Numbness in foot and leg???
Help...I've been having numbness in my foot and lower leg for about a week or two. Does this have to do with vitamin issues? Has anyone else experienced this? It's mostly in my right foot/leg but I seriously feel like I drag my feet more when I walk lately. What gives? I called and left a messgae with my surgeon and scheduled an appt. with my family dr. for Monday but Im worried.
Lap RNY 3/2/06

Hi Janelle,
I was experiencing this some a few months ago. My surgeon increased my B-12 injections from once a month to twice a month. It seems to have helped. I think it's still best that you check with your surgeon and get it checked out. Just wanted to let you know that it appears to have been a B-12 shortage for me.
Try not to worry too much. Have a good weekend!
I couldn't tell you I have extremely bad veins in my legs so I have always had this problem and if I do not get enough fluid I have this problem, but I also get seriouse swelling along with doesn't sound like we have the same issue. Glad you made an appointment. I hope it is not anything more then lack of vitmains. let us know.