What are YOU Thankful for?

Darlene X
on 11/21/06 10:14 pm - Maricopa, AZ
I am so thankful for the opportunity this year of having weight loss surgery. For an amazing husband, who is going through the same thing, someone who can relate to me and know how Im feeling. I am so thankful for the health that he has regained. I am extremely greatful for our support group, and for all the awesome and loving people I have met here on OH, especially my March family! I am thankful for our health, our home and our jobs!! You guys are all amazing! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Darlene 338/196/170
on 11/21/06 10:44 pm - Philadelphia area, PA
I am Thankful that I have a hard working faithful husband who shows and tells me he loves me every single day. I am Thankful that I have a beautiful 18 year old who is a great daughter, my best friend, modivated and is turning into a wonderful woman before my eyes. I am Thankful for having a 15 year old handsome and talented son who is the love of my life. I am Thankful for my little girl who still believes in Santa and seeing the magic and wonder in her eyes makes me Thank God for her every single day. I am Thankful for my extended family for without them I wouldn't be who I am today and I love me. I am Thankful for each and one of you.
on 11/21/06 10:50 pm - Columbia, MD
I am thankful for my family. My husband is so supportive, hard working and caring. He loves me no matter what. He loved me at 275+ lbs and he loves me now. My girls are beautiful. They are so much fun to have around. I am thankful that I can enjoy watching them grow into beautiful young women. They are a joy and we are very proud parents. I am very grateful that I was able to finally have WLS. It has changed my life in so many ways. I am still the same person only with a more positive outlook. I am happier with myself. For once in my life I like who I am. I don't look in the mirror with disgust anymore. That is an incredible feeling! I am grateful that I am healthier and able to move and enjoy life, not jus****ch it pass me by. I am thankful for the job I have. I enjoy coming to work everday. The Lord has truly blessed us. He provided my husband with a good job as well. We are so blessed! I am thankful for this site and this board. You are all inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for supporting me on this journey that we are all taking together. God Bless and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hugs, Robin
on 11/21/06 11:35 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
wow not sure OH give enough room on replies to list everything. I have 3 children and 1 stepdaughter...my oldest son is autistic and have several other dissabilities, my 2nd son is your typical normal kid but has ADD, my little guy is PDD-NOS and is partially deaf in both ears. My stepdaughter is a wonderful straight A student, but a little off like most teenagers and then I have custody of my mentally dissabled older brother. My husband serves in the US Army and has for 16 years. I of course had WLS this year and am going to have surgery again to remove cancer next month and though looking in, my life looks like... OMG how do you do it, I am so sorry for you....I would not change a thing! I am thankful to God for making this my calling in life, for granting me the strength, compassion, understanding and patientence to not only deal with my family but to be able to go to school everyday and work with my 21 1st graders. I am thankful that he saw in me the kind of person it takes to do this day in and day out and that he has the faith in me to know I can do it. I am thankful for that laundryroom that is overflowing and thankful for the peace of mind in that it'll get done sooner or later. I am thankful for the overflowing dishes in the sink and a husband who gladly comes home from work and loads the dishwasher without a complaint. I am thankful that God made me who I am, he has a purpose for me, that I know what that purpose is and I embrace it. And of course, I thankfull for God giving me all of you for when it seems like I can't do it anymore, that life is too much. For him giving you guys the strength to hold me up when it seems I can't do it myself anymore. Mimi
on 11/22/06 10:34 am - Inland Empire, CA
Awww, you're awesome Mimi!
on 11/22/06 2:10 am - Inland Empire, CA
I'm thankful for the gift of being able to stay home with my daughter, seeing her grow, watching her change, seeing her master things one day that she could not do the day before. I'm thankful for the beauty of getting to see ordinary things become wonderous thru a child's eyes! I am grateful for a wonderful hard working husband who makes this possible. I am thankful to wake up everyday pain free finally and for the removal of the boundaries that had held me back for so many years! I'm thankful for this support network of Marchers that has helped me so much along the way! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
on 11/22/06 6:10 am - Cincinnati, OH
I am thankful for having surgery this year and being able to be off from work to get my health back after being in the hospital for 2 ½ wks after surgery. I am thankful for my family. My grandmother is in a nursing home -she has dementia with me being off I have been able to spend time with her and it has been great. I have also been volunteering a lot with church. Man when I was working at my old company I let my job be my life and I have learned to enjoy life and those around you. Just got a job offer so I am very thankful for the new employment opportunities. I am thankful for a warm roof over my head, food on the table and a car to drive. Heck, I am thankful for everything! I have to praise God because without him I would have nothing. Have a blessed Thanksgiving MJ P.S. Darlene I just notced you new weight you are only 26 lbs. from your goal--you go girl!
Tamara L.
on 11/22/06 8:07 am - Winston-Salem, NC
I am thankful most of all for my Salvation and the opportunity to worship freely in the USA. I'm thankful to be an American and for the servicemen and women who protect my freedoms. I'm thankful for my weight loss surgery and the complication-free post-op period of time so far. I've been blessed with being married to my best friend for the past 16 years--he has loved me unconditionally at my worst and at my best. I have three precious kitty-kats who bring alot of love and attention into our home, and an adorable niece--who is just like my own (and it drives her Momma crazy that she acts just like me!) I'm thankful my job as a Nurse and for he patient's and families that I've had the opportunity to care for over the past 21 years. I love my O.H. family, especially my Marchster's family. Your experiences (good and bad) help me everyday in my journey. Each of you add something special to our March board. God bless us everyone! Tamara
Stephanie Smiles
on 11/22/06 7:29 pm - My Town, NH
I'm thankful that I have a turkey about to go into the oven. This turkey symbolizes many things. It means that we have good jobs and can afford a Thanksgiving feast. It means that I have a wonderful family to share this bird with. I met my husband over a turkey. He carved it for me once, 12 years ago, and I've kept him ever since. I'm very thankful to have him to share my life and love with. I'm thankful that, this year, I'll only eat as much turkey as I need to rather than as much as I want to. Finally, I'm so thankful that early on this Thanksgiving morning, I have this board of Marchers to visit where we can celebrate together, commiserate together and offer support to each other. You Marchers are the absolute best! Enjoy the day with your families! Hugs, Stephanie
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