Confession time!!
(deactivated member)
on 11/7/06 4:20 am - PA
on 11/7/06 4:20 am - PA
Darlene's previous post got me thinking.
What did you do before surgery - if anything - to hide your bad eating habits.
I was a binger (and purger) and mine are:
1. Go through fast food drive throughs and ask for separate orders, separate bags and separate tickets to hide the fact that everything I ordered was actually for me and noone else.
2. Throw leftover wrappers/ food containers directly into the outside trash bin so my family would not know that I had eaten.
3. Lie and tell my hubby that I threw away an entire cake because I was "sick of looking at it" when the truth was I had binged and eaten the entire thing.
and 4. Told my family that something "just didn't settle right" when the truth was, I had just eaten myself sick and throwing up was the only way I was going to feel better.
There. The shameful truth. Anyone else want to confess? I won't judge...
Shameful confessions huh...
I really didnt need to hide food from Hubby... cause well he was 520lbs... enough said... So I would gorge myself at home and didnt need to hide the wrappers...
Im guilty of order 2 drinks in the drive through to try hide the fact the food was all for me... 2 drinks equal 2 people eating right?
When Hubby had surgery, and I was still pre-op... when we went out, I would take his fork, and plate and make a mess so it looked like he had eaten... and I hadn't just eaten my whole meal, plus dessert.... I was embaressed and wanted it to look like we had shared...
I would make a huge casserole pan of enchiladas or lasagne etc and I can't believe together for dinner we would eat almost the whole pan.....
Your topic has me thinking, and honestly I am completely disgusted with myself and my old habits.... I have no valid excuse for been overweight, I was a complete glutton.
I don't ever want to be that way again... I am so scared of regain and old habits returning!
I never had to hide any food at home . But as Darlene mentioned I would do the buy an extra beverage thing also whenever I ordered two hamburgers so it looked like it was for two people. Oh, here's one I could eat almost a whole bag of Buster Bars from the DQ. If I didnt finish all 6 before the day was over I'd have the last one or two the next day. Gosh do I miss Buster Bars. LOL They are good.
I would go to two different fast food resturants to order. I would take the back way home sometimes --there was a wendy's and a mcdonalds on the way. depending on my mood I would stop at one of them. eat on the way home then stop at the steak and shake or some other fast food resturant and eat again about 1 hour later or when i got home
It's so embarrassing when I recall these kind of behaviors. There are so many! Here are a few:
1. Sneaking food to my room as a child so that I could eat while reading and my parents would not know what I was eating and how much.
2. Sneaking food to my room as an adult so that I could eat while reading and my husband would not know what I was eating and how much.
3. Yup, I used all of the drive-thru tricks too!
4. Eating an entire meal BEFORE going out to dinner with friends so that I wouldn't eat so much in front of them.
5. Calling in sick to work and heading to the grocery store to stock up on all of my favorites. Then I would sit in my dark house all day long and watch TV and eat!
6. Closing my office door at work so that no one would know how much I was eating and the kinds of things I was eating.
I sometimes struggle with wanting to use these behaviors again. I try to remind myself that I don't do this kind of stuff anymore. I eat reasonable amounts of food and eat types of food that don't require hiding.
Great post Kathy!
Hugs, Stephanie