How Much Weight Have You Lost?
I must admit I noticed our simalarities a long time ago. There have been several
times when I have been jealous of your weight loss. I know we shouldn't compare, but there were times when it seemed you were just losing like gang busters and I was just dinking along. I also was frustated because I have been walking 5 miles a day and the weight just wasn't coming off fast enough to suit me and then you posted about not excercising at all and it ticked me off that I felt that I was really working at it and I just wasn't losing at the rate I wanted to. Everyone has always said that the guys lose faster then the women, but I haven't seen it in my personal expierence. People also talk about the weight "just falling off". I felt like I have worked for all I have lost.
Thanks forletting me vent. I know everyone is working hard for the results they
are getting, I just have been frustrated at times and didn't really post about it. I am greatful for this gift and what it has given me.
I am also greatful for the support and encouragement you have given the March board. This board wouldn't be nearly the same without you. I also appreciate the support and encouragment you have given to your husband thoughout his weigh loss efforts.
See what happens when I quit lurking and come out to talk, I just go on and on.
I'm proud to be among the "Marchers".
Life is good, Rick