on 11/21/06 2:57 am - Palmdale, CA
Just bear with this little pitty party for a few minutes....I need some lifting up out of this hole Im in. I have lost 80-83 pounds since surgery and a total of 105-108 since first consult with surgeon. IM SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS, just dont want anyone to think Im not over the moon about it. BUT.....Im in a panic that I will not lose anymore, that I have lost all Im gonna lose. Four weeks ago you could hear me screaming cuz i broke the 200 barrier. I got down to 196...now this morning I was back up to 200!! Ive been bouncing between 197 and 200 for four weeks now. I just need a lil support from my fellow Marchers!! I truly think Im not going to lose anymore!! Ive never lost 3 to 4 pds and then gain in back and not get it off again...weird Thanks in advance
Darlene X
on 11/21/06 3:42 am - Maricopa, AZ
Ok, first off your doing amazing!!!!!!!! I think most everyone here can relate. I can't even tell you how many times Ive stalled for 3-4 weeks and had the "Im not going to lose anymore weight" thoughts.... then it starts moving again, slowly but surely... I know it will, but I start to panic each time wondering if that is it for me. Weight fluctuations are so normal, 3-4lbs is nothing! Im sure your body will kick into losing mode again soon, and you'll watch and you get closer to the 180's. Breathe, everything is fine and normal. Darlene 338/197/170
on 11/21/06 5:32 am - Inland Empire, CA
the 3-4 pounds up is weird--but I just read your other post and I'm pretty sure it could be...ahem....constipation issues! I always fluctuate 1-3 pounds everyday. I don't let it get me b/c I'm so used to it by now. I know it's disappointing to see that number again after struggling so hard to finally get below it, but seriously I think it's just the BM issue! It could be a lot of things as well. I know for instance when I work out hard and am sore--I will be up a pound or two the next day. Sore muscles retain water. Do something nice for yourself to pick up your spirits. Do a new exercise or talk a walk, go shopping for smaller sizes. Try to reassure yourself by doing good things that keep you on track. Don't despair--this is temporary. You are NOT done losing!!! Take care, hope you get to feeling better!
Tamara L.
on 11/21/06 8:01 am - Winston-Salem, NC
I hear ya, JoAnn. I lost my 100th pound last week, only to find I've backslid to a 98 lb loss this week. I'm regressing!!!! It can be quite frustrating. I feel like I'm loosing slower than most of my fellow Marchers, but then I step back and look at all that I have lost in weight, and have gained in life! So many Wow moments that still amaze me everytime I put on a piece of clothing that is too big. It's so nice to have the problem of clothes being too big instead of too small when I'm trying to figure out what to wear! Don't get discouraged. We're all in in together and will always be here for each other!!!! Tamara
on 11/21/06 8:46 am - NC
Hang in there, the scale will move again. I thought I was done too, it took me almost 7 weeks to lose about 2 pounds. I am at another stand still, but I am hopeful.
on 11/21/06 10:41 pm - Columbia, MD
Hi JoAnn. I think we all struggle with worry over whether or not we will continue to lose weight. I think that because I have failed so many times before and because I have gained the weight back EVERY other time, I do fear that any time now I will fail again. In the past, if I gained 3-5 lbs back it just seemed to spiral out of control from there and before I knew it I was back to where I started and often more than that. Even now, at 90+ lbs lost, I keep thinking that "this is it, I am done losing". Then in a couple of weeks, bam I'll drop 5-7 lbs. My scale stays the same +/- 1 pound. I weigh every day. Maybe not a good thing to do but for me I have to do it. When I am in a panic I just refocus myself. I make sure I am taking small bites, chewing well and taking 20-30 minutes to eat my meals. I set my timer so I don't drink anything for at least 30 minutes after I eat. I push myself to eat protein first and other stuff after that. I also push myself to get the exercise that I know I need. I have resigned myself to the fact that this is and will continue to be a DAILY plan for my life. I have to stick to this every day for the rest of my life...Then I can not fail. Be encouraged my friend. You will still lose weight. Plateaus suck and are hard to deal with mentally. But you will break this plateau. Perhaps your body is adjusting to its new self. I know that's not very encouraging to hear but maybe it'll help a little bit. You are doing great. Keep it up! Be good to yourself! Hugs, Robin
on 11/22/06 4:12 am - Palmdale, CA
WOW, what a nice response, I really appreciate the time you took to help me out!! THANK YOU everyone
on 11/21/06 11:13 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
Oh girl do I know what you mean When I got the 220 I swear I didn't think i would lose anymore bounced and forth back and forth then finally after 8 weeks the scale started moving again. I got to 187 and sat there and sat there up and down up and down and finally the darn thing is moving again. My doc says now that I am 8 months out I'll probably loose 3 to 5 pounds a month, if I really work at it. It will still come off just very slowly. Don't feel bad about feeling bad...I think it is just part of the natural process. I am so excited about my weight loss and my drop in clothes I am freakin bouncing off the walls....but the other night in the middle of sex I am freakin out and cryin over all this freakin skin....I am tellin you guys this is a major issue with me...not sure I'll be able to wait another year to have PS. So hang in there chickadee we are all in this together!!! mimi
on 11/22/06 4:14 am - Palmdale, CA
YOu mean you actually have sex!! I will be on the operating table right next to yu girl!! Im hoping for next summer, when we will be 18 months out. Maybe we can get a TWO FOR ONE deal with a PS!!
on 11/22/06 6:59 am - Fort Bragg, NC
hey hook me up for that 2 for 1!!!! Mimi
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