stuff again, but we do have to understand that if we eat too much of it, we will gain weight, and in the moment, possibly get sick from it. I was able to eat that 1/4 of a slice, cool, but I'm not stupid enough to think I could eat a whole piece and not get sick. I love FEAR!!!! LOL I got to see my one brother who I havent seen since Easter. (no, he doesnt live far, he's just a hermit LOL) But i saw him and he told me I was looking good. He is a man of few words, but did say that when he first saw me. Then later he went on about how good I look. My mom had told me I was about the size of this one friend of hers, or smaller than her now and that was a wow for me. Its just weird we still find it hard to see how we really look. I've still got a ways to go, b ut I think Im finally seeing how I look and I like it! Its way cool!! My last wow up to this point for the weekend. LOL Also at Penneys today I looked around for a holiday party outfit. Dave has a company party on the 9th. I found this top/jacket in black and red. OMG its gorgeous I thought. I loved the diamond pattern on it. It was a regular XL in the regular misses dept at Penneys. I thought it looked like it woudl fit and it did. I went out to show Dave from the dressing room and his eyes were popping out. Im like is it ok? He's like YES... thats' the one, you're buying that .LOL So I'll wear it with black dress slacks. Now to find a pair of strappy maybe shoes, sparkly, or maybe a red to match!! Oh ok thought that was my last wow. LOL Just the fact today that I could actually browse through the regular peoples section of clothing was cool. It felt a bit weird to not go diretly to the Womens section. I actually was shopping/browsing, and able to consider things in the regular section. I LOVE IT!!!!! Now if I could get under 200!!!
on 11/24/06 7:30 am - Western, KY
Mine is really a pre-thanksgiving wow. I went shopping on Wednesday night for some clothes...just to Walmart as I am a cheapo. Anyway, I bought a pair of size 16 jeans!!! I was too excited! Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! Kim
~ Stylz ~
on 11/24/06 7:54 am - North of Boston, MA
I think my biggest WOW was my 84 year old Grandmother thinking I was my younger cousin whos probably a size 4! Everyone was surprised at how much weight loss I've lost. After dinner my cousin told me how beautiful I am (doesn't EVERYONE throw in the.... well you were beautful before, but now you've lost so much weight and look even more beautiful)! She said you've gotten skinny, you look so much younger and more confident! It was a great feeling Dinner was nice. I had turkey with turkey gravy to keep it moist, couple tablespoons of mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes and stuffed mushrooms. My 2 other WOW moments were saying no to desserts and alcohol! Every family holiday the food and alcohol run very freely, this is the first holiday I didnt have any of either, not even a glass of wine! Today my sister and I went........... Left the house at 5am first stop was Kohls, Best Buy, Old Navy and the Mall. I bought SO much clothes for myself! The deals were too good to pass up!! Another WOW moment for me... I bought size 10 levi's and they fit comfortably (probalby could have gone to an 8, but wanted a roomy pair). THEN we went to the GAP a store I could have NEVER shopped at because even thier biggest size wouldn't fit not only that, but their sizes usually run small so I'd always pass by and not look in. Today I bought a white down jacket at the GAP, size... Large My sister bought one in a different color, size XL. All day I thought about that.. For the first time in my life I'm a smaller size than my sister!!!
on 11/24/06 2:22 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
well since my closest family memeber would be my in laws and they live 10 hours away I don't have any wows like that...However I was able to eat everything I cooked, even the pies...granted they were all sugarfree, or reduced something or other. Some how I got up this morning and had lost a pound so that was an awsome wow! Mimi
Stephanie Smiles
on 11/25/06 7:23 pm - My Town, NH
These are amazing WOWs! I love reading about everyone's wow moments. It's so inspirational. I had 11 for Thanksgiving dinner and after dinner we went for our traditional Thanksgiving walk. This is what we do between dinner and dessert so that there is more room in everyone's tummy! This year, we walked a mile to a playground. I actually played on the playground with my niece instead of sitting on the bench watching. I chased her all over the place. I went down two slides! Nope, didn't even get stuck once! In previous years, I would have made every excuse possible to skip the walk and sit on the couch. This year I wanted to walk! As we were walking back to my house, my niece looked up at me and said, "Aunt Stephanie, I really love it when you play with me!" I really love playing with her too. What a difference a year makes! Hugs, Stephanie
on 11/26/06 5:56 am - On the coast of somewhere beautiful
Everyone has such wonderful WOW's. I am so happy for all of you!!! I had a WOW myself this weekend. Hubby and I went out shopping this weekend to hit all the sales. I had a few things in mind that I wanted to get, none of which were clothes for me. We went to JC Penney to get hubby some clothes and while we were there he said "Why don't you find some clothes for yourself. You really need them. The clothes you are wearing are way too big". I tried clothes shopping about a month ago and I got so disgusted because it seemed like I was somewhere between and XL and a 1X and nothing fit right. Absolutely nothing. So, here I am on Friday with hubby telling me I need to get serious and buy myself some clothes. So, we head on over to the women's dept at JC Penney and I tried on a few things and hubby kept telling me they were too big. The didn't feel big. So, I went into the misses area and tried some XL's. I felt like I didn't belong there and that people were thinking "Why would that person think she could fit into misses size clothes?" Anyway, I tried on some XL blouses and they were long sleeve. I have always had problems with long sleeve blouses because I am only 5'1" and everything is always so long on me. I would always have to make sure to buy a blouse that had 3/4 length sleeves just so it wouldn't look too bad. So, I come out of the dressing room and show hubby this blouse and almost start to cry because it fit fine except that the sleeves were too long as usual. A saleslady came by and heard my dilemma as I was telling my hubby and she said "Oh honey, is that a misses size?" I said "yes". She said " Oh no need to choose clothes from the petite section. The clothes will fit you much better" I stood there with this blank look on my face thinking how the heck does this woman think that I am going to fit into anything marked petite. Then I hear the woman saying " Honey...the petite section is over that way (she's pointing)" and I say "ok", still looking dumbfounded as hubby later told me I looked like a deer caught in headlights. So, I head on over to the petite area so self-conscious looking at stuff thinking that none of it is ever going to fit. Hubby says "here try this, this one too and this". I'm looking at him like he's nuts. I say " I am never going to get my body into THAT or THAT". He said "Please just try". So, I reluctantly took a few blouses marked Petite XL and headed into the dressing room. I tried them all on and they ALL FIT!!! And they fit perfectly because the sleeves were the perfect length and the bottom of the blouse fell where it was supposed to. I was so amazed and ecstatic. So, I got two blouses and a jacket all from the PETITE's section!!! I have never worn petites in my entire life, let alone have a saleswoman tell me that I BELONGED in that area of the store. I was still very self-conscious because I felt like others were staring at me thinking that I didn't belong there. I asked hubby if people were staring and he said no. So, after that we headed on over to Sears. I never liked their clothes, but they have an awesome petite section. They have a label made especially for them by Liz Claiborne and the clothes fit great. I bought a few more blouses there and a pair of slacks. I came home and laid all my new clothes out on the bed and just stared at them because I still couldn't believe that I fit in them. And then I tried each one on again to make sure I hadn't made a mistake. Hubby later said "You think you are much bigger than you really are. You don't realize how far you have come and how much smaller you are." That's true...I really don't see it and my head still thinks I am this huge person. I can tell that it is going to take me a long time to see myself as others see me. Joanne
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