I LOST >>>>>>>>>>>100 pounds>>>>>>>>>>>>
yesterday I got on the scale and it said 178 when I got on again today it said 178 again so I know the weight was gone forever.
I am now down, wait for it........
........137 pounds since my consult.
I have gone from 315 to 178 in 1 year how freakin awsome is that!!
I am now in a 12 which was my goal by Christmas and I am 11 pounds away from my goal, 11 pounds!!!!! I am thinking
maybe I should go ahead and move that goal up (or down however you look at it) since apparently loosing more then 11 is going to be achievable. I thought if I could just hit 167 I would be the happiest person in the world...now I am thinking ok lets go for 160 once I hit that then well see. Yesterday my friend Scott reminded me once I have the skin removed that would take off another 15 pounds or so...wow that would put me at like 145 if I hit 160. I don't think, no I know, I have never been that small what size would that be for someone 5' 9"
I'm still trippin over a 12, is it possible I could hit singel digits? man it's too early in the morning to be this excited!! Let's go exercise!!
Hugs all!
consult 315
surgery 278
today 178

Mimi that is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You look so amazing!!! Do keep in mind what your friend said about the skin... we have a tendancy to want to lose more and more weight, just because we have been overweight for so long... so dropping that goal number seems good... but maybe not very healthy--- you do have to take into account your carrying about 10lbs of skin.... you don't want to get to skin and bones under that! Im sure at your next surgeon appt they can evaluate you and give you an estimnate of how much skin, and where you want to be!!!
You have done so great! Im so proud of you!
You are so right. I have an appointment coming up because I wanted to see my surgeon one last time before I move. I'll have to ask what he thinks I should do. Everyone keeps telling me I've lost enough, until they hear how much I still weigh. I forsure don't want to be one of those that have gone from one extreme to the other...I just want to look like an average normal person!

WOW, that is incredible!!. 100 pounds in 8 months is amazing. Since surgery Ihave lost 83. But I count the 25 since my consult with surgeon. You have a really low goal set for yourself dont you? Im 5' 10" and Im shooting for 175-180. YOU are at my goal, GIVE IT TO ME!! I feel like Im carrying around 20 pounds of SH*&$TT in me right now, thats why I posted my constipation problem!! I know we shouldnt compare but ALL the Marchers are hitting their 100 mark and Im still 17 away and havent loss in 4 weeks. Poor poor me (HA HA)
Great Job and keep up the hard work