
on 11/14/06 9:23 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
Ok I just gotta know if it is just me....I am so excited about my weight loss I am down 98 pounds since surgery, 135 since consult and yesterday I got into a size 11/12 woo hoo!!! however........I am absolutely disgusted by all this can litterally pick up handfulls on my stomach, what use to be my butt, my inner thighs, my arms....I no longer have boobs but rather skin that hangs to my stomach...the other day at the pool my son says, cool mom your skin is making waves...when I looked under the water sure enough the skin was going back and forth it is so disgusting...and this is probably TMI but when I look in the mirrior...I can see my rear from the front hanging down between my legs...and yes that is my rear I see or what's left of it. I don't know if any of you had this problem but when my arms were big I had kind of like acne on my that is gone yea, but I now have in grown hairs (I am guessing that is what it is) all over my legs and stomach. Looks like little pimples but when you open them they are hairs. So anyone else freakin over all the skin? Mimi still holding at 180 UGH
Amy I.
on 11/14/06 9:52 pm - KS
AMEN, SISTER! SKIN!!! My inner thighs, butt and lower stomach! And BOOBS, what boobs? If I wanted too I could tuck the girls into my jeans! ( thank the Father above for good bra's) I am with you all the way on the skin thing! And I am defenatly going for PS! Amy I Your holding at 180 and I am at 170 and wanted to be 150 by Dec. 20th .... NOT going to happen! Hang in there. I found a pleatu busting diet that worked for me.
on 11/15/06 2:57 am - Inland Empire, CA
ooooh! share, share, share the plateau buster that worked for you!
Amy I.
on 11/15/06 3:14 am - KS
This really does work! I have do it on a few occasions. I even did it for 5days and lost weight. I got it from the main boards. Like I said it really does work , after the 10th day I lost 5 pounds. Let me know. Amy I Plateau Buster #1 - Do this for 10 days to break a plateau #2 - Drink 2 quarts of water a day #3 - You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day (some suggest at least 60 and up to 80 gr) #4 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day. beef pork chicken turkey lamb fish eggs low fat cheese cottage cheese plain yogurt or artificially sweetened (?) peanut butter beans/legumes You may also have: sugar free popsicles tea or coffee (decaf only) sugar free jello broths/bullion (sp?) crystal light drinks #5 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!! #6 - Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 mins of exercise daily
on 11/15/06 3:26 am - Inland Empire, CA
Thanks Amy. The "no Coffee/caffeine" would kill me, but I'm going to keep this handy! Heck, I'm always on a stall, I only lose once or twice a month now! Thanks for the info. didn't mean to hijack your thread Mimi!
Shari B.
on 11/14/06 10:13 pm - Roseville, MI
Mimi, Add me to the hanging skin club!! I'm trying not to obsess over it as I know I am so much better off 116 pounds lighter with hanging skin than I was at 340 pounds. It is getting hard to deal with though. My arms actually make a flapping sound sometimes when I walk or when I'm working out. I'm starting to get a rash where the top half of my stomach folds down over my belly button, as well as the bottom half. You can't even see my private parts because the bottom half hangs down so far. I'm sure having a c-section didn't help that area either. When I started this journey I would say I didn't know if I would have any plastic surgery. Now I'm pretty confident a tummy tuck and arm tuck(don't know the correct name of the procedure) are in my future. Down the road possibly boobs and thighs too. Speaking of boobs, I'm with you ladies. Mine have completely lost their shape and also are hanging down close to my waste. Matter of fact when I sit in the floor with no bra on(just p.j.'s, t-shirt, etc.) they can almost hit the floor!! gross! OK, now I feel some better. You will break your plateau soon. I just went through a 3 week plateau where I was stuck at 226-227 and this a.m. I'm 223!! yipeeee! I was convinced I was done losing. My Dr. said that is just how our minds play with us and it's from all the years we have tried and failed. He said this will work and assures me it is working. I think we need all the assurance we can get. It's so great that we all have each other on this board. I visit my state board from time to time, but I'm not nearly as comfortable posting there as I am here. We all understand where each other is at. Hugs, Shari 340/223/170
Darlene X
on 11/14/06 10:49 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Don't freak out too much--- it takes 6 months when you stabilize at a weight for skin to tighten and retract... so do not go do something drastic just yet! There is a lady I know on the AZ board who woke up one day 4-6 months after she got to goal and said it was amazing, like she got her body back... her skin had retracted quite a bit from her original saggy skin state..... so give your body some time and let the skin work naturally on springing back..... Thats why a lot of Plastic Surgeons won't work on you until youve been at goal 6 months. Personally the skin isnt bothering me much right now, I am 25 after all so I think I will slowly have a lot of firming happen again... I want babies, so I ignore my cottage cheese belly.... my bat wings bother me a little, when Im wearing short sleeves, but I didnt have the hugest arms (My sister in law is far worse off than I am) and I know not to do any form of final evaluation on the skin until Im at goal for 6 months.... Onl;y thing I really would like to do at some point is my boobs.... but I figure there is no point in looking at anything until Im all done with having kids... Darlene
on 11/15/06 12:30 am - Columbia, MD
Hi Mimi. First of all, you are doing so great! Wow, an 11/12 is incredible! Secondly, you will start losing again, it is just so much slower now and I understand the frustration with that. I am with you on the skin. It's not terrible yet but I know it'll only get worse befoe it gets better. I can not believe how loose everything is. When I wear shorts or don't have a bra on and go up/down my stairs, everything slaps around and makes just awful noise. I hope to get a lateral thigh lift done and the boobs. The stomach I can wait on but I will want that too. Heck, the entire lower body lifted is what I need. I really don't like to look at myself without clothes on cuz it's just too sad. Hang in there! Hugs, Robin
(deactivated member)
on 11/15/06 6:02 am - PA
My main problems are my arms and thighs. My stomach is bad, but I can live with it believe it or not. I was waving at a friend of mine in a passing car and was absolutely horrified by the slapping noise my arms made. I can forget about it sometimes, but its times like that that always remind me... My inner thighs look like melted candle wax. AND I get blackheads there now. I'm a picker though, so the blackheads provide me a few moments of entertainment...I KNOW...GROSS! LOL! I guess my stomach doesn't bother me as much because before I couldn't see my belly button. It was lost in a fold. NOW, if I stand up straight, I can see my belly button! That makes me happy enough. Kathy
Darlene X
on 11/15/06 6:33 am - Maricopa, AZ
Ok EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Way more info about you than I ever needed to know hahahaha !!!
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